Tag: Shoulders

How Bent Over Flys Increase Shoulder Strength & Stamina

How Bent Over Flys Increase Shoulder Strength & Stamina

Give your shoulders a great workout with bent over flys.
Building our shoulders and working hard to get that well-rounded physique can be challenging, but great exercises like bent over flys are exactly what we need to see serious growth. With the right approach to any workout you can better tackle all of those strength wants and needs and really give yourself the best when it comes to boosting your overall gains. But it isn’t easy and it takes work, for building boulder shoulders requires only the best form to avoid injury and unwanted pain.
The nice part about bent over flys is that they are a beginner level exercise with advanced level gains. Performing this exercise is relatively easy but knowing form and how best to tackle technique is more than important. Our shoulders can be vulnerable, but by taking the right steps to strengthen the surrounding areas we better set ourselves up when it comes to sport specific and more functional gains. Bent over flys are the perfect exercise for all your lifting wants and needs and is definitely something to place into your workout.

Let’s take a look at bent over flys and see what’s up with this exercise. From what it is, to muscles worked, the many benefits of it, and how to perform it, we’ll break down bent over flys so you can maximize all of your gains. Plus, we will offer some great alternatives so you can better structure your workouts for added diversity.

What Are Bent Over Flys?
Bent over flys are a great exercise to build your shoulders for better overall development, support, strength, and stability. As an effective isolation exercise, all you need are quality dumbbells and you are ready to go. Great for beginners, as well as those intermediate and advanced, this is an effective muscle building workout for all. By working to strengthen your delts, you assist with pushing movements and can increase your level of strength for other lifts. Also, improving posture and structural support can greatly affect your gains for the better.
Muscles Worked
This exercise targets your shoulders and is very close to an isolation exercise. Working all three heads of your delts (front, rear, and lateral), you get a well-rounded workout to increase strength, size, and functionality of this often times vulnerable area. Along with your shoulders, you may feel it in your traps and triceps as a result of the movement, but primarily this will work only your shoulders.

Benefits Of Bent Over Flys
The benefits of bent over flys are hard to ignore but can greatly affect all areas of your overall shoulder gains. By working your delts and putting an emphasis on strength and stamina, you never have to worry about a poor shoulder workout again.
Benefits of bent over flys include:

Better strength and stamina: Work to increase strength and size while also improving stamina to help push through any muscular failure.
Increased posture and balance: By strengthening your shoulders you provide for better stability and balance while working to improve posture and overall support (1).
Reduce injury: Strengthening this often times vulnerable area can work for your benefit to reduce the risk of injury and keep you in the gym longer (2).
Help with muscle imbalances: Those dreaded muscle imbalances are annoying but the right exercise can work to build better symmetry.
Round out a physique: Beefing up those shoulders can only add to a well-rounded and more buff physique.
Plenty of variations: Plenty of variations means more diversity in your workout so you never grow bored and are always seeing huge gains.

How To Perform This Exercise
Here are the steps for performing bent over flys:

Choose your desired amount of weight and find a comfortable position to perform this exercise in.
With your feet a bit wider than shoulder width apart, engage your core and keep your body neutral as you hinge at the hips.
With the weight hanging in front of you, pull the dumbbells so they are parallel to the floor.
Give a good squeeze at the top and gently lower back to the starting position.
Repeat for your desired number of sets and reps.

Bent Over Fly Variations
Along with this great exercise comes plenty of variations to try. The benefit to many variations is that you can diversify your workout so you never grow bored of the same movements. However, you will still build muscle for these exercises will target the same muscles but in different ways. Once you find a variation you greatly enjoy, you can alternate back and forth from that and bent over flys for the most effective gains.
Variations of the bent over fly include:

Seated Bent Over Fly
Horizontal Fly
Kneeling Reverse Fly
Reverse Fly On Bench
Machine Rear Delt Fly
Side-Lying Rear Delt Fly
Face Pulls

Best Exercises To Pair With Bent Over Flys
To tag along with bent over flys in your workout, consider pairing with the right exercises so you see only the best gains. Working with exercises like the deadlift and Romanian deadlift, these will work nicely to give your shoulders a break but keeping them engaged. The lat pulldown and pull-ups will recruit your shoulders to really engage those lats for a wider physique and to emphasis and focus on only the best for pulling motions. And for that extra shoulder work, toss in reverse flys to boost strength and size.
Wrap Up
The bent over fly is a great exercise worthy of putting into your shoulder day routine. As an effective delt builder, you will find an increase to strength, size, and stamina as you will better be able to push yourself through any muscular fatigue. Knowing how best to perform this exercise will prove to be safe and effective with the right form and the many benefits will certainly leave you feeling satisfied. Check out bent over flys, place them into your workout routine, and watch your gains take off.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Envato


Lee, D.; et al. (2017). “Changes in rounded shoulder posture and forward head posture according to exercise methods”. (source)
Mitchell, C.; et al. (2005). “Shoulder pain: diagnosis and management in primary care”. (source)

How The Seated Barbell Press Improves Overhead Power

How The Seated Barbell Press Improves Overhead Power

Improve overhead pressing with the seated barbell press.
We would all love to beef up our overhead pressing power and what better exercise than the seated barbell press to help make that happen. A great exercise for building strength and overhead pushing power, this exercise is what you need to see great gains on those upper body days. A perfect exercise to work your shoulders, or the right one to add to a full body workout, the benefits of the seated barbell press are hard. We’ll dive into this and much more so you can see just how great this overhead pressing movement is.
Why this exercise truly matters is for both functionality and sport specific movements. Many sports especially rely on those strong shoulders to add stability and give you better strength for that respective sport. Functionally, we use our shoulders every day and while we may not be overhead pressing objects on a daily basis, having the muscles and tools to build upon can benefit you greatly.

Let’s jump into the seated barbell press and see what makes this exercise so great. From what it is, to what muscles get worked, the many benefits, and how to perform it, we will also share some variations and the best exercises to pair it with. By the end, you will have all the knowledge you need to better tackle those shoulder and upper body days to only see great results for that overhead pressing power.

