Colonics / colon cleansing


New member
I'll put this here (and perhaps Supersport can chime in), b/c I think it may pertain to many of us who are constantly pushing the food envelope when trying to gain weight.

Does anyone have experience with a colonic or colon cleanse, of any variety - from enema style to herbal / nutritional?...

A related question would be fasting to clear the GI tract specifically.

I've been getting a lot of abdominal bloating, which could be candida (yes, SS, I still have to try your recommendation) and lately have gotten sick with who knows what. My major remaining symptom is what *feels* like a dramatic reduction in gastrointestional activity.

Any help would be great. (I know the colonics can be pretty pricey, buy I've heard good things - is it worth it?...)

Thanks in advance.

Funny you are posting this Randy, as I just had a conversation with a friend about this 2 weeks ago or so. She had one done, and she even told the practitioner that she doubted if anything would come out. She said the nurse told her to be ready to be suprised-a ton of garbage came out, so said my friend. I am certainly going to have this done in the spring-not only because of the huge volumes of food I have eaten but supposedly undigested red meat gets hung up everywhere too.
The docs in the old days (1800's) regularly did colonics on patients-as "disease begins in the gut" was the motto back then.
I gotta go to work now, but I do have an interesting post for ya in this thread tonite when I get home.

---I almost didn't want to post in the open like know KR, Sweat, Skip and others are lurking just ready to zing us about subjects such as this ! LOL!
LOL. Thanks, man. I've heard the same stories about strange stuff coming out. One was about a person who had a piece of a food come out that she was allergic to and hadn't knowingly eaten for over a decade.

I found a place in town where I can get a single colon hydrotherapy session (usually they sell them in packages of a min. of 5). A single one, I can afford.

Lookin' forward to your story, man.

supersport said:
---I almost didn't want to post in the open like know KR, Sweat, Skip and others are lurking just ready to zing us about subjects such as this ! LOL!

I know this sounds funny to everyone, but it is actually quite serious. Some of you guys know my mother is battling cancer, but what you don't know is it is colon cancer. I personally feel everyone should take precautions, and doing this type thing has a multitude of benefits.
I enjoy a colon cleansing every now and again. Just start licking on my balls and then she'll pull my leg over my head and uhhhh, pure extacy.

Not too long ago I did a 48 hour fast where I drank cranberry & grapefruit juice to try to clean out my system. I'd been feeling groggy, weak, and unmotivated. A couple of things I'd think I'd change would be to try to go a little longer, maybe 72 hours and also increase the amount of fluids I take in to about 1 gal or more per day. As you can imagine, I had a little difficult time clearing out my system because I didn't drink enough.

Surprisingly enough I felt pretty good during the whole 48 hours as long as I had something to drink. I did go about 3 hours without a drink and I got a terrible headache.

The colonics seems like it would be extremely uncomfortable though.
Be careful with the colonic! Its nothing more than a giant enema..There are better ways to do a colon cleanse than having a stainless steel hose up your ass. If you have any intestinal challenges or weakness in the lining, and that sucker pops inside you, its instant surgery with all that shit filling up your insides..Happened to a friend of mine...
Talk about a toxic nightmare..
There are a lot less invasive ways than colonics..
I get that bloated gut bad. when eating high calories. very miserable! I have been considering a hi colnic for the past couple years. A local radio station did a bit where the sent one of the cast to get one, she lost 15lbs from it. The sludge that can build up slows digestion, slows nutrition absorbtion, distends the gut and adds weight that seeml wont go away as well as is just unhealthy. I call for a price...$60 bucks for 45min-1 hr treatment. The flush 15-30gals of water thru you and back out. It sounds like literally being backflushed!
GetnBigr, I'd be interested in hearing more about how it helped your Mom. I have a friend who does colon cancer research.

Mark, Thanks for the info., man. I have basically done that the past 3 days - I've eaten what I would have in about 1/2 of a day.

Heckman - I'd be interested to hear what you suggest.

Sweat, I'll fill ya in, man, if I get it done. THe place I'm lookin' at only does 2-6 Liters in an hour treatment (< 2 gal).

