Muscle Chemistry Archive

Cydney Gillon Demonstrates How Beginners Should Train Glutes
The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the body, so its development is critical for creating a powerful, aesthetic physique. Seven-time Figure Olympia champion Cydney Gillon reveals her secrets for sculpting glutes in a video on her YouTube channel. Gillon’s routine features bodyweight and resistance band exercise alternatives, a great option for those without access a gym. Gillon’s Glute Building Workout Below are the lower body movements Cydney…
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Hafthor Björnsson Shares His 2024 Competition Schedule
The 2018 World’s Strongest Man (WSM) champion Hafthor Björnsson returned to the pro strongman circuit at the 2024 Arnold Strongman Classic (ASC) Ohio, placing fourth after a four-year hiatus. Two weeks later, he finished second behind Mitchell Hooper at the 2024 ASC UK. On April 12, 2024, Björnsson published a video on his YouTube channel unveiling his competitive…
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The 5 Best Running Workouts to Level Up Your Conditioning
Running and strength training are different beasts, to be sure. For one thing, running is about variety. Yes, there’s some variety in lifting weights, too. But for the most part, your resistance training sessions will look more or less the same from day to day. Contrary to its reputation as the “boring” one, running workouts…really change it up…
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The 15 Best Bodyweight Exercises, + Workouts and Tips From a CPT
Don’t worry, we get it — you love lifting weights, and the idea of parting with your favorite barbell or dumbbell exercises might make your skin crawl. But a good bodyweight workout can come in handy in more ways than you might think. BarBend may be all about clanging and banging some heavy weights, but our editorial staff…
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The Best CrossFit Equipment For Home Gyms (2024)
There is no shortage of CrossFit-style WODs you can do without any equipment. To mention a few miserable metcons: 400 meters of walking lunges, a 5K run, and death by burpees. But purchase a piece of CrossFit equipment or two (or 10! We won’t judge) and your options truly become endless. Plus, you’ll need access to some bumper…
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