Tag: martyn ford

Iranian Hulk Says Family Disowned Him Following Face-Off With Martyn Ford

Iranian Hulk Says Family Disowned Him Following Face-Off With Martyn Ford

The Iranian Hulk had a difficult time discussing his family’s reaction to the face-off incident with Martyn Ford.
Both the Iranian Hulk and Martyn Ford are putting the finishing touches on their preparation ahead of their scheduled boxing match. The fighters are expected to meet in the ring on April 30 at the O2 Arena in London. The match was originally scheduled for Saturday but was pushed back. In February, the two met face-to-face and there were some fireworks.
Ford and Iranian Hulk attempted to get the better of each other during the face-off. First, Sajad Gharibi went low in an attempt to takedown Ford but the two were separated. Next, it was Ford who shoved Gharibi to the ground before security stepped in once again. According to the Iranian Hulk, this is an incident that is still impacting him.

Th Iranian Hulk recently spoke during a television interview about his family’s reaction to the incident with Ford. This apparently impacted the relationship that Iranian Hulk has with his family.
“I cannot call my family. When I returned I didn’t go to my family. I can’t talk to my father and my mother, when I spoke to her, she said: ‘The person in this video that I saw was not my son, my son is way stronger than this’. Gharibi said.
“It hurts my heart when I can’t talk to my family. I have lost my pride and I am destroyed. How can I explain?”
The Iranian Hulk has been training in many ways to prepare for this fight. This includes some unique tactics that have seen him take punches and wooden boards to the midsection. Gharibi is also significantly slimmed down since training began for this fight. Despite being the underdog heading in, Iranian Hulk is not backing down.

This was an isolated incident during the face-off but it continues to impact Gharibi. He explained how his mother denounced him and it has affected his sleep schedule and more.
“They deceived me and I fell to the ground. My family said that you will go there and finish him. They expected the other way around.
“How can I sleep or get any rest? I personally feel very bad and I cannot sleep but I am now taking sleeping pills.”
Iranian Hulk feels like he let his family down during this incident. With the calendar turning to April, there are just a few weeks left before both fighters can settle their differences in the ring. This will be the chance for Iranian Hulk to take a real shot at Ford without being separated.
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Martyn Ford “Leaving Nothing To Chance” Preparing For Battle With Iranian Hulk

Martyn Ford “Leaving Nothing To Chance” Preparing For Battle With Iranian Hulk

Martyn Ford is not taking his upcoming bout with Iranian Hulk lightly and showed it off once again in training.
The original fight date for the battle between Martyn Ford and Iranian Hulk is just four days away. Right now, both fighters would be putting the finishing touches on their preparation but instead, they are still able to get some serious work in to improve. That is exactly what Ford is doing as he continues to share some of his methods in the gym.
Ford took to Instagram recently to show a simple method used to train his feet. He is seen bouncing around a bosu ball going foot-to-foot on top. While his feet look quick, the impressive part is that Ford is around 320 pounds in the video. He expressed how he is “building a new beast” and is “leaving nothing to chance” as he prepares for his battle.

Martyn Ford and the Iranian Hulk are set to meet on April 30 at the O2 Arena in London. The fight was pushed back in order to give both men some extra time to recover and prepare. This is to ensure that fans see both men at their best. If Ford’s social media in any indication, he should be right there.
“Changing my narrative, building a beast from scratch, leaving nothing to chance …. moving well for 145kg, BUT we can always be better ….”

Martyn Ford has been taking time training with some of the best fighters in the world. This includes sessions with Rico Verhoeven. He is an athlete who has trained in many areas such as Brazilian jiu-jitsu and MMA. Because of his recent training, Ford is the favorite heading into the fight with Iranian Hulk.

This does not mean that Sajad Gharibi is going to go quietly. He has also shared some training methods that he has been using. Gharibi is not as active on social media but he has taken some time to share physique updates and live action during workouts.
This is a battle that is going to see two men settle their differences in the ring. There is expected to bd a crowd of 20,000 people in attendance to see the match take place at the end of April. After seeing what both Martyn Ford and Iranian Hulk have been putting their bodies through, it should be nothing short of exciting.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

The Martyn Ford Workout For Intensity & Serious Muscle Growth

The Martyn Ford Workout For Intensity & Serious Muscle Growth

Photo via @martynfordofficial Instagram
This workout from Martyn Ford will ramp up intensity for your leg, back, and arm day routines.
Martyn Ford is a bodybuilder, online influencer, and actor with an absolutely massive physique. His approach to training is nothing short of intense and his workouts are geared to give him the best growth possible, so he can thrive both inside and out of the gym.
For those of us looking to see the best gains possible, we often search and search the Internet for workouts and exercises that we think will get us there. However, what we often fail to remember is that bodybuilders and other athletes we love post their workouts online, and as living proof of what those exercises can do for an overall physique, we shouldn’t neglect to use them as resources for our own personal gains. Plus, they can be a nice change of pace from our usual workouts as well.
As someone who take their workouts seriously, Martyn shows us just how intensity can fuel the best growth. While it can be easy to flounder through a workout, if you’re going to take the time to perform it, then really commit for those few hours.