Hope some of this will help. Sorry my post is a little long, but I feel it is important. I have a good bit of experience with flushes-though I have never had a colonic. Will have one of those soon enough though.
Let's start with the possible candida. Most MD's will do a blood test checking for antibodies to confirm candida-problem is that everyone has candida and most will show antibodies to candida-but that doesn't mean you have a problem. Some MD's will evaluate you based on the levels of antibody present-in other words some docs will say you have Candida and others will say you don't. Not a good situation. I would recommend you see a practitioner of Meridan Stress Analysis-this is system that uses acupucture points (usually the ones on the hand) and the probe is hooked up to a computer. This device detects biological energy flow. The theory is that there are energy disruptions before clinical disease begins-which then can be detected by blood tests, biopsy, x-ray etc. I have considerable experience as a patient with MSA-and I am completely sold on its ability to diagnose and "predict" pathologies. MSA can also be used to detect food allergies and can also actually provide accurate info in regards to how a substance (herb, pharmaceutical, vitamin, mineral, etc) will react with your system-whether you will embrace it or reject it. MSA can also detect nutritional defenciencies. In a moment I will discuss my personal experience with MSA.
Let's say you do in fact have "intestinal candida". Most of the time this is caused by a high sugar diet and or antibiotics. Antibiotice not only kill harmful bacteria but also kills the intestinal flora in our gut-the "healthy bacteria" that manufactures vit. B and also neutralizes candida-keeps it from coming up our digestive tract. Some experts do say that hormonal imbalances cause candida overgrowth, but I am not sold on this idea. Perhaps I am biased, but I believe antibiotics are the number 1 culprit, and a high sugar diet is number 2.
Regarding treatment for intestinal candidaisis-you can use 3% h202 orally. Just mix about 10-15 drops of hyd. peroxide from an eye dropper into a glass of water and drink it 2 times a day. We do not have the necessary enzymes to break down h202 in our gut (we do have such enzymes in our blood however) but in a localized situation, such as candida albicans in the small intestine and stomach, the h202 will certainly oxidize the pathogen. Dr. William Campbell Douglass, MD, who I regard as the best MD in american history (not that my opinion means a whole lot) has used h202 orally in his aids treatment in Uganda, Africa. Some of these aids patients were dying of intestinal candidaisis-the UBI and IV h202 were ineffective because obviously the blood does not enter the small intestine. So he added oral h202 with tremendous results.
I use an oral form of peroxide-one that is friendly to the stomach and can be broken down and the oxygen can be absorbed into the bloodstream. It is called magnesium oxide-the product I use was formulated by Kurt Donsbach, who uses UBI and h202 with unparalled sucess in his cancer clinics in Mexico and Poland (Hospital Santa Monica). He is a proponet of keeping blood oxygen levels optimized-and keeping the oxidative system of the body optimal also. His product is simply called "Oxygen" and is marketed by the Rockland corporation-you can call them at 1-800-258-5028. A quart sized bottle is about 12 bucks-I order a case at a time. One bottle will last about 3 weeks. I take one ounce first thing in the morning and one ounce at night. Make sure your stomach is fairly empty and don't eat for 30 min after consuming. This was the first oxygen "treatment" I used-before I learned of IV h202 and UBI. I am sure I had candida overgrowth (phucking antibiotics) as the first week I used the oxygen drink there was some strange noises in my stomach-and some quick trips to the john too.The product does contain bee pollen, which some folks are allergic to. My digestion improved as the candida cleared.
As for the colonics-you will want to keep yourself well hydrated prior to your colinic. Some practitioners use some herbs, some even use a little ozone . You will be better served to find a practitioner that uses a closed system-more pleasant and effective-keeps water flowing into your large intestine while the gunk flows out. Some practitioners will massage your abdomen during the colonic-about a 30-45 min process.
After the colonic you will certainly want to restore your intestinal flora with probiotic supplementation. Get a refrigerated powder-the capsules are not as good. Get a high quality form at a legit herb shop or maybe from an acupuncturist. No GNC shit here bro. Or wally world. lol.
Now for the cleanse and my experiences. Feel free to laugh-my situation was a little comical in hindsight. Painful as hell, but comical to me now.
I saw a MSA practitioner at my MD's office about a year ago. Had all of my organs checked out, nutritional defeciencies, etc. Cost for 1 hour was about 50 bucks. Everything about me was great. No problems whatso ever. The nurse was even a little suprised at that. No defeciencies is not typical. But she did detect a small disturbance with my gall bladder. Told me to look into a "liver/gall bladder flush". So I did. I also looked into gall bladder surgery-not for me. I found at least one piece of literature that suggested people that have the GB removed have a 30% higher rate of heart attacks. No thanks.
I found a very popular liver/gb flush-amazingly simple. Problem was you basically take a day off from all activities-and the worst part was no protein or fats consumed for a whole day. Negative nitrogen balance? I was not going to consider it-not even for a day. I did not realize what a phucked up decision that was. I found out 10 months later.
