Arimidex dosage in middle of cycle?


New member
Here's my cycle:
1- 4 35mg of thai D-bol
1-10 750mg of Orbit labs Test E.
(didn't have money for EQ)

I have jsut finished week 4 and am for sure holding water. I am going to Mexico on Jan 23 and I don't want to be holding any water for the trip. I have started Arimidex at .5mg/day. (3 weeks out from my trip) So I now have 2 questions:
1)Can I get away with .25mg ED instead. I ask because my supply can carry me to the end of my cycle if I do lower the dose.
2) Was 3 weeks out from trip early enough to start?
MacGyver said:
Here's my cycle:
1- 4 35mg of thai D-bol
1-10 750mg of Orbit labs Test E.
(didn't have money for EQ)

So I now have 2 questions:
1)Can I get away with .25mg ED instead. I ask because my supply can carry me to the end of my cycle if I do lower the dose.
2) Was 3 weeks out from trip early enough to start?

1. .25mg arimidex ED will NOT take care of the estrogen related sides from 750mg. of a long estered test per week, for MOST guys. So, the answer is a pretty solid "no".

2. early enough to start an anti-e to get rid of water retention? Yes, however, not at that low of a dose.

If you really want to be sure and wipe out estrogen for your trip, take 12.5 mg of aromasin ED for the last 10 days before your trip and while you are there. That will definately take care of it.

personally I am sensitive the l-dex cause I use .5cc ed (.12mg) during cycle's and found I loose to much water and get dehydrated after a week or so if I take 1cc and go back to .5cc.

I never taken the oral tablet version.

Everyone reacts a bit different see how your body reacts