Full Name: Martyn Ford

Date Of Birth

Over 300 lbs.


Bodybuilder, Social Media Influencer, Actor

This workout from Martyn will show us just how a leg day, back day, and arm day workout should be done to see great intensity and an overall sense of accomplishment from a great workout. With our busy schedules, these workouts are short and sweet, but packed with intensity.
Photo via @martynfordofficial Instagram
About Martyn Ford
Martyn Ford was into sport and athletics from a young age and became captivated by cricket. While this wasn’t the most popular sport amongst his age group, some kids picked on him for his choice as opposed their usual choice of soccer. But Martyn was good and started to perform well and win competitions.
However, Martyn suffered an injury and an infection occurred as a result. He was forced to change directions when it came to cricket and took up bodybuilding instead. A great way to get some of his frustrations out, he found this to be something he wanted to continue.
From there, it was no stopping Martyn and his hard work inside the gym translated to outside of it. Not only is he someone to pay attention to for his physical attributes of lifting, but he is also an online influencer and actor, bringing his talents to other industries as well.
Photo via @martynfordofficial Instagram
Martyn Ford Training Routine
This Martyn Ford workout is something we can all learn from, given the select exercises and the intensity he brings. What you will find is a great leg day, back day, and arm day routine, perfect for seeing the best growth possible and adding to that massive physique. With the right approach to lifting, we can all see great gains like Martyn himself.
Leg Day
While Martyn’s sets and reps weren’t stated for this workout, what he does is decline in reps while he adds on more weight. However, he continues to work within a reasonable rep range so as to not do just one rep and call it a day.

Back Day
When it comes to Martyn’s back day, he makes sure to do 2-3 sets for each exercise that are strictly warm-ups. Everything must be loose and ready to go and with a priority on warming up, your body will be primed for action.
For those working sets, Martyn performs 6-7 reps all the way down to 1 rep. This fully depends on the weight you use and how comfortable you are in doing so. This workout is very much up to your level of comfort with each exercise and how much you want to lift.

Arm Day
This arm day workout is one to definitely take note of for Martyn knows just what is needed to keep up the intensity so you continue to work hard every time you hit the gym. This is a nice mix of those triceps exercise for that horseshoe shape and those biceps ones to counter that posterior muscle. Plus, those bulging arms are something we all want.


Triceps Extension

Seated Triceps Extension


Triceps Extension

Triceps Pushdowns

End Superset

Dumbbell Hammer Curls

Preacher Curl

At the end of the last preacher curls set, performing forced reps will work those fatigued muscles so you only see the best growth as well. This is a great tactic for those who feel their training and growth has stalled and for those looking to get back on the gains train.
Photo via @martynfordofficial Instagram
Martyn Ford Vs. Iranian Hulk
In a long-awaited boxing match between Martyn Ford and the Iranian Hulk, these two will face off at the O2 Arena in London in what is bound to be an absolute heavyweight brawl. As both athletes have been training for this bout, the date was moved one more month, bound to add even more drama and excitement to the already hyped up fight. With a date set for April 30, this boxing match is certainly one to watch.
Wrap Up
This workout from Martyn Ford is definitely one to check out for what it can do to transform your leg day, back day, and arm day. With the right approach to training, we all can feel like our favorite bodybuilders and have the right tools to actually get there. Martyn lives through intensity and each workout is fueled to the absolute fullest. Give this Martyn Ford workout a try and tune into his fight against the Iranian Hulk. It is certainly not one to disappoint.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Martyn Ford Instagram

Martyn Ford vs. Iranian Hulk Boxing Match Moved To April 30

Martyn Ford confirmed that the fight will be postponed to the final day of April.
Fans have been waiting a long time to see Martyn Ford and the Iranian Hulk step into the boxing ring together. They will have to wait a few weeks longer. The fight between the two behemoths has been moved from April 2 to April 30. It will still take place at the O2 Arena in London.
Ford took to Instagram to make the announcement on Thursday afternoon. Box Star UK, which is the promoter of the event, also released a statement explaining that the fight will be postponed to give the fighters more time to prepare. This is because of injuries to some of the fighters on the card.