In October I went to a house party-ate a ton of fried chicken. Had not had fried chicken in 10-12 years. Ate enough for an Army Division. Then the host brought out my favorite-cheesecake!! Yum-Yum! Ate a shitload of that too. Went home, and about 3 hours later my gall bladder staged a revolution.
I can't begin to describe GB pain. It is unbelievable. It is relentless, no matter what position you lay in. It is a pain right beneath the sternum-just unreal. Imagine the pain you have from slamming your thumb in a door-try that for 4 or 5 hours non-stop. I did an internet search for a quick remedy-they all called for extravagant herbs-and it was 1AM. No herb shops open. The cleanse I had intended on doing called for no dietary fat or protein for at least 12 hours, so that was not an option. I was phucked. Some posts by women that i read about said that the GB pain they experienced was more severe that labor pain. Oh shit, I was in for a helluva night.
I finally gave in and went to the ER at the local hospital. I just needed a pain killer and then i would do the flush the next day. When I got to the hospital I was not the most pleasant patient to deal with. I was in serious pain, was pissed cause I was pussin out and going for pain med, I should have done the flush before all of this (hence I would not be in such a situation) and the really bad part was I was sure the ER doc and staff would think I was a lunatic for refusing surgery. Oh, and I knew this was going to cost me a nice sum of money too. Yeah, I was in a shitty mood.
You ever notice that when you are phucked up and at you worst you always get the hottest nurse on staff? Like she is going to be interested in my pathetic ass. Girl was a beauty queen-I did make a feeble attempt to score (no dice!!lol!!).
So I get my room. Another nurse comes in to do a blood draw. And a piss check. I have made it clear what the problem is, and am kinda pissed about these "tests" I knew they were checking to see if I was a junkie. I was pissed that here i was in some unreal phucking pain and they are waiting for me to generate enough urine to piss. I was about ready to start breaking some shit to be honest. Finally the doc showed up-he went ahead and okayed the pain meds-got 2 sticks in the cheeks and was in la-la land in a few minutes. Even though i was high as a kite I could still feel about 30% of my GB pain.
The doc recommended an ultrasound to verify presence of gall stones. I had already told him I was going to do a flush instead of surgery. I was suprised when he said he was open minded about things , and that if it did not work I could schedule surgery later. Cool guy. The ultrasound nurse wasn't so empathetic about the flush. She chastized me about actually. I was high, didn't care, and went on a speel about how conventional medicine sucks. I actually told her I should charge her money for the education I was giving her -LOL!
After the ultra the doc came in-oh yeah I was packed up with gallstones. Something else that was interesting is he was certain of infection present in my gall bladder. I was experiencing extreme chills and hot flashes-just like someone was turning a light switch on and off. I would go from freezing cold to a hard sweat in minutes. He said oddly that my cell counts did not indicate infection. I told him that i use some immune enhancing therapies and that i was certain my immune system was running full tilt and winning the battle. Not only did I deny surgery but I denied meds for the infection. He didn't like that, but I told him about UBI-and it would dismantle the infection in a few hours.
I left the hospital and called my MD at 6 am-told him my situation-he could get me in at 8am for UBI and h202-"photo oxidation"
I had the UBI-H202 done and did the flush. Here is the flush.
from 6am to 12 noon eat only light fruits. Apples, pears, stuff like that. After 2pm eat or drink nothing. Nothing. Suprisingly you will not feel hungry or thirsty.
At 6pm drink a concoction of one tablespoon epsom salts in water. You can mix in Vit C powder to improve the taste.
Repeat at 8 pm.
At 10 pm drink a potion of 1 cup of virgin olive oil with the juice from a large fresh grapefriut. Yum Yum!(that is a bad joke)
Immediately after drinking this go lay down flat on your back. Don't move. After 20 minutes I could actually feel the gall stones running down my bilary tubing. Felt like a train of marbles moving!! No pain what so ever.
6am-epsom salts with water.
8am -epsom salts with water.
Take a dump-presto! Gall stones. Hundreds of them!
The science is that by not eating fat the previous day builds pressure in the liver-critical in getting the stones out. The epsome salts dilate the bilary tubing so the stones will pass. The olive oil greases everything up.
The cleanse actually removes debris from the liver also and cleans out the GB. This flush is all over the net-tons of people with success and pics of gall stones at 2 centimeters in size!!
My cost of treatment was about 3 bucks. Cost of GB surgery? Probably 5-6 grand( or more). And I still have my Gall Bladder.
Randy-do the liver flush the day before your colonic. I have read that you get more gunk out this way. Let me know how it goes if you do the colinic!! Some liver and GI stimulating herbs are licorice root and milk thistle. I use both always (and have never had elevated liver enzymes-not even when using a-50).
heckman said:
Be careful with the colonic! Its nothing more than a giant enema..There are better ways to do a colon cleanse than having a stainless steel hose up your ass. If you have any intestinal challenges or weakness in the lining, and that sucker pops inside you, its instant surgery with all that shit filling up your insides..Happened to a friend of mine...
Talk about a toxic nightmare..
There are a lot less invasive ways than colonics..

