welbutrin/zyban while on cycle?


New member
Well, i have finally had it! Time to kick the smoking habit.I quit for 6 months a few years ago with the help of welbutrin(exact same medicine as zyban). It seemed to take the edge off, and calm my nerves, making it sooo much easier. My question is, has anybody ran this while on cycle? I want to start asap, while I still have my mind made up to quit, but also starting 24 week cycle in a couple of weeks. I am going to ask my doc about it, but would like your input/feelings as well.
i would say it wouldnt conflict being that it is low dose nicotine. The only things i see are the newly increasing apetite. Wich can only help a bulking cycle. If your cutting your still fine just a little more self discipline is required.
no pudgy, zyban /welbutrin is an anti depressant ,used for smoking cessation, to make the cravings easier to deal with. My ins wont pay for zyban, but they will pay for welbutrin used to treat depression.No nicotine.