““There has been a date change, 30th of April. Same venue, same opponent, same result. Just give me more time to prepare to become faster, stronger, sharper, more powerful.”

“I can only apologise for any issues, please feel free to contact Boxstar if there is anything that’s causing issues and they assure me they will do all they can to help make this a smooth transition. On the bright side we have some huge announcements to make, and this extra few weeks gives extra time to make this a night to remember. The roof blowing off the o2 was not ideal, and a few behind the scenes issues to boot HOWEVER.. we move on, adapt and deliver .. see you there !!!! Head over to @boxstaruknow for tickets,” Ford’s caption read.
Martyn Ford explained how Iranian Hulk was given the option to back out of the fight but he is not interested in doing so. This is not a surprise given the anticipated nature of this fight. Also, Sajad Gharibi has been putting in some serious work, in many different ways, to prepare for the event.
The bout being postponed will just add some more drama to the actual night. Both fighters have been wanting to get in the ring together and now, they will have an extra four weeks to prepare. This is something they have both been doing. Ford has taken the time to train with athletes such as Rico Verhoeven.

One thing we do know is that the fight is still on. Those who are looking forward to the action will just have to mark down a new date on their calendar.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Martyn Ford Shares Current Weight Of 315 Pounds Ahead Of Fight Against Iranian Hulk

Martyn Ford Shares Current Weight Of 315 Pounds Ahead Of Fight Against Iranian Hulk

Martyn Ford is finalizing the look of his physique ahead of this fight.
Martyn Ford has such an impressive and massive physique that many thought he was photoshopped. While it is clear that he is not, Ford is continuing to improve his physique ahead of his fight with the Iranian Hulk. On Sunday, Ford revealed his current bodyweight just three weeks out of the much-anticipated bout.
This is not an official weigh-in for the event. The two are set to meet at the O2 Arena in London on April 2. Ford has such a massive build that it makes him an intimidating figure. This has led to his nickname of the ‘World’s Scariest Man.’ This weight update was given on Instagram where he shared that he is 315 pounds.

“Weighed in this morning at 143kg. Feel Amazing in the lead up to this fight, still powerful, explosive and working hard on speed. Time to step it up even more now, no letting up, I will be the best version of ME … no matter what, I WILL be ready. (Sorry/not Sorry for My pout ?)”

Martyn Ford stands at 6-foot-9 and this makes his build look slimmer. Ford has huge shoulders and massive legs so it is not surprising that he is around 315 pounds. Since his preparation began, ford is down about 15 pounds.
The matchup between Ford and the Iranian Hulk is an interesting one when looking at the size of each fighter. Ford is expected to enter the fight around this bodyweight while being close to seven inches taller. Despite standing 6-foot-2, Sajad Gharibi reportedly weighs around 400 pounds.

This is an anticipated fight between two fighters who have made it personal and want to get the better of each other. This was shown during the first stare down between the two where each took a shot at the other. First, it was the Iranian Hulk who tried to take down Ford. During the second attempt at a stare down, Ford delivered a shove that sent Gharibi to the floor.
This is not the first time that these two have been linked in a fight but there is finally a date and it is quickly approaching. Martyn Ford is considered the favorite in the fight and continues to show off an impressive physique heading in.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Martyn Ford And Iranian Hulk Trade Blows After Heated Exchange During Staredown

Martyn Ford And Iranian Hulk Trade Blows After Heated Exchange During Staredown

The first staredown between Martyn Ford and the Iranian Hulk went as expected.
The anticipation and excitement around the boxing match between Martyn Ford and the Iranian Hulk is beginning to feel real. This was taken to the next level when the two rivals met face-to-face for the first time. The staredown took place in Dubai and was just as heated as expected. Ford and Sajad Gharibi came to blows on two occasions to set the stage for what already is a big-time fight.
The boxing match is scheduled to take place at the O2 Arena in London on April 2. The first staredown took place on Thursday morning about five weeks out of the fight.

During their first encounter, Gharibi attempted to take tackle Martyn Ford and take him to the ground. the two were separated before facing off once again. This is where Ford got even with a shove to the Iranian Hulk that sent him to the floor. Those who were filming the event were forced to help step in and break up the two behemoths.

This fight is scheduled to be a four-round bout which each being two minutes long. It is a Boxstar Celebrity Boxing event that is sanctioned by the Professional Boxing Association. This will be the headline event with 12 fights on the undercard. This makes for a great night of fighting at one of the most famous arenas in London.