What Is The Seated Barbell Press?
The seated barbell press is a great compound exercise to build muscle and strength. As a seriously effective muscle builder, this exercise is not for those with limited shoulder mobility for it will only continue to build deltoid development, but in this case, in the wrong way. A beginner level exercise, this is the perfect compound movement to add to your upper body and shoulder day routine and greatly increase strength for all things shoulder gains. Overall, what you will find is a great exercise to advance all pushing power, overhead strength, and great shoulder development (1).
Muscle Worked
For the seated barbell press, the muscles that are primarily worked are your shoulders. It is important to stretch pre- and post-workout for your shoulders are sensitive joints and you don’t want any pain to interfere with getting a great workout. Other muscles that will feel work done are your traps and triceps, giving you a great burn in these muscles as an added bonus.

Benefits Of The Seated Barbell Press
The benefits of this exercise are hard to ignore for it can seriously work for strength while building overall better shoulder development. With the right approach to all things gains, and better working to tackle stability, this exercise is one to give you the best when looking to optimize your shoulder day routine.
Benefits of the seated barbell press include:

Increased shoulder strength: Increase shoulder strength by working those muscles to grow with a seriously effective muscle builder.
Better overall shoulder development: As a result of the added growth, your shoulders will round out and have a more full look and feel, thus aiding in better overall shoulder development.
Wrist stability and grip: Build wrist stability and grip by allowing yourself to be challenged with the movement of this exercise (2).
Extra work done in your triceps and traps: Get some extra work done for your traps and triceps as these are secondary muscles worked.
Enhance overhead pressing power: Boost your overhead pressing power with this effective pressing movement to give you the best when it comes to all things pressing and power (3).
Boost shoulder stability: By strengthening your shoulders, you work to build better stability for other movements, either functional or sport specific (4).
Many variations: This exercise has plenty of variations to challenge you and diversify your workout.

How To Perform It
Here are the steps for performing the seated barbell press:

Set your desired amount of weight on the barbell after you position it to about shoulder height.
Sitting on the bench, make sure your feet are firmly planted and your core is engaged. When ready, lift the bar off the rack.
As you begin the movement, lower the bar gently until the bar is in front of your face. To begin the lift portion, drive the barbell overhead, giving a good squeeze at the top.
Continue with the movement for additional reps or re-rack the bar for a break before continuing.
Repeat the exercise for your desired number of sets and reps.

Seated Barbell Press Variations
While the seated barbell press is a great exercise, we wanted to also share some alternatives to shake up your workout and add nice variety to whatever you need. Challenging your muscles differently and working with similar exercises can only enhance your growth and keep your workouts from going stale.
Variations of the seated barbell press include:

Z Press
Pin Press
Overhead Press With Resistance Bands
Seated Dumbbell Press
Seated Kettlebell Press
Arnold Press

Best Exercises To Pair With The Seated Barbell Press
When it comes to building those boulder shoulders, there are some great exercises to pair with during your shoulder routine. Building our shoulders can seem challenging but it is important we find the right stability and strength in our shoulders to maximize our gains and keep us physically healthy. Working with the Arnold press or Viking press are awesome ways to boost growth, as well as more simple shoulder exercises like the front raise, lateral raise, and upright row.
Wrap Up
The seated barbell press is a great shoulder building exercise to boost all things gains. With many benefits and variations, you can get so much out of this effective muscle building exercise for whatever you seek. Give this exercise a try and see what it can do for you today.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Envato


Waller, M.; et al. (2009). “Overhead Pressing Power/Strength Movements”. (source)
Lee, J.; et al. (2016). “The Effect of Wrist Position on Grip Endurance and Grip Strength”. (source)
Sarabia, J.; et al. (2017). “The effects of training with loads that maximize power output and individualized repetitions vs. traditional power training”. (source)
Williams, M.; et al. (2020). “Activity of Shoulder Stabilizers and Prime Movers During an Unstable Overhead Press”. (source)

Shoulders With Sephora: Gains At Generation Iron Personal Training

Shoulders With Sephora: Gains At Generation Iron Personal Training

Work your shoulders with Sephora as she grinds in the state-of-the-art Generation Iron gym.
Finding the right location to workout can be a daunting task, but Generation Iron Personal Training makes that easy. A fantastic gym with state-of-the-art equipment and knowledgeable trainers, your gains will become a reality in no time. Plus, with the ease and convenience of setting up a time to work out, Generation Iron Personal Training will make you actually want to get up and get moving.
We followed around Sephora, one of Generation Iron’s Personal Training trainers, as she walked us through a great shoulder workout. Neglecting to work out your shoulders can sacrifice strength, size, and that well-rounded physique you want most. With Sephora’s guidance, this shoulder workout is sure to give you the best gains around.

Let’s jump into this shoulder workout from Sephora so we see those gains we want most. With the right approach, we can better tackle any workout put in front of us. A great shoulder workout can be hard to come by but thankfully Sephora offers up this 5-exercise workout for ease, convenience, and gains.
About Sephora
Sephora found herself in a position many of us do, being tired of excuses and a lifestyle we want to change. Through hard work and dedication, Sephora has committed herself to building her body and shaping the necessary areas to see results she has great confidence in. She received her NASM certification and is on a mission to not only help change your body, but also your mindset on health and fitness.

Sephora’s Shoulder Workout
This shoulder workout from Sephora is a great way to build shoulder strength and size, while also aiding in stability and an overall well-rounded physique. A mix of machine and free weights exercises, you target each muscle of your shoulder differently to not neglect or miss out on any gains.


Machine Shoulder Press

DB Lateral Raise

DB Front Raise

Alternating One Arm Arnold Press

Cable Upright Row

Exercise Breakdown
Machine Shoulder Press
The machine shoulder press is a great exercise for hypertrophy as it will offer healthy stress and nice resistance on your shoulders. Using the machine allows you to add more weight than a free weight shoulder press as well as work to improve form and learn to feel out this exercise. While the machine provides safety, it is important to focus on your technique to not build bad habits.
DB Lateral Raise
The dumbbell lateral raise is a nice shoulder exercise to strengthen those stabilizer muscles and improve shoulder stability. Building strength is obvious but working to tackle those muscle imbalances is also a great benefit to this exercise. It also has plenty of room for variations.

