Tag: Goals

How To Stay on Track and Crush Your Goals After A Cheat Meal

How To Stay on Track and Crush Your Goals After A Cheat Meal

The Cheat Meal Cheatsheet.
If you’ve ever had the feeling of regret and remorse after eating a cheat meal, you’re not alone. A cheat meal can not only demoralize you, but it can also cause setbacks and put you behind on your schedule.
Fitness freaks can only dream of a world where they could eat a cheat meal without compromising on their goals. What if we told you the so-desired parallel universe is a reality and within your grasp?

Start With A Plan
There are two types of cheat meals, first are the ones programmed into your diet plans and the others are unplanned. You should stay away from the unplanned meals and enjoy the programmed cheat meals without any guilt.

Some people try to avoid junk food altogether which is not a great idea. Feasting on the cheat meals comes as a shock to your body if you’re following a balanced and clean diet for the rest of the week.
Adding a cheat meal to your diet plan can help boost your metabolism and burn calories even when you’re not physically active. Once-a-week junk food meal can be incredibly effective if your goal is to put on muscle mass.
Don’t Sleep On It
After you’ve made the cardinal sin of eating an unplanned cheat meal, the worst thing you can do is go to sleep. Try going for a cardio session or at least a walk before you hit the sack.
If you know you’ll be eating a cheat meal later in the day, eat a protein-rich meal before you can get your hands on your favorite pizza. Protein can make you feel fuller for a longer period which can help you in avoiding junk food when you’re hungry and thinking from your tummy.

Put in Extra Work on The Next Day
The best way of getting over the feeling of regret of a cheat meal is to go harder in the gym the next day. You should be doing a HIIT (high-intensity interval training) strength training and cardio session to burn the extra calories.
We recommend doing two cardio sessions for shedding the extra calories. The second should be a low-intensity steady-state session which is to be done first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Adjust Your Calories
Calories are the name of the game when it comes to cheat meals and losing or putting on weight. Apart from following a daily caloric goal, you should keep a note of your weekly (and monthly) calorie intake.
If you eat an additional 1,000 unplanned calories on a Sunday, your goal should be to deduct it from the next week’s sum. For example, reduce 333 calories each from Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to stay on track with your progress.
Once you follow all these steps, you’ll start to appreciate your diet and fit lifestyle more because you’ll know that falling for a single cheat meal will require you to put in a lot of work.

Which is your favorite junk food? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

A Guide To Help You Set Realistic Fitness Goals

A Guide To Help You Set Realistic Fitness Goals

How To Set Achievable Fitness Goals
Most people fail to achieve their fitness goals because they set unrealistic expectations. As someone rightly said, if you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail. If you step inside a gym without a plan, you’ll be doing nothing more than waste your time.
If you want to transform your body but don’t know where to start, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll be teaching you how to set the right fitness goals for yourself so that you’re able to achieve your dream physique.
Begin With The End In Mind
The first and the most important thing while setting your fitness goals is that they should be quantifiable. If you want to lose weight, you should know your current weight and the exact amount of weight you want to shed.
Training to lose weight without a plan will not be as effective as having the numbers in front of you. If you want to increase your bicep size, have the inch-goal in your head. It’s okay to start with a goal and then modify it once you achieve it.

Know If It Possible
Some people make the mistake of setting such ambitious goals that they end up overwhelming themselves. The goal of losing 20-pounds in a month might sound motivating, but how will you feel when you don’t achieve it?
There are chances you’ll want to quit training when you don’t achieve your big goals. You should consult someone who has already done what you’re trying to do before starting to work for it. The right advice from a professional can take you a long way.
Set A Deadline
Many people quit the fit lifestyle abruptly. It’s because they stop training for a couple of days, those days turn into weeks, weeks into months, and months into forever. Setting a deadline for yourself will make you stick to your workout, diet, and recovery programs.
Following a timeline can instill the feeling of urgency in your training. Once you have a deadline, you’ll also get a reality check if what you’re trying to do is achievable in the given amount of time.
All the points in the article are co-related and work in harmony. Falling off the fit-life bandwagon can also be credited to a lack of tracking. Some people have a goal, know it’s possible, set a deadline for themselves but still fail because they don’t know if they’re headed in the right direction and at the right pace.
Tracking your progress can act as the checkpoints in the path of your fitness goals. Keep checking off the smaller goals as you make your way through to achieve the bigger ones. You should track your progress as per your deadline.

Most people give up on their fitness goals because they’re not accountable to anybody. When you decide on transforming your body, you should tell your friends, training partner or post about it social media.
Sharing your goals with people will force you to have a realistic goal in mind, set a deadline for yourself, keep a track on your progress and will keep you accountable. Being accountable to a person can push you to do everything in your power to achieve your goals and save yourself the embarrassment of failing or dropping out.

What are your fitness goals for this month?
Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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