S.I/Steroid Article...


New member

I meant to post this last week when I found it...hope those athletes aren't affected by it. Gimme a break if the athletes didn't continually get better, stronger and/or faster then the people would lose interest and everyone would be equal. It is those that step up to the plate (pardon the pun) and take the AAS, while eating right, training hard, sleeping often, etc that we admire and excel in their sports. If you want a bunch of Eithiopians running around tackling each other then you're gay and shouldn't be watching sports anyway. Come to your senses and leave the athletes alone so we can sit back in awe of their performances.

I personally found the part about the one pant leg kinda funny....Ummm how old are these investigators? Don't they know that one pant leg rolled up is a style thing and wouldn't they know steroids aren't normally injected into the calf. Freakin' idiots....
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Well at least it wasn't Nelly coming outta there (with all his band aids stuck on his grill) the investigators would have said, "It was sad to see some even getting shots in their faces and their calves."
Is this what my tax dollars is paying for? No wonder we have a huge deficit. I get sick of societies Puritism ideas on things but then we are hipocritical when we come to sports. Like prud13 said we want Bigger, faster and stronger, nut god forbid you use some chemical enhancements.