What is the Best Supplementation Stack? Ask Dr Testosterone

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Written by Dr. George N. Touliatos, MD


Cycle for A BIKINI competitor? | Ask Dr Testosterone E 152

What Is the Best Supplementation Stack?

By George Touliatos, MD

Q: What is the ideal supplementation stack that’s worth the money?

A: Personally, I’m using a multivitamin pack with breakfast. I also take liver tablets between meals plus BCAAs pre-workout. During my workout I’m taking electrolytes and post-workout an equal amount of leucine, glutamine and creatine mohohydrate. Also whey isolate; while I might consume egg albumen with breakfast and casein before bed. For those who want to hit their lactate threshold, it’s very important to use beta-alanine, carnosine and baking soda, pre-workout. These supplements definitely work and aren’t a scam.

George Touliatos, MD is an author, lecturer, champion competitive bodybuilder and expert in medical prevention regarding PED use in sports. Dr. Touliatos specializes in medical biopathology and is the medical associate of Orthobiotiki.gr and Medihall.gr, Age Management and Preventive Clinics in Athens, Greece. Heis the author of four Greek books on bodybuilding, has extensively developed articles for www.anabolic.org and is the medical associate for the book Anabolics, 11th Edition (2017). Dr. Touliatos has been a columnist for the Greek editions of MuscleMag and Muscular Development magazines, and has participated in several seminars across Greece and Cyprus, making numerous TV and radio appearances, doing interviews in print and online. His personal website is https://gtoul.com/

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