Tag: Essential Nutrients

Carbs: Your Best Friends Or Worst Enemies As A Bodybuilder?

Carbs: Your Best Friends Or Worst Enemies As A Bodybuilder?

You need them, you love them, but you need to use carbs right.
Bodybuilders and most other competitive athletes are always trying to get to the next level. Whether that be increased muscle mass, boosting athletic performance, or seeking a toned physique, faster gains are the common denominator. While pumping yourself full of protein is universally touted as the best way to get this done, another macronutrient is equally as important when used right.
Carbs can make or break your quest for fat burning and muscle growth depending on how you use them. That love-hate relationship that comes with carbs is always the battle when deciding on the best route for your diet.

The issues many people face is the amount of carbs and the type of good carbs to incorporate in their diet mixed with any great source of protein. Carbs are the body’s primary source of fuel and spare protein from being used up for energy (1).

As the most efficient energy source for intense workouts, carbs are a necessity for those looking to get to the next level. Simply put, protein needs carbs to work as efficiently as possible. But too many carbs, or too many of the wrong carbs, can really hurt your chances to get that fit, athletic physique we all strive for.

Since every day for us differs, it is important to understand how many carbs you need on a given day. Depending on the intensity of your workout or the physical stress of your daily life, carbs play an important role in providing you with energy needed to work at maximum capacity. To little, and you will feel sluggish and drained.
Carb cycling is a great way to stay on track and is used by athletes looking to change their body composition or overall performance. It is not for everyone so knowing your body and how it reacts to changes in your diet is key, but carb cycling allows your body to adapt to metabolic changes and helps manage fat more effectively.
For bodybuilders looking to bulk up and lean out, carbs are a necessity. Using them to your advantage is key for working hard in the gym and living a healthy life. Knowing when to trust them as your best friend or loathe them as your worst enemy is vital for growth and understanding just how to properly use carbs to your advantage.

What Are Carbs?
Carbs, along with protein and fats, are one of the three main macronutrients that your body uses for energy and are the main source of energy. Macronutrients are important because they allow for your body to properly function and must be obtained through your diet. Carbs specifically provide fuel for your central nervous system and offer working energy for your muscles, as well as saving protein from being used as energy and assisting fat metabolism. Vital for cognitive function, they help your brain with memory, mood, and a host of other things (2).

Simple carbs are found mainly in candy, soda, and the other sweet treats we all love. They are basically empty calories and don’t provide much help for your growth. Complex carbs are what you find in starchy food and are absorbed much slower and provide for sustained energy, making complex carbs the go to choice for your overall health and performance.
Pros: Your Best Friend
We all love to train hard and watch our bodybuilding transformation unfold. Intense training is key for quick gains and carbs provide for that much needed fuel to keep us going strong and for longer. Protein builds muscle and having enough carbs in your diet is huge for the preservation of that muscle so it doesn’t break down and get used for fuel instead (3).
Keep that muscle mass by saving your protein from being stolen away from your muscles. Since your body prefers carbs for fuel, give it what it wants and help light the metabolic fuse to keep your body burning fat and not muscle. Studies have been conducted around the idea that carbs help with the production of serotonin in the brain keeping you mentally healthy and away from anger and depression, thus improving cognitive health (4).

Cons: Your Worst Enemy
Eating the wrong types of carbs, or too any carbs, can actually prove to be a detriment in the long run. Carbs stimulate insulin secretion and while this may not be a bad thing for some people, for those struggling with metabolic competence, insulin levels may be elevated making it difficult for weight loss to occur (5).
Processed carbs will really be your enemy as they could contain fillers and chemicals that will make you gain weight as well as lead to potential problems in the future. Containing “anti-nutrients”, like phytic acid, it could lead to poor absorption of certain vitamins and minerals you need only hurting your progress (6). Carbs are easy to abuse, and while the benefits are more than important for your overall performance, knowing how to handle them in moderation is key for getting you to where you need to be.
Wrap Up
We all need carbs. Yet, they can come around and turn on us if we don’t manage them properly. Choosing slow-digesting carbs for most meals will help keep your insulin levels in check and will keep you full longer with less fatigue, leading to weight loss. Obtaining fast carbs, like a whey protein concentrate supplement, can help you recover faster during your post-workout regimen.
If you plan on cardio, skip the carbs and go for whey protein or amino acids to really kick start fat loss and consider carb cycling as an alternative method if fat loss is something you are considering. Carbs are delicious and great for you when used right, so have confidence in your discipline and use this macronutrient to your advantage as your best friend.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Envato


Jequier, E. (1994). “Carbohydrates as a source of energy”. (source)
Hawkins, Misty A. W.; Keirns, Natalie G.; Helms, Zachary (2018). “Carbohydrates and cognitive function”. (source)
Pasiakos, Stefan M.; McLellan, Tom M.; Lieberman, Harris R. (2015). “The effects of protein supplements on muscle mass, strength, and aerobic and anaerobic power in healthy adults: a systematic review”. (source)
Brinkworth, Grant D.; Buckley, Jonathan D.; Noakes, Manny, et al. (2009). “Long-term Effects of a Very Low-Carbohydrate Diet and a Low-Fat Diet on Mood and Cognitive Function”. (source)
Ludwig, David S.; Ebbeling, Cara B. (2018). “The Carbohydrate-Insulin Model of Obesity”. (source)
Hurrell, R. F.; Juillerat, M. A.; Reddy, M. B.; Lynch, S. R.; Dassenko, S. A.; Cook, J. D. (1992). “Soy protein, phytate, and iron absorption in humans”. (source)

5 Essential Fats You Need For Your Bodybuilding Diet

5 Essential Fats You Need For Your Bodybuilding Diet

Eat fat, build muscle.
To the uninitiated, the very mention of fat makes them think of burgers smothered in cheese, greasy French fries, and oil slicked pizza, but those aren’t the essential fats we’re talking fats. To the bodybuilder, the word fat can just as easily translate to foods included in their diet that can bring about great results if utilized correctly.
Fats can be your best friend if you choose the right ones. As we’ve mentioned before, there is a world of difference between the common way we use the word “fat” and dietary fats. With a stigma around fats for what they are and how they’re used, essential fats can provide energy and work for a host of benefits to aid in all things bodybuilding as you look to continue to work hard and shred.

You want to make sure that fats are not neglected in your diet for they help round out those macronutrients we all need. With the right balance of fats, protein, and carbs, you are well on your way to see those gains you want most. It just takes the right attention and proper care to best get those essential fats in your diet.
Let’s take a look at fat and see why essential fats, are, well, essential. We’ll talk the benefits of fats and which fats should absolutely be in your diet for what they can do for all areas of your gains.

