Estrogen or Progesterone??


Staff member
wich is it that anadrol converts into, I have read many different profiles and sen some say estro and some say progestro, so who knows for sure
Cant directly convert to estrogen, and it is considered a progesterone derivitive. That doesnt mean it converts to progesterone, but that it can stimulate progesterone receptors to a small degree.
I don't think its a DHT derived steroid so it can not convert to estrogen....Like Beefy said I believe I've read its progestrone derived....but I've never heard of anyone getting progesterone induced gyno from it directly. So I don't know for
Its DHT derivative so it CANNOT convert to estrogen, also studies have shown that it does NOT convert to progertone. The theory is that anadrol intrinsically activates the estrogen receptor. If this is the case treating it with Nolvadex would prove to be effective.