Just fir the fun if it anwser this..,

tuned up

New member
Just for the fun if it anwser this..,

if you could only do ONE EXERCISE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE,what would it be?(ie.,db curls,bp,squats deads,etc)and why?
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Am I rating this by how useful the one exercise would be to me, or how much I would enjoy doing the exercise???

If it is effectiveness.... Has to be deads!

If it is enjoyment.... Some kind of chest exercise.... Maybe incline dumbbells
Man, we got some deadheads on here!!lol. I would do barbell curls. I remember being about 12 years old and seeing pictures of Arnold doing barbell curls-
clean and jerk for effectiveness. you build muscle in the early stage like a deadlift then press it up for your chest, tris, and shoulders. full body exercise. :D yeah i rock
lol , curling potato chips to my mouth while i do presses on the remote control watching tv :D thats a compound movement i'd like to do my whole life :p
I have only done deads about 12-15 times in my 20 years of training. So, I would probably not go with those, personally.

shoulder presses, cause my shoulders always hurt so much anyway I'd end up not doing anything and could then just lay around on a beach all day drinking margaritas! :D
I personally had a few back problems and never wanted to hurt back further on deadlifts.

I would have to go with one that works legs and speeds metabolism..squats increase whole body size and burn fat faster than any exercise I know but I hate em but know there a must for a big strong body.