When looking at the two fighters square off, you can notice the size differences. Martyn Ford holds a clear height advantage at 6-foot-9 compared to 6-foot-2 of the Iranian Hulk. Gharibi carries plenty of muscle mass and weighs around 390 pounds. This is 90 pounds more than Ford, who also carries great size at his extreme height. It will be interesting to see how this comes into play over the course of the night.
There is expected to be around 20,000 fans in attendance to watch this bout. They will have a chance to see the Iranian Hulk begin his boxing career against Ford, who has some experience in other areas. He has been training with some of the top fighters in the world to prepare. Ford has experience in MMA and Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
The plan for this fight was announced back in October. This means both fighters have had months to prepare and to think about their meeting. Both Martyn Ford and the Iranian Hulk are starting to gear up and that can be seen during their first staredown.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Martyn Ford Reveals His Dream Fight Would Be Taking On The Rock

Martyn Ford Reveals His Dream Fight Would Be Taking On The Rock

Martyn Ford recently explained why fighting The Rock would be a dream come true.
Martyn Ford is currently preparing to step in the ring against the Iranian Hulk. This is a fight that has been much anticipated and it will take place on April 2 at the O2 Arena in London. When preparing for a match, it sparks some thought on other opponents for certain fighters. For Ford, his dream match would take place against Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. 
After rumors came out that Ford wanted to fight The Rock, they were blown a bit out of proportion. In a recent Instagram post, The World’s Scariest Man cleared up his comments and explained what he meant when he said he would fight Johnson.

“?? you say one thing , and it kind of explodes ??.
I was asked, who would be your dream fight … there is only 1 for me, @therock for me he is an idol, a legend and what’s he has and is achieving inspires me daily.
Why fight him? Because it would be UNREAL to share a ring, and the hype would be insane … he’s an incredible athlete, a winner, a grinder … it would be one hell of a showcase.
Do I dislike him ??? HELL NO. Would I want to win …. HELL YES ??”

Martyn Ford made it clear that he does not have any disdain for The Rock. It is quite the opposite as Ford referred to the superstar as an idol. There are many times where two fighters step in the ring with great respect for one another and that would be the case here.
The Rock has experience and a background in many martial arts. He has been an incredible athlete since a very young age during his football days. After making a huge name for himself as one of the best WWE superstars of all-time, The Rock moved to the big screen. He is one of the top actors in Hollywood and continues to be a fitness icon.

It is extremely unlikely that this is a fight that would ever happen but all athletes have different dreams. For now, Ford will have to focus on fighting the Iranian Hulk in what is bound to be an exciting night of boxing.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Martyn Ford vs. Iranian Hulk Undercard Has Been Announced

Martyn Ford and the Iranian Hulk will headline the show but there are other fights to watch.
There is a set date, a location, and now we have an undercard. Martyn Ford and Sajad Gharibi, knows as the Iranian Hulk, will square off on April 2 at the O2 Arena in London. On Thursday, the full fight card for the night was released.
This fight is years in the making. The much-anticipated event has gotten personal at times and it should make for a memorable night of boxing. Other fighters looking to be apart of the event will have a chance to show what they can do as well.

Below, you can find the full fight card that will take place on April 2 in London.

Martyn Ford vs. Iranian Hulk Undercard

Martyn Ford vs Iranian Hulk (Main Event)
Patrice Evra vs TBC
Jamie O’Hara vs Kris Boyson
Jack Fincham vs TBC
James English vs TBC
Jess Bays vs TBC
Elijah Niko vs Keegan Hirst
Theo Campbell vs Connagh Howard
Brad Scott MMA vs Conan Barbaru
AJ Bunker vs Carla Jade
Ventour vs Jacques Fraser
Jamie O’Hara vs Kris Boyson
Frank London vs TBC

It is clear that both behemoths want to get the better of the other in the ring. Martyn Ford recently trained with champion kickboxer Rico Verhoeven in order to fine tune his skills heading into the event. He enters the match with experience in MMA and Brazialian jiu-jitsu.
While the Iranian Hulk does not have experience in the ring, he will have a distinct weight advantage. The bodybuilder is expected to come into the match weighing around 390 pounds. Ford weighs around 300 pounds but has seven inches of height on Gharibi at 6-foot-9. This makes it an extremely interesting matchup on paper.
It can all be thrown out in the ring when two fighters want to come out on top. Some believe that the Iranian Hulk might be able to gain an advantage because of his weight as the fight gets deeper and deeper.
Regardless of the outcome, what we do know is that there will be a full night of boxing in the famous O2 Arena in London come April 2. There is expected to be around 20,000 fans in attendance to watch what could be a special night of fighting.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