Benefits Of Fats In Your Diet
The benefits of fat are undeniable and will make you reconsider if you don’t get enough in your body. Benefits of fats include:

Better energy: Fat can be converted into energy to give you that boost for your workout and everyday life to keep you moving more efficiently.
Enhance brain function: Fats increase the production and release of neurotransmitters to better support your brain function (1).
Increase nutrient absorption: An essential part of absorption, fats can ensure you get all those nutrients into your body to be used effectively (2).
Regulates body temperature and appetite: Fats can keep you full for longer and allow your body to find the right temperature to thrive at.
Protects organs and creates cells: Can provide a physical cushion for protection of our organs and has properties to create cells we need.

5 Essential Fats For Your Bodybuilding Diet
Let’s take a look at 5 essential fats for your bodybuilding diet that will absolutely help you with everything you need. By putting these into routine, you will better prepare yourself to handle all of those nutrient goals you seek.

Fish Oil
Filled with essential omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil is a great fat that any athlete should have in their dietary plan. Fish oil supplements can help prevent muscle breakdown, are great for joint health, and does wonders for brain functionality. It’s an anti-inflammatory gem and a fat you should absolutely consider (3). Check out our list of the Best Omega-3 Supplements for some awesome products that will seriously work wonders for you.
This natural fat sourced food is great for a bodybuilder for a variety of reasons. If you wish to clean bulk, this food provides a high calorie count while at the same time offering monounsaturated fats that can prevent fat redistribution to the midsection (4). You can bulk up while at the same time keeping your abs ripped and shredded. Perfect to add to toast, eggs, or alongside a lean meat, this is a versatile and convenient fat food that is nothing but great for you.
Related: Your Guide To Healthy Fats & What To Avoid For Gains
The king of fish, Salmon is a great food for bodybuilders. The fish is filled with a variety of beneficial nutrients. It contains omega-3 fatty acids and also provides a great amount of protein. The omega-3 fatty acids prevent muscle protein breakdown while at the same time providing the protein needed to build muscle. Conducive to most diets, salmon is that go to fish for bodybuilders because it is easy to cook and tasty to eat. It goes well with a variety of other foods and is most certainly one of those to not take for granted.
Nuts are a great fat to have in your diet plan. They help to maintain your blood sugar levels, which in turn transforms into energy and alertness. Walnuts in particular contain omega-3 fatty acids (can you see the trend yet), but others nuts like almonds, cashews, and peanuts, among many others, are just as great of options (5). Along the lines of nuts are those nut butters which are nice sources of fat as well and give you an alternative to the traditional peanut butter. Nuts make for a great snacks through the day that can boost your energy levels. Moderation is key but they are versatile and convenient as well to get those fats into your body.
Olive Oil
Another oil that’s beneficial is olive oil, especially of the extra virgin variety. Olive oil is loaded with monounsaturated fats which is great for heart health and offers a healthy oil option (6). Not only that, but it also helps prevent muscle breakdown as well. Perfect for cooking or adding with something like balsamic for that salad dressing, olive oil is a great ingredient to have for a variety of things in your diet.
Wrap Up
We cannot take essential fats for granted in our bodies and by putting an emphasis on them, we can better tackle all of those important bodybuilding and dietary goals we need to most. With the right approach to nutrition, making sure we balance out our macronutrients is incredibly important. With the right essential fats in your diet, you will be well on your way to seeing only the best gains possible.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Envato


Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine (2021). “Fat cells found to play a central role in cognitive decline and neurodegeneration”. (source)
Goodman, B. (2010). “Insights into digestion and absorption of major nutrients in humans”. (source)
Calder, P. (2017). “Omega-3 fatty acids and inflammatory processes: from molecules to man”. (source)
Duarte, P.; et al. (2016). “Avocado: Characteristics, health benefits and uses”. (source)
Ros, E. (2010). “Health Benefits of Nut Consumption”. (source)
Guasch-Ferre, M.; et al. (2014). “Olive oil intake and risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality in the PREDIMED Study”. (source)

Fish Oil, Bodybuilding Goals & The Benefit Of It For Your Diet

Fish Oil, Bodybuilding Goals & The Benefit Of It For Your Diet

Fish oil is one supplement that can boost performance in and out of the gym.
The supplement market is saturated with so many options to help boost athletic performance and bodybuilding training, but fish oil is one of those popular supplements to aid in your overall health that must be in your dietary regiment. As a great source of omega 3s, fish oil and the health benefits it possesses should be placed into your diet to help you really see gains with fish and other omega 3 oils and supplements.
Of course, as a bodybuilder, it is important to maintain a careful diet and strict exercise to see those big gains come to life for your bodybuilding goals, but supplements like fish oil are simple ways to provide energy and nutrients to optimize your health and wellness and shouldn’t be overlooked. Fish oil is one that will prove to be effective for your weightlifting and rehab needs without feeling forced to search for the right nutrients.

Having a one stop shop for your health and wellness needs is a great way to help ensure immune health and other bodily functions are covered well with fish oil no matter what your needs may be with fish oil supplements, bodybuilding goals, and performance.

Praised for its overall benefits when it comes to heart and brain health, fish oil supplements are also that nice boost for energy ultimately leading to muscle growth and fat loss. With so much going into your body for that pre-workout boost, and so much depletion during that grueling and strenuous training session, fish oil will aid in rehab and ensure you retain those vital nutrients for your benefit.
Recovery is vital for muscle growth and that desired bodybuilding physique we strive for is just around the corner with a great fish oil supplement. Don’t let poor recuperation hurt those bodybuilding goals in your quest to be as shredded as possible and help maintain muscle protein, either for competition or that confidence boost to make you look and feel great so people can be comfortable with their weight and what they eat.

What is Fish Oil?
Fish oil is a fatty acid derived from the tissues of oily fish, such as trout, salmon, and sardines. What has given fish oil so much attention is the fact it contains omega-3 fatty acids, something your body cannot produce on its own. There are three important types of omega-3s: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).
ALA is most commonly found in plants, while DHA and EPA are in most animal foods. For people who eat a lot of fish or other foods high with omega-3s, taking a fish oil supplement is not necessary, but considering smaller doses are also beneficial to help ensure you keep feeding your body with those vital omega 3 nutrients per day.

Benefits Of Fish Oil
Increased Recovery Time
Fish oil supplements can aid in recovery and speed up the rehab process, allowing for more efficient growth and muscle building. Known to possess anti-inflammatory properties, it can be extremely beneficial when working out, or even pre-workout, to get your mind and body right for an effective bodybuilding lift. Its ability to reduce muscle soreness (1) is also something very effective when it comes to your body repairing those tiny muscle tears that occur during your sessions.
Faster recuperation means more gains and the ability to recharge before each and every session, with the help of protein. This will help ensure that the next days training will be just as good, if not better, than the previous days training session to keep the gains train rolling and to help you with muscle building and shedding body fat with healthy fish oil capsules.

