Tag: Jerry Pritchett

Jerry Pritchett Profile & Stats

Jerry Pritchett Profile & Stats

The biography, life, and accomplishments of Jerry Pritchett

Jerry Pritchett is an American strongman and powerlifter ranked among the world’s best. As a serious athlete, his hard work and sheer strength has taken him on a journey with lifting success and a continued drive to be the best.
Below is a complete breakdown of his profile, stats, biography, training and diet regimens.

Full Name: Jerry Pritchett

Date Of Birth

360 lbs.


Strongman, Powerlifter

Jerry was born December 18, 1980 in Phoenix, Arizona. Growing up, he has always been interested in strength training and the world of Strongman. At the age of 15, Jerry became a powerlifter.
In 2008, Jerry entered his first local Strongman contest in Phoenix and took second place. This gave him the fuel he needed to train harder and make it to the WSM contest. In 2013, Jerry won the Strongman Event at the LA Fit Expo. In 2014, he finished in the top 12 at the World’s Strongest Man contest in Los Angeles.
He also won America’s Strongest Man in 2017.

Pritchett’s training centers around his Strongman desires and those of his powerlifting necessities. When it comes to his training plans, he tends to keep his sets shorter while juggling higher reps on some exercises and lower reps on others.
Here is a workout that Pritchett uses when looking to capitalize on his log press gains.

Shoulder Press with Log: 4-6 sets, 2-3 reps rising in weight
Seated Shoulder Press: 4 sets, 8-10 reps
Bench Press: 3-5 sets, 8-10 reps
Lateral Raise: 3-4 sets, 12-15 reps
Rear Delt Fly: 3 sets, 10-12 reps
Triceps Pushdown: 3 sets, 12 reps

He also does Zumba, yoga, and ballroom dance to change up his routine and add fun variety to his workouts.
Nutrition & Supplementation
When it comes to Pritchett’s nutrition and supplementation plan, he makes sure to get plenty of protein into his diet to capitalize on all his gains. While he uses his own choice of supplements, it is important to also have a great routine. For big lifts, a top tier pre-workout will give you those desired energy boosts and pumps to maximize gains and a protein powder can give you everything you need to see growth and assured recovery. Something like creatine or a mass gainer will really boost strength and size and a multivitamin can give you all the essentials so you never miss those in your diet.

Competition History

Sixth Place Arnold Strongman Classic, 2016
First Place, Mr. Olympia International MAS Wrestling, 2014
Ninth Place, World’s Strongest Man, 2014
First Place, LA Fit Expo All American Strongman Challenge, 2014
Seventh Place Arnold Strongman Classic, 2013
Fifth Place Arnold Strongman Classic Brazil, 2013
First Place MET-Rx All American Strongman Challenge, 2013
2012 MET-Rx World’s Strongest Man 4th place in his heat
2012 Giants Live Poland 6th Place
2012 Sin City III Strongman Challenge 1st Place
2012 MET-Rx All American Strongman Challenge 6th Place
2011 Sin City II Strongman Challenge 1st Place
2011 MHP Liberty Classic 8th Place
2011 Sin City Strongman Challenge 4th Place
2011 MET-Rx All American Strongman Challenge 6th Place
2010 ASC Platinum Plus 2nd Place