The ‘Iranian Hulk’ Is Preparing For Boxing Match Against Martyn Ford By Punching Walls

The ‘Iranian Hulk’ Is Preparing For Boxing Match Against Martyn Ford By Punching Walls

The ‘Iranian Hulk’ has added some crazy tactics to his training.
We know that Sajad Gharibi, known as the ‘Iranian Hulk,’ is set to take on Martyn Ford in a boxing match on April 2. What you might not know is that Gharibi is taking his training to an entirely new level.
The Iranian Hulk has been sharing videos of himself doing some crazy things in preparation for his fight. This includes smashing watermelons, bending metal, and yes — punching walls. This does not seem like tactics that will help his boxing style but it certainly shows that Gharibi is not afraid and has incredible strength.

Gharibi and Ford could have a name for their fight as well. This is following in the footsteps of Hafthor Bjornsson and Eddie Hall. The fight between the two former strongmen has been dubbed the “World’s Strongest Fight.” The bout between Gharibi and Ford can be known as the “World’s Scariest Fight.” This might be why the Iranian Hulk is partaking in some reckless training methods.

This is a fight that has become personal as both sides have made comments back and forth. For Ford, he has focused his training on movement rather than weight lifting. This has allowed him to get lighter in preparation.

Ford is an athlete that has been training in MMA, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and boxing. This is why he was comfortable taking on Gharibi in any type of match. As for the Iranian Hulk, he is an alleged MMA fighter but has not stepped in the ring for an official match.
Ford later published a more official post providing promotional artwork and a link to RSVP for pre-ordering ticket.

“I would absolutely LOVE to put on an event you guys will NEVER forget, this to me is very personal …. things have been said that can’t be taken back, by numerous people in his circle. I will release exactly what at the press conference and YOU will see just why this is so personal to me. I cant promise you the most technical fight in the world .. BUT I will promise you that I will bring my absolute EVERYTHING and turn this into an EVENT you will NEVER forget,” ford wrote.
There is an official date and venue set. The fight will take place at the O2 Arena in London. Both men are extremely confident heading into the match and there is no shortage of drama or storylines leading up to it.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Martyn Ford Will Fight “Iranian Hulk” Sajad Gharibi In Boxing Match Face Off

Martyn Ford Will Fight “Iranian Hulk” Sajad Gharibi In Boxing Match Face Off

Martyn Ford and Sajad Gharibi have set a date to meet in the ring.
This is not the first time that Martyn Ford and Sajad Gharibi, known as the Iranian Hulk, have been linked together to square off in a boxing match. These rumors go back to 2018 but a time and date was never set. Now, there is a date planned which gives it a legitimate feel.
The two bodybuilders are set to meet each other on April 2nd, under the banner of celebrity boxing promotion BoxStar. This will be a boxing match and not an MMA fight, which is was originally thought to be years back.

In 2018, there were rumors that Ford and Gharibi were planning to meet in an MMA style fight. This ended up falling through, along with a bare-knuckle boxing match in 2019. Now, the two will have there chance to fight and it might be a little personal for both sides.
Martyn Ford took to Instagram to confirm the fight and say that there is a little extra juice heading into it. While Ford did not give many details, he highlights that Sajad Gharibi and his team made it personal by making some comments.
“So …… apparently @sajadgharibiofficial managed to find some crayons and has signed the paper work …. its ON …. many people have asked me WHY … all I will say on this platform is its PERSONAL ….
from him and his people, words have been said that can’t be unspoken … and when you see you will understand exactly why I’m doing this … every man, who is a father will understand. This maybe a boxing match, but believe me I’m happy to get disqualified to put my point across,” Ford wrote in his caption.

Ford is an athlete that has been training in MMA, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and boxing. This is why he was comfortable taking on Gharibi in any type of match. As for the Iranian Hulk, he is an alleged MMA fighter but has not stepped in the ring for an official match.

Bodybuilders and strongmen making the transition to boxing is something that is becoming more and more present as of late. Of course, the sage between Eddie Hall and Hafthor Bjornsson is at the forefront because of the history and the recent postponement due to injury. Hall suffered a torn bicep and had to pull out of their scheduled fight in September.
It is unknown if and when they will reschedule but the match is already being advertised as the ‘heaviest match of all time.’ Ford and Gharibi could make a run at that title with both men weighing well over 300 pounds.
Martyn Ford and Sajad Gharibi officially have a date and this is good news for fans wanting to see this fight go down. It is one that will have more on the line than just a win in the ring. This is what makes it even more entertaining and sets up the storyline leading into April.
For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.