Burning Excess Fat
Although a fatty supplement, fish oil can actually increase your metabolic rate allowing you to burn more calories and work more efficiently to burn fat to see that bodybuilding aesthetic. By not taking in the proper nutrients, it can be easy to burn lean muscle instead of fat, which is quite the opposite of what you want to do. With a solid training routine, this can be very effective with fat loss (2).
With fish oil in your dietary regiment, you can keep your body replenished with what it needs while not compromising your goal of increasing lean muscle and losing fat. That desired, shredded physique is right around the corner for you to enjoy all the benefits of a great body, as well as watching you achieve those bodybuilding goals and help increase muscle protein while losing body fat each and every day for that daily dose of exercise. Just what people want and need to reduce their weight and lead healthier lives.

Promotes Heart Health
Maintaining a healthy heart goes without saying for anyone, bodybuilding athlete or not. But for those who constantly work out and keep the body pushed to the max, keeping your heart in top shape is often taken for granted. Fish oil is great for preventing plaque build-up in the heart and can lower blood pressure, which can improve blood circulation and keep you pumping efficiently. While also assisting in cholesterol control, fish oil can help lower your risk of a heart attack (3).

Supports Mental Health
The stress of eating well and working out all while trying to be healthy in your everyday life can be exhausting, especially for those bodybuilding goals. With a regular dose of fish oil, you can improve your mood to be happier and more engaged inside and out of the gym. What fish oil does is it supports the level of serotonin in your body, which keeps you feeling good.
Often times, high-carb foods can provide someone with serotonin which is why they are often craved. But with fish oil, you can manage your stress, anxiety, and depression (4), while getting enough serotonin to keep you feeling good which is what bodybuilders want.

Is It Effective?
Taking a healthy dose of fish oil is great for the wide array of health benefits involved. The ability to increase performance is something any athlete strives for and fish oil allows for a no-stress, healthy way to get there. It’s anti-inflammatory properties are perfect for those looking to recover fast and not feel bogged down by pain in the gym. Muscle soreness can be unfortunate and really hurt your ability to push harder through any workout ultimately leading to a not as effective workout overall and this is where fish oil can help preserve that muscle protein that many people struggle to keep with a diet or exercise program for bodybuilders.

Trial and error is the best way for anyone to experiment with a fish oil supplement to see what works and what doesn’t, but the benefits of fish oil have long been debated and the jury is out that it can be very beneficial for your overall health and bodybuilding goals. If you already consume fatty fish or other foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids, look into smaller doses to keep those nutrients flowing through your body.
Although the trial and error process can be tedious, just know it is a long game to get you to where you want to be and that those gains unfortunately don’t happen over night. Keep at it and really enjoy the process of getting to where you want your bodybuilding training and performance goals to be through a diet or exercise program and by taking any dietary supplement.

Some foods that are high in omega-3 are:

Kidney beans



Nuts & Seeds


Other sources

Egg yolks

Wrap Up
For a long time, studies and research have shown that fish oil can be quite beneficial for you. Whether it be for athletic performance or everyday living, fish oil provides those much-needed nutrients that are hard to find. Since your body cannot produce omega-3 fatty acids, it is imperative you get them from either a supplement or food incorporated into your diet by taking any dietary supplement.
The benefits are immense from boosting athletic performance, to promoting heart health, to improving mood, all of which play a role in having an efficient and effective workout to lose fat and build muscle. For bodybuilders who deplete their bodies of much needed nutrients to accomplish the goal of big gains and that toned physique, it is vital to use a supplement to re-charge the system. Fish oil is a great way to do so and is the perfect supplement to add into your daily routine.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Envato

Jouris, Kelly B.; McDaniel, Jennifer L.; Weiss, Edward P. (2011). “The effect of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation on the Inflammatory Response to eccentric strength exercise”. (source)
Du, Shichun; Jin, Jie; Fang, Wenjun; Su, Qing (2015). “Does Fish Oil Have an Anti-Obesity Effect in Overweight/Obese Adults? A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials”. (source)
Roeder, Amy (2019). “Omega-3 fish oil rises to top in analysis of studies”. (source)
Su, Kuan-Pin; Matsuoka, Yutaka; Pae, Chi-Un (2015). “Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Prevention of Mood and Anxiety Disorders”. (source)

Sixteen High-Fiber Foods To Add To Your Diet

Sixteen High-Fiber Foods To Add To Your Diet

The Many Benefits Of A High-Fiber Diet
Fiber is a non-digestible carbohydrate that is found in beans, legumes, vegetables, fruits, and grains.
Consuming enough fiber each day is imperative for maintaining good health and function. Unfortunately, however, many individuals fail to consume enough.

This article will provide detail on sixteen excellent high-fiber foods that you should look to incorporate into your diet to boost your fiber intake.
The Health Benefits Of Fiber
Before moving on to the high-fiber foods, let’s first consider some of the health benefits associated with increased fiber intake.
1) Enhanced Digestive Health

Fiber plays an important role in regulating digestion and causing regular bowel movements. Failing to consume enough fiber may lead to constipation or diarrhea.Furthermore, consuming ample fiber every day may also enhance gut health as the consumption of specific fibers can promote the growth of good bacteria (1)
2) Decreases Cholesterol Levels
Cholesterol is a waxy-like substance that the body requires for maintaining the structure of cells and transport, amongst other things.Having a high level of a type of cholesterol, known as low-density lipoproteins (LDL), can increase your risk of developing heart disease. However, consuming adequate fiber has been found to reduce LDL levels (2). 
3) Better Blood Sugar Regulation
Research on high fiber consumption has indicated that it may also help to regulate blood sugar levels and prevent them from spiking (3).Based on these findings, it has been suggested that consuming plenty of fiber may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

4) Body Weight Management
For those who aspire to lose weight, eating a lot of fiber is recommended. This is partly due to the fact that fiber can suppress appetite and leave you feeling fuller for longer.It is thought that fiber draws in water in the intestine which consequently slows the absorption rate of nutrients thus increasing feelings of fullness (4). 
5) Reduced Disease Risk
A combination of the above health benefits combine to reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular, infectious, and respiratory-related diseases. (5).
Sixteen High-Fiber Foods
This section will recommend sixteen foods that you should consider adding to your diet due to the fact that they contain a large amount of fiber.
High Fiber Beans and Legumes
1) Split Peas
With 16.3 grams of fiber per cup, increasing the amount of split peas you eat can have a positive impact on your total fiber intake.
Split peas are a highly versatile food which can commonly be found in dishes such as dhals and soups.There are two main varieties of split peas – green and yellow. Green split peas tend to be sweeter and less starchy than the yellow variety.
2) Lentils
A cup of lentils contains 15.6 grams of fiber. In addition to being high in fiber, lentils also contain a great amount of protein which plays an essential role in growth and repair.
Like split peas, lentils can be used in a variety of ways and are common ingredients in salads and soups.
There are different lentils types including brown, green, yellow, red, Puy, and Beluga. Be aware that the fiber content varies slightly between each type.

