what should my proper PCT be???

properly pumped

New member
5'10, 220, 31 y.o.- currently.

I am finishing up this current cycle. it included:

1. Humalog 10 iu post w/o
2. 500 mg test e weekly, weeks 1-8
3. 50 mg drol wks 1-3
4. tren 75mg ed x 10 days. tomorrow will be my last shot.

Here is what I have available to me if and when needed.

1. HCG 10,000 IU
2. Arimidex 30 mg. total
3. Clomid (unlimited supply) of 50 mg. tabs
4. Clen 20 mcg- 100 tabs.
5. Nolva 10mg (if needed)

Almost all the information i have read online both at this site and others, along with opinions of individuals i know are anecdotal, and vary GREATLY from person to person. This is why I am posting my exact cycle here to get some feedback. Thanks.