DB Front Raise
Dumbbell front raises are great for building sport specific strength but also functional movements. Another great way to improve any muscle imbalances, the options for you to succeed in terms of building a well-rounded physique are nowhere near impossible. Plenty of variations exist for this exercise as well.
Alternating One Arm Arnold Press
This exercise will build serious strength and size as a result of the complexity with the press and twist aspects. Alternating arms allows you to focus on form even more and stay dialed in as this exercise can be a killer. It can be taxing on your shoulders so working with the appropriate amount of weight will ensure less chance of injury.
Cable Upright Row
Cable upright rows are effective for building bigger traps and ensuring more width in your shoulders. A nice isolation exercise, there are plenty of variations to try but the benefit of the cable machine is more weight can be added, ensuring better form and increased mind-muscle connection.
Benefits Of Strong Shoulders
Having strong shoulders should not be overstated. The benefit to stronger, more stable shoulders can not only enhance sport specific movements, but also those more functional ones. Increasing strength, boosting stability, and adding to a well-rounded physique can be a game changer as you seek the best for your shredded aesthetic. This workout from Sephora will truly enhance your shoulder development with just 5 simple exercises. And with a great gym like Generation Iron Personal Training, you just can’t go wrong.

About Generation Iron Personal Training
This state-of-the-art training facility is 7,000 square feet, jam packed with elite equipment and uniquely designed to provide for a great workout and awesome atmosphere to motivate yourself to see massive gains. Everything you know about gym memberships and their shady hidden fees with additional costs are a thing of the past as you can book directly with registered trainers for one-on-one personal sessions. With the motto “Sweat Today, Shine Tomorrow”, you will become a new person, one with the confidence and physique to be proud of.
With plenty of room to work out and have your own space to get after it, Generation Iron Personal Training gym can be just what you need to succeed. Plus, parking is easy and convenient for a nice bonus.
Location & Address: 730 NY-304 in New City, New York
Phone Number: 845-664-8589
Email: [email protected]
Social Media: Follow us on Instagram for the best content and important updates to always be in the loop on Generation Iron Personal Training.

Check out the website for Generation Iron Personal Training here!

Wrap Up
This shoulder workout from Sephora at Generation Iron’s Personal Training gym is a great workout to boost strength and size, while also building stability and a well-rounded physique. The right approach under the guidance of a knowledgeable trainer can make or break your gains and give you the best for your desired goals. Generation Iron Personal Training is a fantastic way to see your goals become reality so don’t hesitate to reach out and see how this is a great fit for you.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Sephora Instagram and Generation Iron

How The Cable Reverse Fly Will Enhance Your Shoulder Routine

How The Cable Reverse Fly Will Enhance Your Shoulder Routine

Add to your shoulder routine with the cable reverse fly.
Adding to our massive physique requires the right exercises and the cable reverse fly can beef up our shoulders to only add to that physique. With the right approach to shoulder workouts, you can work on building boulders to give your upper half a large and full aesthetic. Working our shoulders can be challenging though, for these joints tend to be vulnerable, thus forcing us to take proper care of our bodies and technique so we see those gains we want most.

What strong shoulders will do are provide stable points of connection between your arms and trunk, allowing for optimal movement for any lifting or sport specific need. They will also work for balance, stability, strength, and of course, add to your shredded aesthetic by providing that full look in your upper half.
Let’s take a look at the cable reverse fly and see just what makes this exercise so great. From what it is, to what muscles are worked, to the many benefits, and how to perform it, you will have a complete guide here to begin this exercise and perform it as best you can.

What Is The Cable Reverse Fly?
The cable reverse fly, also known as a few other names, is a great exercise to boost shoulder growth and development by really targeting your rear delts, as well as other muscles. With variations to perform, this is a versatile exercise and one definitely worth trying for its ability to add real tension and its simplicity to perform. While it is important to maintain good form, that is true with all exercises so don’t let the look of this one fool you into thinking you can’t do it.

Muscles Worked
For this exercise, the main muscle group worked is your rear deltoid. However, as a great exercise overall, this will work your entire shoulder including the lateral deltoid and front deltoid, offering a great way to see more fullness. As a result of the movement, your rhomboids and erector spinae will feel slight work done as well.

Benefits Of The Cable Reverse Fly
The benefits of the cable reverse fly may seem obvious but it is an important exercise to put into your routine for what it can do for you. As an athlete looking to boost all areas of your training and performance, it is important to feel like your exercises are working for you and providing gains.
Benefits of the cable reverse fly include:

Bigger, stronger, shoulders: With the added time under tension, this will build more muscle adding to bigger, more stronger shoulders for movement and sport specific needs.
Better posture: Working on technique and building muscle around those postural joints will only work to enhance your posture (1).
More shoulder protection: Building up more muscle around those vulnerable joints offers better protection and can work to alleviate unwanted pain while reducing injury (2).
More full physique: With the increase in size, you will be more defined and allow for that more full physique to take affect.
Good variations: Either with a cable or not, there are good variations for this exercise that you will absolutely want to try.

How To Perform This
Here are the steps for performing the cable reverse fly:

Stand with your feet around shoulder width apart. The pulley will be just above your head while you stand in the middle of the machine.
Grabbing each handle, you will start with your arms crossed with the handles just in front of your face. Each hand will grab the opposite handle.
When ready, brace your core and pull on the handles, giving your shoulder blades a slight squeeze.
With a slight bend in the arms, slowly return to the starting position and keep your core engaged to really maintain solid form.
Repeat for your desired number of reps.

Potential Variations
We wanted to share a couple of variations so you can target your shoulders differently while also giving you a variation that doesn’t require cables.