3) Black Beans
As well as being high in essential micronutrients such as manganate, folate, and thiamine, a cup of black beans contains 15 grams of fiber.
These nutrients can have an array of positive effects on bone, muscle, and heart health while also significantly reducing the risk of developing disease.
In summer, a black bean salad goes brilliantly with basically all foods that are cooked on the grill while in winter, considering adding them to vegetarian chili.
4) Lima Beans
While lima beans may not be the most popular choice for some, they do contain a great amount of fiber and can be used in many different ways in the kitchen.
Lima beans, sometimes referred to as “butter beans”, contain 13.2 grams of fiber per cup. Adding them to a range of meals can quickly and easily bump up your total fiber intake.
As well as being one of the main ingredients in succotash, lima beans can be added to soups, stews, and hummus, and salads.
High Fiber Vegetables
5) Artichokes
This strange-looking vegetable is loaded with key nutrients and antioxidants and also contains 10.3 grams of fiber per cup.
As well as potentially improving digestive health, artichokes have been associated with positively impacting cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
Artichokes are great boiled, braised, stuffed, and baked. They also go well with a variety of other foods including dairy products, chicken, seafood, and eggs.

6) Peas
Peas are particularly high in vitamins A and C which play important roles in the repair and maintenance of body tissues. In addition, per cup, peas provide 8.8 grams of fiber.
The simplest way to cook peas is to simmer them in slightly salted water for approximately five minutes. Pureeing peas is another commonly used method in cooking.One of the most well-known ingredients to pair with peas is fresh mint. However, peas also go extremely well with onion and ham too. 
7) Broccoli
Along with lima beans, broccoli is another controversial food that some seem to love while others despise.
Similarly to peas, broccoli provides an abundance of vitamins A and C and also contains 5.1 grams of fiber per cup.
Often when cooking broccoli, only the florets are used and the stems discarded. However, the stems are edible and can actually be used in a variety of different snacks and meals.

8) Brussel Sprouts
With 4.1 grams of fiber per cup, Brussel sprouts are another vegetable that you should consider consuming more often.
Brussel sprouts are particularly high in vitamin K which plays a crucial role in bone health and blood clotting.
Sprouts are cruciferous vegetables that are typically cleaned, cut, and cooked to accompany a main course. They can go with a range of different foods such as chicken, pork, duck, tofu, and mustard.
High Fiber Fruits
9) Raspberries
As well as being low in calories, raspberries contain many vital nutrients and antioxidants that are critical for good health. They also provide 8 grams of fiber per cup.
It is very straightforward to add raspberries to your diet as they can easily be added to your favorite breakfast, lunch, and dinner dishes.
Considering the sweet taste that raspberries have, they are mainstays of many deserts. Adding a cup of raspberries to your deserts is a quick and easy way to get a fiber boost.

10) Blackberries
Blackberries are an absolute staple of summer. As well as tasting great, they can bring a number of health benefits which can partly be associated with the high fiber content.
There are 7.6 grams of fiber found in a cup of blackberries. In addition, this fruit is packed with vitamin C, vitamin K, and manganese. 
Although commonly used in desserts, fruits such as blackberries are becoming more popular in savory foods such as salads, sauces, and even sandwiches!
11) Avocados
While you may not consider avocado to be a fruit, it technically is a single-seeded fruit. The avocado is held in high regard by health-enthusiasts and for good reason!
As well as having a variety of culinary uses, the avocado contains 6.7 grams of fiber per cup. Furthermore, it contains healthy fats that can protect against heart-related diseases.
Avocados can be used in a number of different ways and are commonly eaten with eggs, toast, pasta, and more. They can also easily be added to salads, soups, and smoothies.
12) Pears
At 4.6 grams per cup, pears are another excellent source of fiber. However, be aware there are many pear varieties and, therefore, the fiber content may differ.
In terms of health, as well as providing fiber, pears also contain folate, niacin, and vitamin A. These substances play an important role in energy synthesis and cellular function.
Pears go well with a number of dairy products such as mascarpone and creme fraise. However, they can also be paired with savory foods such as pork and nuts.
High Fiber Grains
13) Bran Flakes
Bran flakes a great source of fiber with one serving of bran flakes providing approximately 7 grams of fiber. 
Additionally, bran flakes are also highly nutritious and are rich in plant compounds and key minerals such as niacin, iron, vitamin B6, riboflavin, thiamin, and folic acid.
While a bowl of bran flakes in the morning is a great way to start the day, adding them to smoothies, yogurts, and desserts can help to increase your fiber intake.

14) Wholewheat Pasta
Although perhaps less popular than white pasta, wholewheat pasta has many additional health benefits.
While white pasta contains approximately 2.5 grams of fiber per cup, wholewheat pasta contains more than double at 6.3 grams per cup!Pasta is one of the most versatile foods around. Consider cooking a wholewheat pasta-based meal that combines a number of the aforementioned high-fiber foods. 
15) Pearled Barley
Barley is a grain that comes in a number of different forms – pearled, hulled, barley flakes, and barley grit.  This grain is widely consumed and is commonly found in slices of bread and cereals. 
As well as containing 6 grams of fiber per cup, pearled barley also nourishes the body with key micronutrients such as manganese, thiamine, riboflavin, and selenium.
When it comes to cuisine, barley is commonly associated with soups, such as Scotch broth. However, barley can be used in many different dishes including risotto, salads, and stews.

16) Oatmeal
When it comes to a nutritious and delicious breakfast, you need to look no further than oatmeal. Not only is it quick and easy to make, it can be combined with a variety of other high-fiber foods.While oatmeal contains a modest 4 grams of fiber per cup, adding other high-fiber products such as fruits and nuts can significantly increase the fiber content.
Oatmeal can also be added to baked goods such as muffins, granola bars, and cookies to boost fiber intake further.
Four Simple Ways To Add Fiber To Your Meals
There are a number of ways that will allow you to quickly and effectively boost your fiber intake. This section will highlight four simple methods that can have a positive impact on the fiber content of meals.
Although not mentioned in the previous section, seeds are an excellent and versatile source of fiber. To put this in perspective, just two tablespoons of flaxseeds contains 3.8 grams of fiber.
Therefore, adding flaxseeds to your oatmeal, baked goods, and yogurts is a simple way of boosting your total fiber intake. Additionally, consider breading fish or chicken using flaxseeds.

