Last day on dbol


New member
Tomerrow will be my sixth week on dbol 35mg ed. I am kind of sad because I have enjoyed the gains and strength. I know it is bad on the liver but can you run dbol for longer than six weeks with continued gains or is six weeks about all it will do. I am running a 15 week cycle.

31 ys old 196 5'11 11-12% bf

1-6 dbol 35mg ed
1-12 400mg deca
1-12 500mg test e
10-15 winny 50mg ed
6-15 1/2 cc hcg 2x's a week
6-15 arimidex .25mg ed
post cycle therapy

No stop the dbol. The longer acting ester enanthate and deca are more than in your system at six weeks and you will still make gains. As you know aa17 compounds are dangerous and should not be used over 6 weeks.
Most people don't run it longer than that because for the most part, it is used to jump start the beginning of your cycle until the other gear kicks in. I don't think you will make any more gains from it if you continue it. Let the test and deca take over.
Thanks guys for the info. I definately have to say that I have been floating on other boards and this is the one true board to me. You guys answer quickly with sharp, intelligent replys. I am looking forward to some good friendships with you bros.
shit bro, I'd have had some tren waiting for me once the d-bol was kicked.....I like the gains/pumps better on it anyway