Should I Use This Gear To Bulk?


New member
I was planning on running this for a bulking cycle in a couple months:

* Test E (600-675 mg/wk) 1-12
* Tren (90 mg/eod) 1-8 or 10 or 12 (depending on my results/reaction from/to it)
* Winny (tabs @ 50 mg/ed) 8-14

I will really try to buckle down and keep a daily journal of my victuals. I will shoot for 3500-4000 calories daily with 300-400 grams of protein. I am thinking that the Test E, of course, is good for bulking, the Tren can go either way- bulking or cutting, and the Winny will harden me up at the tail end. What do you all think?
I am thinking that regardless of what type of gear one uses, if they are swallowing around 4000 calories a day, in excess of 300 grams of protein, with minimal, if any cardio, and training heavy, it is a bulker.
BLEED GREEN, my Test E starts kicking in around the end of week 3, and I am still a little sour over my experience with Bionabol for a kickstart which really didn't do much for me for an immediate strength gain. I figure the Tren will do the trick for a kickstart anyway. What do you think?
It's quick-acting, with a short half-life, hence the ed/eod injections. I haven't heard much noise about using it for a kickstart but I'm not exactly sure why.
i have done a tren only cycle for almost six weeks or so @ 75mg eod. i realize that this is kind of strange but i did it nonetheless. i gained a solid 6 or 7 #'s from it. it does kick in around the second or third day or so. i just began it again a few days ago. i'm taking it now. i'm also taking @ present 500mg test e per week, i'm on my seventh week. the fina is great if you can stand the acne. my weight prior to starting fina this time around was 216, and i'm now at 220. i would consider starting with 50mg dbol or 50mg drol ed for first two-three weeks or so. hope this helps.
SNDMN said:
I am thinking that regardless of what type of gear one uses, if they are swallowing around 4000 calories a day, in excess of 300 grams of protein, with minimal, if any cardio, and training heavy, it is a bulker.

I'd save the winny and plan on running tren the whole time. If you do experience sides you feel you can't handle, what's the backup plan?

That is why I put Tren wks 1-8 or 10 or 12. Depending on how I feel, I may run it for all 12 weeks along with the Test. What did you mean by backup plan though? Did you mean in case I experience gyno from it? Should I have bromo on hand, or should I just immediately discontinue use of Tren if bad sides are experienced? Why do you discourage the use of Winny with this particular cycle, LA?

By the way, your "bulking" article in the new E-Zine was inspiring.
SNDMN said:

That is why I put Tren wks 1-8 or 10 or 12. Depending on how I feel, I may run it for all 12 weeks along with the Test. What did you mean by backup plan though? Did you mean in case I experience gyno from it? Should I have bromo on hand, or should I just immediately discontinue use of Tren if bad sides are experienced? Why do you discourage the use of Winny with this particular cycle, LA?

By the way, your "bulking" article in the new E-Zine was inspiring.
Thanks, it's more than I was ever hoping for by someone saying I was inspiring!

I just don't like winny in a bulker. Now, a steroid, is a steroid, is a steroid but the minute you mention, winny, anavar, masteron and halos then the next sentence always reads- "will harden me up at the tail end" or something like it. You need to keep that weight at the end of a bulker. The water will come off as soon as you end your cycle anyway. You do have to "convince" your body that it should weigh more than it did. This should be the first rule of postcycle procedures. Make a new setpoint!

By backup plan, I meant if you decide not to keep the tren. Could be any number of reasons. If you can't keep the tren your total AS numbers go down quickly. So I'd have a backup plan in case you need too. Eq would make a nice addition to this cycle but you would have needed to start it from the beginning not the 4th or 5th week. So, I'd have an oral, prop and more test-e onhand. The oral or prop can replace the tren immediately until the extra test-e kicks in. That's what I meant by a backup plan.

Good Luck with this puppie- LA