Chia Seeds
Leading on from the previous point, chia seeds contain an even greater amount of fiber than flaxseeds at 5.5 grams per tablespoon!When combined with water, these seeds create a paste that makes a great addition to many smoothies and desserts.
Carrots and Spinach
Although carrots and spinach don’t contain the same amount of fiber as the vegetables mentioned above, they can easily be grated down and added to a variety of meals to boost fiber content.
Food Processors
Food processors allow you to puree a number of these foods together to substantially increase fiber content. Consider pureeing a variety of cooked vegetables before adding them to sauces and stews.
Final Word
It is clear that consuming enough fiber per day is of great importance and something that should be prioritized. By incorporating a number of the foods outlined in this article, you can substantially increase your fiber intake and consequently experience these health benefits.
1 – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22555633/ Parnell, Jill A.; Reimer, Raylene A. (2012-01). “Prebiotic fiber modulation of the gut microbiota improves risk factors for obesity and the metabolic syndrome”. Gut Microbes. 3 (1): 29–34. doi:10.4161/gmic.19246. ISSN 1949-0984. PMC 3827018. PMID 22555633.
2 – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9925120/ Brown, L.; Rosner, B.; Willett, W. W.; Sacks, F. M. (1999-01). “Cholesterol-lowering effects of dietary fiber: a meta-analysis”. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 69 (1): 30–42. doi:10.1093/ajcn/69.1.30. ISSN 0002-9165. PMID 9925120.
3 – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18287346/ Weickert, Martin O.; Pfeiffer, Andreas F. H. (2008-03). “Metabolic effects of dietary fiber consumption and prevention of diabetes”. The Journal of Nutrition. 138 (3): 439–442. doi:10.1093/jn/138.3.439. ISSN 1541-6100. PMID 18287346.
4 – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10721886/ Burton-Freeman, B. (02 2000). “Dietary fiber and energy regulation”. The Journal of Nutrition. 130 (2S Suppl): 272S–275S. doi:10.1093/jn/130.2.272S. ISSN 0022-3166. PMID 10721886.
5 – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5731843/ McRae, Marc P. (2017-12). “Dietary Fiber Is Beneficial for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: An Umbrella Review of Meta-analyses”. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine. 16 (4): 289–299. doi:10.1016/j.jcm.2017.05.005. ISSN 1556-3707. PMC 5731843. PMID 29276461.

Macronutrients Vs. Micronutrients: What They Are & How They Differ?

Macronutrients Vs. Micronutrients: What They Are & How They Differ?

We’ve all heard these words, but what exactly do they mean and why do they matter?
When we research various bodybuilding diets and ways to optimize nutrition, the words macronutrients and micronutrients always appear. We know what nutrients are. We get them through food and other things we consume and they work to power our lives, giving our bodies the proper fuel it needs to thrive inside and out of the gym. But knowing what these words mean is incredibly important and should not be overlooked, especially for those of us taking health and performance as seriously as possible.

Let’s take a look at the differences between macronutrients and micronutrients so we fully understand how to optimize our health, read those beyond confusing nutrition labels, and understand just what we need to thrive inside and out of the gym. Knowing what to do and what things mean can greatly influence our ability to enhance our health and performance for the absolute best.

What Are we Talking About?

For both macronutrients and micronutrients, it is important we first define what a nutrient is. A nutrient is a compound that cannot be produced by the body yet is essential for daily functioning (1). Since the body cannot produce nutrients, we must carefully select what we consume so we only get the best fuel to power our body. With many nutrients essential for sustaining life, grouping them into macro and micronutrients can help us easily identify and explain.
What Are Macronutrients?
Macronutrients are those that our bodies need in larger quantities and provide support for energy, our metabolism, muscle growth, and overall development as we continue to progress with our fitness goals (2). The three macronutrients that we all know and love are protein, carbs, and fat. As the body’s primary source of energy, these are needed in larger quantities and make up the majority of the calories we consume on a daily basis.

Protein: Since protein is the building block of all muscle, this plays a vital role in both muscle growth as well as recovery (3). For those looking to lose weight, it can also improve satiety for less snacking and better appetite control.
Carbs: A main source of energy, carbs are important for fueling your body and your mind so you thrive inside and out of the gym with everything you do (4).
Fats: Fats are important for brain development and hormone production (5). They can also keep you full so you don’t have to deal with snacking or unwanted calories.

What Are Micronutrients?
As the name would suggest, micronutrients are those that are required in smaller quantities and responsible for supporting your body with things like repairing damaged cells, fighting diseases, among others (6). These are vitamins and minerals, those powerful nutrients packed into a multivitamin supplement to help cover all your daily doses that are important to your overall health. Examples being calcium, iron, vitamin C, B vitamins, and a host of others are all essential for keeping our bodies operating at a high level. Mainly found in the foods we eat, sometimes it is important for those who may be deficient to supplement in order to not suffer any unwanted side effects or illnesses as a result.

Searching For The Best Quality Nutrients
When it comes to finding the best nutrients, always looking to high quality foods is a sure fire way to ensure you maximize the benefits. Whole foods are a great way to go as they are nutrient dense and it is always important to make sure you supplement if need be so you never suffer a deficiency.

Featured Supplements For Valuable Nutrients
When it comes to supplementation, we felt we should share two supplements with you, one to benefit your macronutrient intake and one to assist with your micronutrients. A protein powder and a multivitamin are two important supplements that we should never take for granted.
Performance Lab SPORT Protein

Performance Lab SPORT Protein is an impressive brown rice protein source that is cleaner than most other protein powders. Great for muscle growth, recovery, and weight loss, this is absolutely a top protein supplement.

Performance Lab SPORT Protein is much cleaner than other protein powders out there. Naturally flavored with organic cocoa, vanilla bean and ceylon cinnamon – this is the best tasting protein powder many customers have tried. Being a brown-rice protein powder, anyone can use it for lean muscle growth and weight loss for this powder contains great ingredients. Regardless of whether you’re dairy intolerant, vegan, allergic to soy or gluten, Performance Lab Protein contains no allergens at all. Supplying 20g protein and only 100 calories per serving, Performance Lab Protein can be easily included in your diet at all times, whether you’re cutting or bulking and is a great protein powder for men.
Check out our individual review for Performance Lab SPORT Protein here. Also, see where this protein powder falls our list of the Best Protein Powders!

Transparent Labs WellnessSeries Multivitamin

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Transparent Labs WellnessSeries Multivitamin is an ultra-potent supplement for those looking to optimize their health. With 22 active ingredients, this will pump you with vital nutrients with easy absorption.

Transparent Labs WellnessSeries Multivitamin is an ultra-potent supplement to give you all of those vital nutrients that active females need to enhance female focus and female energy, as well as female wellness. The advanced formula works to ensure your body can properly absorb and utilize all of the essentials packed into this multivitamin. From a company who prides themselves on transparency and honest labels, you will know exactly what you are getting and how much with this great product. Its iron-free formula ensures it will be gentle on your stomach and makes it a top choice on the market.
Use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off! Also, check out our individual review here and our list of the Best Multivitamins For Men & Best Multivitamins For Women to see where this landed!
Wrap Up
When it comes to your intake of both macronutrients and micronutrients, it is important that we value both. With these being essential for our daily functions, the right amounts can keep us thriving inside and out of the gym. With so much going on in our lives, we just can’t afford a deficiency. Keep these two in mind and remember just how valuable these nutrients really are for not only our health, but also performance.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images of courtesy of Envato

Savarino, G.; Corsello, A.; Corsello, G. (2021). “Macronutrient balance and micronutrient amounts through growth and development”. (source)
Vergnaud, Anne-Claire; Norat, Teresa; Mouw, Traci; Romaguera, Dora, et al. (2013). “Macronutrient Composition of the Diet and Prospective Weight Change in Participants of the EPIC-PANACEA Study”. (source)
Pasiakos, Stefan M.; McLellan, Tom M.; Lieberman, Harris R. (2015). “The effects of protein supplements on muscle mass, strength, and aerobic and anaerobic power in healthy adults: a systematic review”. (source)
Jequier, E. (1994). “Carbohydrates as a source of energy”. (source)
Milner, John A.; Allison, Richard G. (1999). “The Role of Dietary Fat in Child Nutrition and Development: Summary of an ASNS Workshop”. (source)
Biesalski, K.; Jana, T. (2018). “Micronutrients in the life cycle: Requirements and sufficient supply”. (source)

Krill Oil Vs. Fish Oil: Which Is Better?