An enema only goes about 6-8 inches in the large intestine. A colnic gets 5 feet. In virtually every type of clinical setting there are episodes where things do not go as planned. What happened to your friend is certainly unfortunate but such does happen from time to time. An awful lot of people have had success with colonics. I am curious about the non invasive techniques you mentioned-would like to hear about them honestly. Here is something interesting-supposedly John Wayne had 25 pounds of gunk inside him at autopsy. Yuk!!!
I heard the one about John Wayne too! Yes, there are some people who swear by colonics...
I do a cleanse every change of season. Yes, 4 times a year. I use a soluble and insoluble fiber, herbal tabs that get to the gunk and junk in the colon, ( we call them the scubbing bubbles)and lastly an activated charcoal to absorb all the toxins being released during this cleanse..otherwise you may get flu like simptoms without the fever. I get great results with this cleanse.
heckman said:
I heard the one about John Wayne too! Yes, there are some people who swear by colonics...
I do a cleanse every change of season. Yes, 4 times a year. I use a soluble and insoluble fiber, herbal tabs that get to the gunk and junk in the colon, ( we call them the scubbing bubbles)and lastly an activated charcoal to absorb all the toxins being released during this cleanse..otherwise you may get flu like simptoms without the fever. I get great results with this cleanse.

I am familiar with the charcoal tabs and chips. What herbs are in your preparations bro? I am familiar with the possibility of getting sick as virus is also eliminated in the cleanse (gall stones are loaded with viral particles)-
The probiotics are great in aiding digestion. People should be using them in the first place before there is a problem (especially people that take in the #'s of calories that we do). Many good multivitamins contain important lipases amylases and proteases to aid in digestion too. That's just all preventative, but do not forget that this "cleansing" is depleteing a lot of the favorable bacteria in your lower GI tract that are monumental in proper digestion. There's good and bad sides to anything. the bacteria will repopulate over time, but there will be a period of adjustment.
KidRok said:
dammit I feel bad about my reply.

no need to feel bad bro, I just have a different stance than most due to the situation. Don't hold back on your comments on my account as you won't hurt my feelings.
jaywooly said:
I enjoy a colon cleansing every now and again. Just start licking on my balls and then she'll pull my leg over my head and uhhhh, pure extacy.

you ain't right bro!!! lol