Tag: Spon Con

7 Ways Adjustable Dumbbells Can Boost Your Workouts

7 Ways Adjustable Dumbbells Can Boost Your Workouts

If you typically hit the gym at peak hours, you’re likely no stranger to spending a chunk of your workout looking for the right equipment or waiting your turn for the squat rack. On the flip side, working out at home may call to mind hundreds of burpees or endless reps of light biceps curls with the sole…
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HOP WTR Mango Is a Crisp Entry Into the Non-Alcoholic Beverage World

HOP WTR Mango Is a Crisp Entry Into the Non-Alcoholic Beverage World

Many outlets credit the year 2010 as the official starting point of “Sober October,” a monthlong challenge where people forgo all alcohol. Thanks to various podcasters and influencers boasting the positive effects of the “sober curious” movement, the concept has stuck.  Fast forward to 2023, and 63 percent of 1,000 participants in a survey said they heard about…
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HOP WTR Classic Brings a Non-Alcoholic, Calorie-Free Alternative To IPA Fans

HOP WTR Classic Brings a Non-Alcoholic, Calorie-Free Alternative To IPA Fans

Few economic success stories can rival that of the craft beer boom of the last decade. In 2010, there were around 1,813 craft breweries in the U.S. In 2022, that number had ballooned to 9,552 breweries, pumping out a total of 24.3 million barrels of beer a year. Both those numbers are all-time highs.   In recent years, the…
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8 Vitamins and Nutrients You Need To Take To Stay Fit Over 40

8 Vitamins and Nutrients You Need To Take To Stay Fit Over 40

As the popular quote attributed to Mae West goes, “Getting old isn’t for the faint of heart.” One quite literal explanation for this may be that aging simply makes it difficult for your heart and the rest of your organs to acquire all of the nutrients they need to function properly.  When you’re in your 20s and 30s,…
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7 Benefits of Cable Machines

7 Benefits of Cable Machines

Cable machines are one of the gold standards for gym equipment. The seemingly endless variety of attachments they come with and the movements they offer are why they’re always hogged at weight rooms and why everyone from bodybuilders to professional athletes regularly rely on them to reach new heights. If you’re tired of waiting to use the lat…
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5 Morning Habits That Tony Robbins Uses to Live a Long, Healthy Life

5 Morning Habits That Tony Robbins Uses to Live a Long, Healthy Life

There are a number of parallels that can be drawn between succeeding in both the business arena and the fitness world. After all, both require motivation, energy, and discipline. Entrepreneur and motivational speaker … Read more
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The PowerBlock Pro 100 EXP Adjustable Dumbbells Deliver the Full Gym Experience in a Compact Design

The PowerBlock Pro 100 EXP Adjustable Dumbbells Deliver the Full Gym Experience in a Compact Design

For the majority of muscle-building aficionados, the humble dumbbell has been with us since the start of our journey into lifting. No matter if you first curled your biceps in front of the … Read more
The post The PowerBlock Pro 100 EXP Adjustable Dumbbells Deliver the Full Gym Experience in a Compact Design appeared first on BarBend.

How Much Water Do You Actually Need While Training?

How Much Water Do You Actually Need While Training?

Sweating is a good thing: It helps your body stay cool by releasing heat, and that’s especially important during a workout. But sweating also means you’re losing water and essential electrolytes, which is … Read more
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