Krill Oil Vs. Fish Oil: Which Is Better?

Which omega-3 supplement should you be taking?
We always hear about omega-3 supplements and how important they are for our overall health. Although they are fatty acids, this is one kind of fat to keep around, and for good reason. While they are often found in many of the foods we already eat, taking omega-3’s as a dietary supplement can boost our overall health to keep us in the gym and off the couch.
Fish oil is one popular supplement many people take for a variety of reasons, including fighting anxiety and depression, improving eye and heart health, promoting bone and joint health, reducing inflammation, as well as keeping you in overall top shape to see your gains come to fruition and keep your athletic performance in top shape. Krill oil is another omega-3 supplement to consider that could potentially dethrone the popular fish oil by providing the same benefits.

There are three kinds of omega-3 fatty acids to know about when diving into the world of these supplements. The two most important ones are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), both of which are found in certain kinds of fish. The third is alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is found in different plant sources like nuts and seeds. With both krill oil and fish oil high in EPA and DHA, with booming benefits for your overall health, the choice of which one is better becomes a little more challenging.

What Is Krill Oil?

Krill oil has made waves recently as a great alternative source of omega-3 fatty acids. Extracted from tiny sea crustaceans called Antarctic krill, this red oil has begun to hit supplement shelves to offer consumers diversity. Full of both EPA and DHA, this oil may actually be absorbed better than fish oil. The benefits of krill oil, although similar to fish oil, do offer some differences that will make you think twice about which omega-3 supplement you buy.
Krill oil can enhance bioavailability because they attach to phospholipids which make omega-3’s easier to absorb allowing for better digestion. In terms of cardiovascular health, krill oil can lower bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels, while increasing your good cholesterol levels (1) to keep your heart health stable and free from serious harm. The red color of krill oil comes from an antioxidant called astaxanthin which can support your immune system and work to reduce inflammation (2) to improve your workouts and recovery time. The presence of astaxanthin and its valuable properties makes krill oil a popular option.

What About Fish Oil?
For a long time, fish oil was the king of omega-3 supplements. Extracted from the tissue of fatty, oily fish like herring, tuna, anchovies, and mackerel, this supplement does have great benefits for your overall health as well. This golden-color oil also contains some vitamin A and D which can help with immune health, muscle function, and appetite control.
Fish oil attaches to triglycerides, which are not as effective for absorption as phospholipids. Fish oil is thought to be a great way to deal with depression (3) because omega-3’s in your blood allow for serotonin to move more easily between cells. Similar to krill oil, fish oil can also reduce inflammation and joint pain as a result of its amount of EPA and DHA found within. In terms of heart health, fish oil has the capability to reduce blood pressure and prevent plaque build-up in your arteries. As a natural and impressive supplement, fish oil is a solid choice for obtaining your omega-3 needs.

Which Is Better For You?
Both krill oil and fish oil work for your benefit to improve your overall health by pumping you with vital omega-3 fatty acids. But the question remains, which one is better for you? While much of the benefits are the same, there are some differences that may sway you one way over the other.

Some suggest that you do not need as much krill oil to match the benefits of fish oil and while that may not be a huge problem for some, those on a supplement budget may think about something like this before committing to fish oil. But in terms of effectiveness, since krill oil attaches to phospholipids, as opposed to fish oil which attaches to triglycerides, krill oil may be more easily absorbed allowing for less strain on your body and better effectiveness (4).
Krill oil also may contain more antioxidants and with the presence of astaxanthin, this makes sense. Not found in many fish oils, astaxanthin seems like krill oil’s secret weapon when it comes to fighting pathogens and inflammation and protecting your body from oxidative stress. Fish oil is well known for its benefits surrounding heart health, but krill oil has become a focal point for improving this vital organ. While both were solid choices for lowering blood sugar, triglycerides and bad cholesterol, krill oil can potentially be more effective and at lower doses (5).
While krill oil seems to be above fish oil in terms of all these properties, it should be said that fish oil does have the ability to enhance your overall health as well. It is also cheaper and more accessible than krill oil which is something to consider. Although fish oil does give you that fishy after taste, given that krill oil needs to be harvested and processed at a different rate, it makes it a lot more expensive than fish oil. Research has yet to solidify if one is totally better than the other, but it is a personal preference at the end of the day and you know your body best.
Wrap Up
Omega-3 fatty acids are vital for our overall health and provide a host of benefits to keep us healthy and operating at full capacity. With so many supplements on the market, it can be tough to choose which ones are best. Both fish oil and krill oil have amazing benefits to reduce cholesterol, aid in heart and eye health, and boost immunity while lowering inflammation. While krill oil may be slightly more effective than fish oil in most of these categories, it is important to look into both to see what will work best for you. What is for sure is that omega-3’s provide great benefits and should be a part of your dietary regimen.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Envato

Berge, Kjetil; Musa-Veloso, Kathy; Harwood, Melody; Hoem, Nils; Burri, Lena (2014). “Krill oil supplementation lower serum triglycerides without increasing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in adults with borderline high or high triglyceride levels”. (source)
Ekpe, Lawson; Inaku, Kenneth O.; Ekpe, Victor (2018). “Antioxidant effects of astaxanthin in various diseases- a review”. (source)
Wani, Ab L.; Bhat, Sajad A.; Ara, Anjum (2015). “Omega-3 fatty acids and the treatment of depression: a review of scientific evidence”. (source)
Ahn, So H.; Lim, Su J.; Ryu, Young M.; Park, Hye-Ryung; Suh, Hyung J.; Han, Sung H. (2018). “Absorption rate of krill oil and fish oil in blood and brain of rats”. (source)
1MD. “The Latest Clinical Research on the Benefits of Krill Oil”. (source)

The Importance Of Fiber For Bodybuilders

The Importance Of Fiber For Bodybuilders

The benefits of fiber for bodybuilders will make you realize just how much you need it.
When you read an article on fitness or watch a health-oriented video, everyone always mentions fiber. We know it will help keep you regular and also keep you feeling full to avoid snacking, but not much else about this vital nutrient is talked about. As a main source to improve digestion, this dietary nutrient is interesting in that it is indigestible. Although it is a carbohydrate, it does not act like a typical carb does in the way it affects your body.
For bodybuilders, the concern comes with the big three macronutrients of proteins, carbs, and fat. While fiber does not directly affect muscle growth, the benefits surrounding your overall performance can be great. Since they break down more gradually in your system, they allow for your body to better process them, keeping you full longer and your insulin levels stable. For complex carbs that contain fiber, by digesting slower, your body stores muscle glycogen giving you more energy for your workouts.
There are two major types of fiber that are important to know about; soluble and insoluble fibers. Soluble fiber slows down digestion and readily dissolves in water, allowing your body to absorb nutrients from that food. The other type is insoluble fiber which adds bulk to your stool and allows it to pass more quickly through your intestines. For those dealing with constipation, insoluble fiber is what you are looking for to keep you regular and moving more smoothly down there. But soluble fiber is just as important and allows for those nutrients to be absorbed to give your body fuel and support for your overall needs (1).