Lying Cable Reverse Fly (or Reverse Fly On Bench)

Lying down will help with poor posture and improve balance. This is done the same way as a normal cable reverse fly only lying on a bench.

Rear Delt Fly with Resistance Bands

For those unable to find cables, or who don’t have access to them, this can be done with resistance bands and will still provide time under tension while working your shoulders in a constructive and engaging way (3).
Best Equipment To Help The Cable Reverse Fly
In order to properly perform this workout, knowing of and having the right equipment will be exactly what you need to succeed. While this exercise uses cables, you may need a gym for the cable reverse fly. However, for those who have the space, looking into a complete home gym can be something great for it will provide you with all the necessary equipment and allow you to work out from the comfort of your own home. For the variation above, looking into a quality pair of resistance bands can also assist you greatly.
Wrap Up
The cable reverse fly is one of those exercises you absolutely want to put into your shoulder routine. We all want an upper body that others will envy and looking to those exercises that can help us achieve this is a great start so we see all those desired gains come to life. Our shoulders work to connect our arms and trunk while providing for only the best in terms of movement so neglecting this would be a terrible disservice. Check out the above lists for the best equipment and give this exercise a try. You won’t be disappointed by those boulder shoulders and your soon-to-be massive physique.

Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Envato

Lee, D.; et al. (2017). “Changes in rounded shoulder posture and forward head posture according to exercise methods”. (source)
Greenfield, B.; et al. (1995). “Posture in Patients With Shoulder Overuse Injuries and Healthy Individuals”. (source)
Lopes, J.; et al. (2019). “Effects of training with elastic resistance versus conventional resistance on muscular strength: A systematic review and meta-analysis”. (source)

5 Landmine Exercises For A Shredded Body

5 Landmine Exercises For A Shredded Body

The Best Landmine Exercises
Landmines are one of the most underrated exercises. You could perform the landmines as a compound or unilateral lift to fix your strength or muscles imbalances. There is a variation of the landmines you can perform to train every muscle group.
The landmine exercises force you to use your muscle stabilizers which can help strengthen your core. In a landmine exercise, you place one end of a barbell in a corner where it doesn’t move or use a T-bar machine.
Landmine 180s

If you know about the landmine exercises, it’s probably because of the 180s. The 180s are arguably the most popular landmine exercise. 180s work your obliques and core and will set them on fire. Get in position by standing with a shoulder-width stance.
Extend your arms forward and grab the end of the barbell with both your hands. Your hands should be in front of your face at the starting position. Take a deep breath and rotate to the right side until the end of the barbell is at your waist level. Return to the starting position while breathing out and repeat on the left side.

Landmine Squats
If you’re someone who has back problems and can’t perform the orthodox squats with the barbell on your back, the landmines squats are a lifesaver for you. The landmine squats take off all the tension from your back and put them on your quads.
Stand with a shoulder-width stance and grab one end of the barbell with both your hands. Bend your arms at your elbows and place your hands in front of your chest. Inhale and perform a squat. Return to the starting position while breathing out. Repeat for recommended reps.
Single-Arm Bent Over Landmine Rows
Performing the bent-over rows on a landmine setup can turn the compound exercise into an isolation lift. You can perform the single-arm bent over landmine rows with your body parallel or perpendicular to the barbell.
Both the variations will give the barbell a different movement pattern and target your back uniquely. Make sure you’re not just going through the motions. Hold and contracts your muscles at the top of movement while performing each exercise.
Landmine Shoulder Press
Landmine presses are a killer shoulder exercise. You should make the exercise a part of your arsenal if you want to see some insane results. Most people make the mistake of using momentum by pushing through their legs while performing the landmine presses.
You need to keep a strict form to get the most out of this exercise. The jerking motions can reduce the tension on your shoulders and divert it to secondary muscles like your arms and legs.
Single-Leg Landmine Romanian Deadlifts
The single-leg landmine Romanian deadlifts might be one of the hardest compound exercises to perform. The main objective of the landmine RDLs is to put tension on your stationary leg while getting the maximum height with your back leg.
You don’t need to worry too much about touching the floor with the barbell. Stand perpendicular to the barbell (this will give you a similar feeling as the dumbbell RDLs) and place your feet right behind the end of the barbell. You should use your free arm to balance yourself without obsessing over which side your arm should point towards.

Have you ever tried one of these exercises? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Header image courtesy of Envato Elements

Achieve Mind Boggling Shoulder Gains With These 4 Exercises

Achieve Mind Boggling Shoulder Gains With These 4 Exercises

A Complete Shoulder Workout
Broad shoulders are a sign of strength and power. Imagine what would Superman look like with tiny shoulders. A study from the University of Albany found that a woman’s sexual satisfaction is strongly linked to her partner’s attractiveness and shoulder breadth.
Going by this research, who wouldn’t want to have a nice set of shoulders. This is easier said than done. Shoulders are one of the hardest muscle groups to develop. Building round shoulder caps requires a combination of compound and isolation exercises.

Shoulders consist of three heads; medial (middle), anterior (front) and posterior (rear). Most people have lagging shoulders because they fail to train all the three heads equally. The rear deltoids are usually the most stubborn among the three.
We have designed this workout keeping in mind an overall development of your shoulders. If you’re stuck on a plateau, you should also experiment with advanced training techniques like supersets, drop sets, rest-pause sets, etc.
1. Military Presses – 3 Exercises 12 Reps

Military presses are a compound exercise which works the medial and the anterior shoulder heads. You should start your shoulder workout with the military presses as they are one of the most taxing exercises.
Since this is an overhead movement, you need to be extra careful while performing it. Ask someone for a spot if you’re going for a PR. You should also be using lifting equipment like a weightlifting belt and wrist wraps for support.

