Dilemna; people WILL be asking questions about my weight gain...?

properly pumped

New member
O.K., this is like my fifth or sixth cycle. In the past when I have "blown up", I have chalked it up to creatine, but this time I really don't think that will at all be possible.
Here's why: Age 30, 5'9", 205#'s, around 11-12%. My next cycle should be as follows:

weeks 1-4 Anadrol 50 ed (350 mg. a week)
weeks 1-2 Propionate 200mg. eod (roughly 600mg) per week
weeks 1-8 Primoteston 250, 3 amps per week (750mg.)
weeks 1-8 EQ 200mg 2x a week (400mg.)
weeks 6-8 Fina 75mg eod (300mg.)
weeks 6-8 Winstrol tabs 50mg. per day. (700mg. total)
weeks 1-10 (or so) Arimidex .05 to 1 mg. per day as needed
2 weeks after last injection- Clomid 300mg.x1 day, 200mg.x3 days, 100mg.x 10 days.
If I can get my hands on HCG to level out my HPTA post cycle, I will.
So the two questions therefore arise, 1. How does this cycle sound to everyone, and 2. What the FUCK do I tell everyone during and after my transformation???

Any help, advice will be appreciated regarding either matter. If you don't want to post, feel free to p.m. me.
um, you've doubled your protein intake, stopped overtraining, starting hitting body parts twice a week, got your form down, started taking inhaled steroids (cortizone, they won't know the diff, though) for asthma, started taking pro-hormones... Mind their own f'ing business or you'll squash them like a bug?
I guess i could go with the pro-hormones story.....but the people i am concerned with know the difference between bronchiodilators, etc, and AAS. we'll see. any other suggestions???
Insulin? It's legal at least. You could say you have low test levels, and are on a script of test. New workout partner that's pushing you in the gym?
Oh, and you could just say you have a medical issue that is being resolved right now (that could be low test, or just about anything else) - they shouldn't ask after that, or tell them you none of their business at that point.
Tell them you are loosing weight and you just look bigger. And go buy shirts that are too big. I don't workout in tanks anymore-too many questions just long sleeve t's then nobody says anything.
I find the people I see on a daily or weekly basis, don't notice the weight gain as much, and the people that you don't see as often will believe just about anything, new training style & got your diet down.
thanks so much guys. i think the slin thing would freak out the people i'm concerned with, and some would ask to see a script, (don't ask, long story), but the Andro thing is probably a very good idea. yeah i take andro-whateverthefuckitis, and creatine. does anyone have any comments on the contents, dosages or timing of the cycle??? i am aware that it is a bit extreme.
thanks again.
Tell them you have a thyroid condition, then look stunned and hurt, tell them you don't want to talk about it, then leave the room. Make them feel like an ass.
scorpio said:
Tell them you have a thyroid condition, then look stunned and hurt, tell them you don't want to talk about it, then leave the room. Make them feel like an ass.
Like that answer!

But which group of people are we talking about? Family, co-workers, gym-mates, etc.? Sometimes people ask and they don't IMO have a right to ask or know the answer. Some people do have that right.
we're talking about family...i've always told them it was creatine, (my head usually swells like a f'ing melon), and we're also talking about co-workers, medical people, so to speak, and they are definitely not stupid. with the above cycle, i can only do the best i can. as i said before, i would need to show a script for any meds or Rx i was taking, so i'm gonna stick with Andro/Creatine.... I can already hear my liver crying :(