The effect fiber has on bodybuilders is great, and while it may not improve those big gains, it will allow for a serious boost in other aspects of performance. Whether you take a fiber supplement or obtain it through foods already in your diet, knowing the benefits will keep you feeling strong and moving regularly for a solid lifestyle.

Benefits Of Fiber
Appetite Control & Fullness
Foods high in fiber will help keep you full longer while not craving those unhealthy treats we all know and love. For those of us looking to maintain a solid physique, unfortunately ice cream will not harden our six-pack. With enough fiber, you won’t feel the need to run to the freezer. Fiber suppresses our appetite by slowing digestion (2). By absorbing water, it creates a thicker, gel-like substance in your GI tract helping to do this. It also adds a hearty bulk to your meals, which is why a salad tends to leave you full faster and takes up more space in your stomach.
Insulin Control
Keeping your insulin levels in a stable range is important for your overall health in general. High insulin levels may result in your body storing glucose as fat, which as a bodybuilder, you would rather prefer to stay away from. By slowing the rate of absorption for carbs and sugar in the bloodstream, fiber prevents insulin spikes and eventually can help with overall insulin sensitivity (3). This is ultimately huge in the long run, for your body’s ability to effectively clear glucose from the blood is key for your goals of a toned physique.

Promotes Immune Health
Fiber is what good gut bacteria rely on to thrive and the closely related correlation between gut health and immunity makes fiber very beneficial for promoting immune health (4). A stronger immune system means more time in the gym and less time feeling sick. By enhancing the amount of good bacteria in your body, you will also aid in reducing inflammation to support muscle and tissue repair leading to greater muscle growth.
Keeps You Regular
The main reason people of all fitness skill sets should care about fiber is that it keeps you running regularly. The benefits for you digestive tract and the absorption of nutrients for your body helps keep food running through your intestines effectively and helps with your regular trips to the bathroom.

Foods With Fiber
While there are many foods high in fiber, it is important to know a few great foods to get you started on preparing new meals to give you this much needed nutrient. Oat, wheat, and corn bran are all solid types of bran to add to a smoothie or your cereal and can help lower cholesterol and prevent constipation. Brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat spaghetti are great sources of whole grains that you already may have included in your diet. These are all easy side dishes to add to your meals. For those who love fruit, pears, prunes, and avocados are great options to keep your digestive system running regularly while providing that healthy, sweet-tasting treat. Add spinach, brussels sprouts, and beans for great sources of fiber and vegetables full of other nutrients as well.
How Much Fiber Should You Have Per Day?
While you may be eating foods high in fiber already, it is important to note that the total dietary fiber intake should be 25 to 30 grams a day from food (5). While supplements are an option for those falling short, obtaining fiber from food is very important and the average adult only consumes around 15 grams per day. If you feel you may be short on fiber, start mixing in high-fiber foods to your meals you already prepare and watch your intake rise without you really even knowing.
Wrap Up
Everyone always talks about fiber. But no one truly explains the real importance surrounding this vital nutrient. For bodybuilders looking to live the healthiest of lifestyles, it is important to get your daily dose of fiber for the host of benefits it provides. Whether it be aiding in digestion, satiating your appetite, controlling your insulin levels, or promoting immunity, fiber can be one of those dietary nutrients that can really change your performance. Add high-fiber foods or a supplement to your regimen and watch your performance and overall health take off.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Envato

Chen, Tingting; Chen, Daiwen; Tian, Gang; Zheng, Ping; Mao, Xiangbing; Yu, Jie; He, Jun; Huang, Zhiqing; Luo, Yuheng; Luo, Junqiu; Yu, Bing (2019). “Soluble Fiber and Insoluble Fiber Regulate Colonic Microbiota and Barrier Function in a Piglet Model”. (source)
Rao, Theertham Pradyumna (2016). “Role of guar fiber in appetite control”. (source)
Weickert, Martin O.; Pfeiffer, Andreas F. H. (2018). “Impact of Dietary Fiber Consumption on Insulin Resistance and the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes”. (source)
Schley, P. D.; Field, C. J. (2002). “The immune-enhancing effects of dietary fibres and prebiotics”. (source)
University of California San Francisco Health. “Increasing Fiber Intake”. (source)

5 Natural Herbs To Boost Immunity For Better Overall Health

5 Natural Herbs To Boost Immunity For Better Overall Health

Fight off illness with these herbs to stay healthy and keep your fitness moving forward.
The winter months can be especially brutal for those who exercise at a high level on a regular basis as pathogens begin to appear, for example the cold or flu. While over-the-counter medications may provide some relief, the cons can often times outweigh the pros, leaving you stuck with fighting off these unwanted pathogens. Natural herbs are a great supplemental way to fight off viruses and also improve your overall health for they support immune function and keep your body running at full capacity. Whatever time of year, it is important that your body is in top shape to not only fight unwanted visitors, but also aid in recovery and your overall health and wellness for optimal immune health and diet to keep your from disease.
Moving into these colder months, and dealing with cold and flu season, it is important to look for ways to stay well to avoid any unwanted illness that could leave you from the gym and these herbs can do just that. While some skepticism around traditional medicines, such as traditional Chinese medicine, is fair to be had, there is something to said about herbs and the power and they hold in our bodies. Taking a good multivitamin or omega-3 supplement is a great way to get herbal nutrients into our bodies often missed by foods, but these natural herbs can also aid in our bodily functions that are important for us to operate. Our immune systems are strong but can also be fragile so knowing what to take and how to improve them is a big bonus when it comes to us staying well overall and aiding in immune health as we try to keep things like our respiratory systems clear with help from these herbs.

The Immune System & How It Works
Your immune system is your body’s defense to protect against disease and other unwanted pathogens that may see your body as a worthwhile host. The challenge your immune system faces is the ability to identify pathogens versus your own healthy tissue. Split between two subsystems, your immune system works tirelessly to leave you well and safe. The innate immune system is the first line of defense and the most dominant system to fight these pathogens. It will recognize pathogens via receptors but cannot specifically target said pathogen. The adaptive immune system comes to its aid as the second line of defense to ensure a more specific approach to targeting the pathogen allowing your body the opportunity to take control and eliminate it.

