3rd cycle help


New member
trying to decide how to put together my next cycle. i've got 60mls of 100mg prop, 50mls of 75mg tren, and 100 25mg winny caps. how should i put this together for my next cycle? is there a noticable difference between ed and eod shots?
yes ed is definatly better and noticably, I would run 100-200mg prop ed , 75mg tren a day, and 50mg winny a day, this is in my opinion the best stack ever,
Presser said:
yes ed is definatly better and noticably, I would run 100-200mg prop ed , 75mg tren a day, and 50mg winny a day, this is in my opinion the best stack ever,
yeah that is a good one...maybe some igf too..tren kills alot of peoples appetite and igf will help with that and give you some nice gains too
It is best when stacked in the beginning of the cycle when all those compounds are stacked together, using it at the end is a waste bro! No point in just taking tren and test in the beginning without the winny, trust me it is way better, way way better, i know a "guy" who has tryed it all types of ways,lol,
Presser's advice is golden bro. You have the makings of a nice cutting cycle or a nice lean mass cycle there. I would only add 1 item. Is the tren purchased already mixed in oil, made from fina, or made from powder? This is important because usually when people make tren from fina or from powder, especially from fina, the tren is usually much lower ig mg/ml than they think. If it is from fina you may wish to bump up the dose a tad.
the tren is from fina, but it is from a reputable ug lab that was tested without the labs knowing. results of the test were very good =)
If you run the cycle as presser laid it out, you will be hooked on tren for sure.

I have run cycles very similar, but, with 30mg of winny per day because my joint tend to hurt when I get over that. The winny serves a secondary purpose in that stack of keeping the progesterones down, run it all the way through.

Definitely go with the ed shots, you will have much fewer sides.