2. Dumbbell Front Raises – 3 Exercises 12 Reps
Dumbbell front raises work the anterior (front) deltoids. Most people make the mistake of going too high while performing this exercise. Raise the dumbbells to your eye level without using any momentum.
Negatives are an important part of the dumbbell front raises. Don’t drop the weights like a bomb, keep the negatives slow and controlled. If you want a better pump, perform unilateral sets. Unilateral sets are when you perform all the reps on one side before moving on to the other.
3. Pec Deck Rear Flyes – 3 Exercises 15 Reps
Most people lack in the rear delt department. They make it even worse by not training their rear deltoids often enough. Since your rear delts are at your back, it is hard to establish a mind-muscle connection with them as you can’t see them in the mirror.
Pec deck rear flyes are an isolation exercise. Using cables help in maintaining constant tension on your rear delts throughout the movement. Pause for a second at the top of the movement and squeeze your rear delts.
4. Cuban Presses – 3 Exercises 12 Reps
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Cuban Presses are an incredibly effective exercise which helps in building overall muscle mass. Hold dumbbells in both hands and place them in front of your quads. Perform an upright row and at the top of the upright row, switch to the shoulder press position.
Complete a shoulder press and return to the starting position by performing a negative on the upright row. Use moderate weights while performing this exercise as it is more brutal than it might look like.
5. BONUS: Barbell Shrugs – 3 Sets 15 Reps
Don’t leave out your traps while training your shoulders. The trapezius is one of the major muscles of the back and is responsible for moving, rotating, and stabilizing the scapula (shoulder blade) and extending the head at the neck.
While performing the barbell shrubs, most people put more weights on the bar than they can handle. Bring your shoulder to your ears and hold them there for a second. You can also perform this exercise using dumbbells.

What day of the week do you train your shoulders? Let us know in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook and Twitter.

Get Bulletproof Shoulders with this Essential Stability Workout Program

Get Bulletproof Shoulders with this Essential Stability Workout Program

Get bulletproof shoulder stability.
Daily life wreaks havoc on our shoulders. Between sitting for hours hunched over a computer and behind a steering wheel, we’re constantly curled over with lousy posture. According to the Mayo Clinic, there’s a direct link between poor posture and shoulder pain.
The shoulder is one of the most important joints in the body, designed to promote a wide range of three-dimensional movements. There’s a reason we shoulder a burden rather than knee or hip one.

Runners would never hit the trails without stretching. But lifters routinely tackle some heavy iron without prepping the shoulders. To go from a typical day of sitting in a hunched-over position to some full-blown lifting is a recipe for shoulder injuries and long-term ailments. Even if you lift first thing in the morning, you’re still feeling the cumulative effects of daily sitting.
By taking just a few minutes to perform the following movements at the start of a workout – or even on an off day or non-shoulder day – we can improve our posture and shoulder stability while reducing the risk of injury and improving our performance in the gym.
Shoulder Squeezes

What it does: This counteracts the impact of sitting all day and also mimics the proper movement of the shoulders during lifting.
How to do it: Instead of thinking in terms of squeezing your shoulder blades together, think in terms of pulling them back and then down, as if toward your back pockets. This not only resets your posture from sitting hunched over a computer or behind a steering wheel, but it also moves the shoulders the way they’re meant to move during pressing lifts. This move can be done throughout the day, not just during this routine.
How many? 2 sets of 10 reps with 30 seconds rest between sets.
Stair Stand
What it does: This also counteracts the impact of sitting all day by resetting your posture.
How to do it: Stand on the first step of a staircase. With one hand holding onto a railing or wall, edge back until your heels are off the step and hanging in midair. Let your body’s weight press down into the heels.
How many? One minute on each side, allowing your shoulders to drop back and down and your posture to reset.
Reverse Hand Clasp
What it does: This is a good test of your shoulder mobility.
How to do it: Stand with one hand behind your neck and your elbow pointing up. Use your other hand – or your other hand gently pulling a rope or towel held on both ends – to pull your elbow down. You’ll likely find this easier on your dominant side (i.e. right-handed people pointing the left elbow up). Unlike a lot of stretches, you can make fairly quick progress on this one if done daily, to the point where you can forego the towel or rope and gradually grasp hands on both sides.
How many? 2 sets of 10-second holds on each side.

90/90 Stretch
What it does: This opens up your shoulders while stretching the muscles of your middle and upper back, counteracting the effects of sitting all day.
How to do it: Lie on the ground on your left side with legs tucked into the torso at a 90-degree angle. Keep both arms straight parallel to your knees. Keeping the knees together and on the ground, rotate your chest and right arm to the right, putting your back on the ground. Hold for two seconds and return to starting position.
How many? 2 sets of 10 reps to each side with 30 seconds rest between sets.
What it does: This compound yoga move strengthens and stabilizes the shoulders while also improving flexibility to the lumbar and cervical spine.
How to do it: Start on all fours with hands beneath your shoulders and knees on the ground. Inhale, dropping your chest as you push your hips and shoulder blades back into cow position. Lift your chin and chest and gaze forward. For cat, exhale as you draw your belly button to your spine and round your back toward the ceiling like a cat.
How many? 2 sets of 10 reps of each with 30 sec. rest between sets.
What it does: Your shoulders are doing much of the work for this familiar exercise that promotes overall core stability.
How to do it: Lie in a prone pushup position with forearms resting on the floor, elbows under shoulders and bent 90 degrees. Push up off the elbows, tucking your chin so your head is in line with your body. Keep head in line with the spine and belly button drawn in. Hold for one minute.
How many? 2 sets of 60 seconds with 60 seconds rest between sets.
Side Plank
What it does: This challenges shoulder stability as well as the obliques.
How to do it: Start on the ground on your left side with your left forearm on the ground and your elbow under your shoulder. Push up off your elbow, creating a straight line from ankle to shoulder. Your hips should be off the ground and only the side of your bottom foot and your elbow should be on the ground. Hold for 30 seconds or do 10 reps of 3 seconds each.
How many? 2 sets of either of the above options.
Child’s Pose
What it does: This yoga resting pose is effective for stretching out the shoulders.
How to do it: From a kneeling position, touch your big toes together and sit on your heels. Separate your knees about hip-width apart and lay your torso down between your thighs. Place your hands on the floor along your torso, palms up, and release the fronts of your shoulders toward the floor. You should feel the weight of the front of the shoulders pulling the shoulder blades wide across your back.
How many? Hold pose for 30 seconds, rest 10 seconds, repeat.
Pete Williams is a NASM-certified personal trainer and the author or co-author of several fitness books, including Core Performance.