There are plenty of ways to boost your immune system. Getting plenty of sleep, preferably eight hours a night, is an easy way to start and can be moved around an already busy schedule. Being outside and obtaining vitamin D is great for your physical and mental health while also doing regular meditation and yoga, as well as other activities that can calm the mind and work to your physical benefit. Maintaining a good weight and getting plenty of movement is important, as well as having a well balanced and healthy diet full of whole food meals, like fresh fruits and vegetables, which are great for immune health and helps their anti inflammatory effects for common goals to eliminate the risk of making you sick especially during activity and from viruses.
Taking herbal remedies can be useful for immediate relief of a cold or something like sinus problems, as well as anti inflammatory building, but can also ensure that you stay on top of your game to receive the above benefits. Supplements can really aid in your overall health and should not be overlooked. With the ability to progress your training to optimize performance goals, as well as running at full capacity, herbs can aid in your overall health and wellness and leave you feeling great and your immune health high for optimal effects.
Natural Remedies Versus Over-The-Counter Medication
When it comes to treating the body, everyone has a difference in opinions. Some prefer grandma’s chicken noodle soup while others would rather run to the pharmacy for the quick fix. One argument for the over-the-counter route is that you know the dose and the effect, making it nearly a sure bet it will work. Using an herbal remedy can often times take trial and error and those nasty colds linger on and on and all you want is relief. But natural remedies have proven better for the body and the mind and can be cheap and effective alternatives to those medications. While some supplements aren’t regulated by the government, natural herbs are a safe and sure bet to provide health benefits in a cost effective way in order to fight those nasty colds and flus to have your immune health high.
The benefit to herbal medicines, like those used in traditional Chinese medicine, is also that you can take multiple natural remedies at once, eliminating any harmful effects that taking many over the counter medications can cause. While it is important to know exactly which medications to take, it is important to know which herbs to take as well. With scientific backing on many these herbs, that skepticism comes from a lack of studies on a fair amount of them. Through word of mouth and trial and error, you can absolutely find the right ones for you. It may just take a little time for the best results.
These 5 herbs are sure to boost immunity during those gloomy winter days when the common cold decides to strike.

Turmeric is among the top-selling herbal supplements in the U.S. and when it comes to exercise, it’s hard to compete with turmeric. Most people recognize turmeric as an anti-inflammatory supplement and its effect on muscle soreness is powerful. It is also popular for its immune properties as it has powerful effects on gut bacteria, and with the gut wall holding nearly 70% of the cells within your immune system, turmeric proves to be a great supplement in boosting immunity for flu season. Since turmeric comes in a powder form, it is easy to ingest with tea or in a range of dishes from eggs, to beans, to soups. An easy way to prepare a homemade pill is to mix turmeric with honey, roll into pill sized balls, and let them solidify in a freezer.
Turmeric is best to put in smoothies or food to easily obtain this natural herb. Fresh vegetable juice is a great way to feel the benefits while also having it taste great. Something like a latte, tonic, or kombucha also works well to get this in a mighty beverage, while mixed with tea can work for any part of your day. Mixing it with food will also work great for those who do not want to drink it but instead eat it to get medicinal benefits.

Boswellia Serrata
Boswellia has been proven to provide a host of health benefits along with its immune fighting response. Used as an anti-inflammatory, it has shown to boost memory, support mental wellness, and aid in digestion. Highly underrated, this Indian herb can promote antibody production at lower doses and serves as an immunomodulator, meaning it can modify your immune response to better fend off unwanted viruses and diseases, like those during flu season. Boswellia can be taken in liquid form, but many have recommended capsule form is better due to the poor taste liquid Boswellia provides for medicinal use.
Boswellia serrata will only work with food because it is fat soluble. Taking this with water alone will not absorb this herb as well as if you were to have it with fatty meals or anything that can aid with digestion. Something to bare in mind if you want to try the power of this good, mighty herb to get the best medicinal benefits.

Ginger is a great herb to use when you feel that cold coming on. Ginger shots have become the new thing for they ease sore throats and fight against viruses off the bat. Ginger serves as an immune system neutralizer as well, helping to kick start an under-active immune system when it’s down, or working to suppress an overactive one when it flares up. The equilibrium properties of ginger make this a great herb to help aid in the fight against pathogens and boost immunity while decreasing stress levels.
This is another great ingredient to have with a beverage or in something hot like tea. Freshly squeezed ginger can make for a great ginger shot, something very popular in juice shops and restaurants. A powder form of ginger can be a nice addition to food as well for both the best flavor and benefits.

Reishi Mushrooms
Reishi is a large, dark mushroom that has earned the nickname the “Herb of Spiritual Potency”, for its rarity and abundance of ability regarding health and wellness properties. Known to support both the innate and adaptive immune response systems, this herb is one of legends. It can help regulate your immune system and enhance its ability to fend off initial invaders, therefore supporting the innate immune system. It also serves as an immune stimulator and can adapt to what the body needs helping to reinforce the adaptive immune system. Taken in tablet, capsule, powder, or liquid form, this supplement should be a staple in everyone’s fight to boost immunity through herbal medicine.
Reishi mushrooms can be mixed well into most foods so you get the best out of this herb. Adding to rice, stir fry, and even something like porridge can really be nice dishes to put with these mushrooms. For those bold enough, you can even make coffee out of Reishi mushrooms.

Elderberry seems to be a strong choice for medicine against the flu and upper respiratory infections due to its antiviral properties. Both the berries and the flower can be used for health benefits and elderberries are full of vitamins and nutrients such as vitamins C and A, iron, and potassium. When needed, elderberry can boost the immune system into action due to anthocyanidins, chemical compounds found in the berries that have immune-boosting effects. Taking elderberry as a syrup or as gummies are great ways to ingest this immune boosting herb for positive effects like stress relief.
Elderberry can make a nice addition to dishes like pancakes, yogurt, or oatmeal and is a great ingredient to help kickstart your day. Adding to smoothies, as well as both hot and cold beverages really can provide all of the benefits in a tasty way. For those interested, you can make elderberry ice cubes to add into any beverage for a great chilling function and effects.
Wrap It All Up
While these 5 herbs contain great immune boosting properties, like those found in Chinese medicine, the other benefits for medicine simply add to your overall health and wellness. Easy to ingest and cost effective, taking the natural route is sure to have you feeling great while maintaining a positive and healthy lifestyle. Whether you need preemptive protection against potential pathogens, like the common cold, or a boost to fight off an existing one, these 5 herbs are just a few examples of what is out there to make sure you stay healthy and active and are a natural killer for many people to offer them an immune booster and healthy immune system overall.
Let us know what you think of these in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Envato