2 weeks on/4 off: Whatdaya'll think about it


New member
I've seen this concept of 2 weeks on then 4 weeks off in a couple different places on the web. One dude (I'm spacing his name right now) highly recommends this routine along with clomid throught the whole thing as a way to get good gains while minimizing natural test/LH/etc. crash, TA, and other side effects.
What do you all think of this? As a side question, do you think a big hit of 'Sust. 250' at the very begining would be a bad idea because it lasts so long?

Thanks for your imput! S23
You are shutdown after 2 and have made minimal gains by then. It takes at least 4 weeks to recover. Do a bunch of these back to back and I'll bet you end up the same as if you trained naturally the whole time.
I couldn't imagine what you could achieve with two weeks on, four off, two weeks on, four off, and so on. Even with short acting esters like winny, prop, and tren, I couldn't see any benefit in doing this. Most of my gains, by the way, really start to show in week 6. I wouldn't bother wasting the gear with a scheme such as the one aforementioned.