Best Shoulder Exercises To Boost Athletic Performance

Best Shoulder Exercises To Boost Athletic Performance

The least stable joint in your body is certainly not the least important so don’t neglect your shoulders.
Our shoulders do so much to aid in our gym gains and everyday goals. Having strong, solid shoulders offer a host of benefits to your overall health and provides that sough-after definition around the arm.
While having pumped up shoulders are a huge benefit to your aesthetic, it is important that they function to your needs both in the gym and out if it. Your ability to perform, either in athletics, the gym, or daily life, is the foundation to success. Weak shoulders can ruin what could have been a great workout and increase your risk for unwanted and unnecessary injury to your shoulders or back.
The shoulder joint is very delicate and without proper training, can become very unstable. With weak shoulder muscles, your mobility becomes limited, instability creeps in, and injury may be just beyond the horizon.
To avoid this from happening, strengthening muscles like the rotator cuff, which supports and stabilizes the shoulder, as well as the deltoid muscle, which is the visible muscle around the shoulder, can aid in growth and boost your athletic performance without the fear of injury and these best shoulder exercises are great for helping get you there to lift big weight with your workouts.

Benefits Of Solid Shoulders For Physique
The benefits of solid, strong, and stable shoulders go far beyond aesthetic and these best shoulder exercises below will help enhance physique. While building up your shoulders can definitely add definition to your overall shape and let that toned V shape physique pop, there is so much more they offer than just to look good with a big upper arm or large back.

Enhance Posture For Efficiency & Confidence
By strengthening the shoulders, you can enhance your posture creating a more stable frame. Increased posture will promote athletic performance by allowing you to create the perfect form to maximize efficiency and gains and stay free from injury. Better posture also boosts confidence and can build that self-esteem (1) to have great benefits for your overall mental and physical health from these best shoulder exercises.

Greater Range Of Motion For Increased Flexibility
Strengthening the supporting muscles around the shoulder has great benefit for increasing your range of motion allowing for better flexibility and stabilization (2). With increased flexibility, you reduce stress around the joint which allows for better movement when it comes to workouts or daily functioning. Moving freely allows for more intense workouts and provides that much needed boost for your performance and these best shoulder workouts can help get you there along with other strong muscles like a big back.
Prevents Injuries For A Healthier Lifestyle
Injuries are one thing we all try and avoid and by strengthening all the muscles around the shoulder, you lower your risk of putting you out of the gym. Reducing added stress and strain will give you the ability to work harder and lift bigger for those hard-earned gains.
As a source of connection for all upper body workouts, even with a perfectly executed chest or back workouts, weak shoulders can take a beating. Exercise can reduce pain (3) and keep you feeling healthy and lifting big. A resistance band can assist with this too to help with the shoulder joint and other muscles for optimal position.

Shoulder Exercises To Boost Athletic Performance
Cable Reverse Fly
The cable reverse fly is a great shoulder exercise for muscle control and balance, similar to the shoulder press in the opposite direction. Focusing on the rear delts, which are often overlooked, this provides for good muscle balance with the front and middle delts. Adding in the cable as a tool for this exercise forces you to practice balance while also controlling your movements to not knock you off course for growth with your muscles.
How to: Attach the handles to the machine and stand in the center of the machine with one foot slightly in front of the other. With your arms elevated at shoulder level, pull each handle across the front of your chest and engage the rear delts with your palms facing up and a dumbbell in each hand. Your knees will be slightly bent. One hand will be over the other. When you reach your level, reverse the same motion and bring your hands back to the starting position to set yourself up again.

Bent-Over Dumbbell Lateral Raise
The bent-over dumbbell lateral raise is great for stabilization and the use of dumbbells require a more solid form. You can do this workout either standing or sitting and not only will this stabilize the muscles but will assist with your overall physique. Its enhanced muscle recruitment allows for more muscles to be worked for better results (4).
How to: Choose the desired dumbbell weight and gently bend over at the waist. With your chest up, tight core, and flat back, raise the dumbbells out to the side in an arcing motion. After a slight pause at the top, return to the starting position for a new set.
Cable Front Raise
Cable front raises are great for muscle building but play a role in mobility as well, similar to the lateral raise. The cable provides for less distraction and allows you to experiment with the ability to challenge just how far you can go. Another cable exercise is great to add in because the tension provided can be very beneficial for growth and performance in your shoulder muscles.
How to: With your feet shoulder width apart, slightly stagger your feet. A flat back is key to avoid added strain and your knees should be slightly bent. Your grip will be palms facing down. Raise the cable in front of you and go to about parallel with your shoulder. Return to the starting position and switch your hands for a new set. If it is difficult to get to parallel, lower down in weight and maximize the benefits of this exercise.

Push Press
The push press is a great exercise to incorporate a whole-body movement and focus on power and explosiveness like the shoulder press or Arnold press (5). This engages a great deal of muscle to keep your performance at a high level while also boosting muscle-building hormones for large muscles as you push straight overhead with your feet planted on the ground.
How to: Your grip on the barbell should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Drop down into a quarter-squat keeping your head, spine, and pelvis in one line. Once you’ve dipped, extend your hips and drive through the ground, lifting the weight straight overhead. A tight core will ensure a stable spine as you lift overhead with your arms straight. Gently lower the weight to your shoulders and then your hips to begin the next rep and get the full range as you slowly lower down.
Dumbbell Shrugs
Dumbbell shrugs are great for reducing strain in your shoulders and your neck with the added benefit of providing strength to your upper back as well. These can improve posture and can support athletic performance by working to rid your body of that unwanted stress and pain as you continue to work with your training.
How to: Hold the dumbbells in your hand and stand straight. With a tight core, relax your shoulders. Raise your shoulders to your ears and pause for a second at the top as you lift each dumbbell. Lower to the starting position and repeat for your desired number of reps.
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Wrap It All Up
Your shoulders are vital for not only gains in the gym but everyday movements in your life. As a fragile point of connection for so many movements, it is important to keep each deltoid strong and stable to lower your risk and avoid any unwanted injury and recover while resting as you take it slowly.
These best shoulder exercises can help get you there. Your athletic performance hinges on the ability of all your joints and muscles to work as efficiently as possible. Many shoulder exercises can increase strength and aid you and make your hard-earned physique pop, but the added benefits on athletic performance are too great to ignore.
Promoting stabilization and good posture, increasing mobility, and enhancing power and explosiveness are all reasons to make sure your shoulders get worked out to maximize performance. Don’t take these joints for granted and keep up muscle maintenance for great results both in the gym and out of it.
Check out our Shoulders Exercise Guide for other great shoulder exercises and instructions.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Envato

