Prefered Cutter??


New member
Which Do You Prefer?
Test Prop 100 mg/daily for 10 weeks
Winny 50/day for 8 weeks
Anavar 45mg/day for 8 weeks


Test E 500 mg/wk for 10 weeks
Clen 50/day for weeks 1,2,5,6,9,10
ECA 3 times daily for weeks 3,4,7,8
first one personally just because you have more drugs in there strictly for cutting and for hardening up. and i wont be using clen for a long time after this week.
clen isnt liver toxic i dont believe to be honest im not sure never thought about it but var is a very low in toxicity some have actually said that there liver tests were better after taking var ill see if i can find that.
as long as your not drinking and taking some liver aids since youll be on orals you will be fine bro i wouldnt worry about it it would be like taking a tylenol.
I doubt you would have any liver problems with the second stack, but considering the two stacks posted, I'd go with the first one of prop, winny, and anavar.
my favorite lean bulker i like to call it is

winny 50mg eod
prop 200mg eod
tren 75mg eod

its the stack that put me on stage for the first time, however i would love to add eq to it, and another however is over tme for some reason i developed a bad reaction to tren by way of sore tits, so i cant use tren anymore, but before it started killing me it was incredible
Last time I used EQ I got bad stomach pains and breathing was tough for some reason so I stopped taking it. I was only hittin 300 a week. Gave the rest to a friend and he was fine I guess my body don't like EQ.
could have been the batch, i had a bad reaction to QV winni once gave it to my buddy he made awesome gains on it no problem