Slin for the hypoglycemic?


New member
Would anyone know how using Slin would work out for someone who runs on the hypo side normally.

For those that don`t understand people like myself sometimes has too much inslin output all on their own.

EX: A couple of sodas and a candy bar(not my usual) will spike sugar levels high for awhile then an hour or so later the body releases Too much inslin causing LOW blood sugar.

I wonder if more or less carbs would be used per iu???
And is there more danger of slin`s use?
if your sugar is already too low you would have to up your carb intake to get normal , then up your carb intake to the desired gram per iu. In my opinion this is too dangerous of a guessing game, your either gonna dye or get fat by over carbing, Seek other means of muscle gain.
I would work first on getting my body levels of natural slin normal first. This can be done through exercise, metformin and IGF.

BTW: Even if you overproduce slin, it's not going to come close to the amount that you can inject.