Grabmeier, Jeff (2009). “Study: Body Posture Affects Confidence In Your Own Thoughts”. (source)
Moezy, Azar; Sepehrifar, Saeed; Dodaran, Masoud S. (2014). “The effects of scapular stabilization based exercise therapy on pain, posture, flexibility and shoulder mobility in patients with shoulder impingement syndrome: a controlled randomized clinical trial”. (source)
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy (2020). “Painful Shoulder: Exercise Can Reduce Pain and Improve Mobility and Function”. (source)
Coratella, Giuseppe; Tornatore, Gianpaolo; Longo, Stefano; Esposito, Fabio; Ce, Emiliano (2020). “An Electromyographic Analysis of Lateral Rasise Variations and Frontal Raise in Competitive Bodybuilders”. (source)
Lake, Jason P.; Mundy, Peter D.; Comfort, Paul (2014). “Power and Impulse Applied During Push Press Exercise”. (source)

The Best Side Delt Exercises For Shoulder Growth

The Best Side Delt Exercises For Shoulder Growth

Work on both look and feel with these great side delt exercises.
You want those upper arms to pop and side delt exercises can give you that look and feel you want most out of those well-defined arms. Whether it be wearing a tight tee or showing off your toned aesthetic with a tank, your arms are one of the first things people notice. With hard work and a solid training plan, those shoulders on the whole will look round and defined that others will certainly envy. Knowing which exercises to perform will give you a good foundation to really build strength and size and boost all areas of your physical health and performance.
By focusing on your upper arms, you can promote the growth and development you want to see most. Your side delts give those shoulders the look and feel you want most and it would be a disservice to neglect this muscle. With these exercises, you will also work your front and rear delts to give that overall shape, but with an emphasis on the side delt you can see those gains grow.
Let’s take a look at some great side delt exercises. With the right plan, you will be well on your way to receiving the benefits and overall development you want most so you can show off those arms with pride.

About The Side Delt
Your deltoids are what make up the shoulder and upper arm region of the body. The front and rear delts accompany the side delt to make up the entire muscle. The aim of the side delt is to move the arm to and from your body from side to side. While we all know about exercises like the side lateral raise, there are a host of others that can target this muscle so you see the growth and development you want most (1).

Best Side Delt Exercises
Let’s take a look at some great side delt exercises to really focus on that shape and definition while also boosting strength for any of your training and performance needs.
Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise
A great exercise to target the movement of the side delt, the dumbbell side lateral raise is a traditional exercise to target this muscle (2). Standing with your feet around shoulder width apart, grab two dumbbells and hold them next to your body. With a tight core and straight back, raise the weights to the side until they parallel to the floor. Lower back down and repeat for your desired number of reps.

Upright Rows
This rowing motion with the upright row will work your abs and back but also really target the side delts (3). With your feet about hip-width apart, hold dumbbells or a bar in front of your body and raise to chest level. Your hands will be slightly lower than your elbows. Return to the starting position and repeat for your desired number of reps.
Seated Arnold Press
A great exercise from bodybuilding legend, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Arnold press be done either standing or sitting. With the bench at a 90-degree incline, keep your feet planted and core tight. Hold the dumbbells next to your head with your elbows bent and palms facing you. As you raise over your head, begin to rotate the weights so your palms face away from you at the top. Lower back down and repeat for your desired number of reps.
While the skullcrusher is primarily a triceps exercise, it works your delts peripherally and should not be overlooked. Laying on a bench, hold the bar over your head and gently lower the bar so it falls behind your head. Keeping a tight core and stable posture, return to the staring position and repeat for your desired number of reps.

Military Press
A simple and basic exercise, using dumbbells is a great way to target the side delts with the military press (4). With your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the weights with your palms facing outward. Push the dumbbells straight up and once at the top, don’t fully lock out your elbows. Lower back down and repeat for your desired number of reps.
Behind The Back Press
The behind the back press can be done standing or sitting and is a nice exercise to work for all around shoulder development. Hold the bar above your head and gently lower down behind your head, almost to the base of your neck. Raise back to the starting position and repeat for your desired number of reps.

Featured Supplement For Side Delt Gains
When looking to boost overall strength and size, while also looking to optimize health and performance, having a solid supplementation routine can work wonders for your gains. A pre-workout or intra-workout BCAA will give you a great boost as well as other supplements like creatine, fat burners, or testosterone boosters. But protein powders work to enhance growth and recovery so your gains never falter and you see the results you want most (5).
Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate

Code GENIRON10 For 10% Off

Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate is organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free, boasting a great formula for a top protein powder. With nothing artificial added, this is a clean protein that is easier on your stomach.

Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey boasts an impressive array of eco-friendly accomplishments. It’s organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free. There are no artificial sweeteners — a rarity in a world full of whey protein powder, which are almost always filled with chemical flavorings to disguise the chalkiness of protein. There are also no artificial colorings or preservatives added making this is an excellent choice for you and your body weight goals.
Price: $59.00
Use the promo code GENIRON10 for 10% off! Check out our individual review for Transparent Labs 100% Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate here!

Check out our list of the Best Protein Powders for more great protein supplements!

Wrap Up
These best side delt exercises will work wonders for you as you seek to build that desired strength and size out of your arms. With well-defined arms, you can show off a physique others will envy and most certainly boost your training and performance goals. Give these exercises a try and really see what they can do for you as you build those strong and developed shoulders.
Let us know what you think in the comments below. Also, be sure to follow Generation Iron on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. 
*Images courtesy of Envato

Williams, Martin R. Jr.; Hendricks, Dustin S.; Dannen, Michael J.; Arnold, Andrea M.; et al. (2020). “Activity of Shoulder Stabilizers and Prime Movers During an Unstable Overhead Press”. (source)
Stiggins, Chuck; Allsen, Phil (1987). “Exercise Methods Notebook: Side lateral raises”. (source)
Schoenfeld, Brad; Kolber, Morey J.; Haimes, Jonathan (2011). “The Upright Row: Implications for Preventing Subacromial Impingement”. (source)
Waller, Mike; Piper, Tim; Miller, Jason (2009). “Overhead Pressing Power/Strength Movements”. (source)
Pasiakos, Stefan M.; McLellan, Tom M.; Lieberman, Harris R. (2015). “The effects of protein supplements on muscle mass, strength, and aerobic and anaerobic power in healthy adults: a systematic review”. (source)

The Eight Best Bodyweight Exercises for Shoulders

The Eight Best Bodyweight Exercises for Shoulders

Photos from only a generation ago show people who looked taller. They walked with more purpose and swagger. That’s no optical illusion. These days, people are more hunched over and thus shorter from our sedentary lifestyles of sitting combined with being slouched over smartphones has produced a stooped population with rounded shoulders.
​That’s not just unattractive. It’s setting us up for a chain of ailments, including back pain and hip tightness. According to the Mayo Clinic, there’s a direct link between poor posture and shoulder pain. Our shoulders have shut off, which is a shame since they’re designed to work hard. There’s a reason we call it shouldering a burden.
​That’s why any shoulder workout should include bodyweight exercises that both strengthen the shoulders but also reset posture to avoid shoulder injuries while training and long-term ailments.
​Here are eight of the best bodyweight exercises for legs.You can use these as part of a regular workout or as a standalone circuit. If you do a circuit, do two sets of 10.

Reverse Hand Clasp
What it does: This is a good test of your shoulder mobility.
How to do it: Stand with one hand behind your neck and your elbow pointing up. Use your other hand – or your other hand gently pulling a rope or towel held on both ends – to pull your elbow down. You’ll likely find this easier on your dominant side (i.e. right-handed people pointing the left elbow up). Unlike a lot of stretches, you can make fairly quick progress on this one if done daily, to the point where you can forego the towel or rope and gradually grasp hands on both sides.
How many? 2 sets of 10-second holds on each side.
Hand Walks
What it does: Though this is a full-body move that lengthens your hamstrings and calves while opening up your ankles and lower back, it also stabilizing the shoulders,
How to do it: Stand with legs straight and hands on the floor. Walk your hands out. Keeping legs straight, walk your feet back to your hands using short steps from your ankles.
How many? 2 sets of 10 reps with 30 seconds rest between sets.
Bent Over Ys
What it does: This move not only strengthens the back and shoulders, it counteracts the effects of sitting by pulling your shoulders back and down where they belong.
How to do it: Stand bent over at the waist with your back flat and your chest up. Squeeze your shoulder blades back and down and lift your arms above your head to form a Y. Keep your thumbs up and initiate the movement with your shoulder blades, not your arms.
How many? 2 sets of 10 reps with 30 seconds rest between sets.
Bent Over Ls
What it does: Like the Bent Over Ys, this move strengthens the back and shoulders by pulling your shoulders back and down where they belong.
How to do it: Stand bent over at the waist with your back flat and your chest up. Squeeze your shoulder blades back and down, lifting your elbows to the ceiling as they bend to 90 degrees, and rotate your hands to the ceiling, palms down. Return to the starting position and continue for the prescribed number of reps.
How many? 2 sets of 10 reps with 30 seconds rest between sets.

Side Plank
What it does: Your shoulder is the underrated engine of this movement – and so many movements in life.
How to do it: Start on your left side with your left forearm on the ground and your elbow under your shoulder. Push up off your elbow, creating a straight line from ankle to shoulder. Your hips should be off the ground and only the side of your bottom foot and your elbow should be on the ground. Hold for 30 seconds or do 10 reps of 3 seconds each.
How many? 2 sets of either of the above options.
Acceleration wall drill/holding
What it does: This promotes core stability through the shoulders, hips, and torso.
How to do it: Stand leaning forward with your hands on a wall. Your ears, shoulders, knees, and ankles should be in a straight line. Lift one knee and foot toward the wall. The foot should be directly under the thigh with toes dorsiflexed (pulled toward your shin).
How many? 2 sets of 30 seconds per side with 30 seconds in between sets.
Pushups – Feet Elevated
What it does: This version of the pushup places more emphasis on the shoulder, thus packing on more muscle.
How to do it: Assume a pushup position with your feet on a stair, bench, or Swiss ball. (This being a bodyweight routine, let’s stick with natural equipment such as a staircase or park bench.) Lower while inhaling until your chest nearly touches the floor. Exhale as you push back up.
How many? 2 sets of 10 with 30 seconds in between sets.
Reach, Roll, and Lift
What it does: A variation on yoga’s familiar child’s pose, this stretches your shoulders and upper back.
How to do it: Sitting on your heels, extend your arms and the back of your hands on a foam roller. Roll the foam forward while keeping your hips back, dropping your chest toward the ground. Lift and hold the stretch for 2 seconds. Return to starting position.
How many? 2 sets of 10 reps

Pete Williams is a NASM-CPT and the author or co-author of several fitness books, including Core Performance and Every Day is Game Day. His work has appeared in publications such as Men’s Health, Men’s Journal, and USA Today.