

New member
One thing that I have really noticed on my quest for my first cycle(which I start next week, already started GH) is that my most major misunderstanding of all is dosages...its always the same...averaging on about 400mg/ml....2x a week for a newbie.Now being a drug, doesn't weight and size play a factor in it all, and even to a point, the goals one is trying to attain.I dont see too many people asking size before they give advice, or goals.I don't get it.....

Probably because everyone reacts differently to different drugs so your first few cycles you get to know your body and the drugs. For instance allot of people love EQ, but personally I have done it twice and I dont think I will touch the stuff again, I had much better results of 300mg deca vs 700mg EQ.
Willieman said:
One thing that I have really noticed on my quest for my first cycle(which I start next week, already started GH) is that my most major misunderstanding of all is dosages...its always the same...averaging on about 400mg/ml....2x a week for a newbie.Now being a drug, doesn't weight and size play a factor in it all, and even to a point, the goals one is trying to attain.I dont see too many people asking size before they give advice, or goals.I don't get it.....


your "virgin" body only has so many receptor sites in it. this is why 4-500mgs a week is a standard dose for someone just starting out. overkill causes sides, start small and work your way up to a bigger dose. it cuts back on the sides.
I usually try to ask for stats, age, goals when giving out advice as all mods and vets should. As QOD said 400-500mg is a standard dose that most newbies will be able to see some good results. Some users start out with less and have good results.
I guess I was refering to was not wanting to do more, but wondering about 5'4" 185, I still get told to do the same amount as the 230lb guy starting off.
Willieman said:
I guess I was refering to was not wanting to do more, but wondering about 5'4" 185, I still get told to do the same amount as the 230lb guy starting off.

again, it's best as a beginner, to start out with small dosages and work your way up. if you feel you can go up, then by all means go up. but starting with an outrageously high amount of AAS isn't a smart thing to do(for anyone), your just asking for side effects.....

start small young grasshoper;)
BiggerStronger said:
Well, At 5'4 and 185lbs you have a lot of mass. So 500mg of test per week sounds like a good dose.

Actually I was going with 400 as a start, I have achieved some pretty good stats for a "natural" (OK there was the m1T, but that got me to 195), 16 3/4 arms 46" chest, 18 inch calves..squatting 405 and 315 on bench (all for reps)bf is about 10-12, and my bones are I think I have paid my dues...I am not looking to be a mass monster though.....
As far as being the young grasshopper...thanks, even at 40 I have plenty to learn.

Thanks for the replies

Damn bro, you could be a monster!

It is my opinion that someone should start low and work their way up. 400mgs sounds good.

Now, you're not talking about anything specific, in terms of drugs? Just in general?

The most important thing is to listen to your body.
jaywooly said:
Damn bro, you could be a monster!

It is my opinion that someone should start low and work their way up. 400mgs sounds good.

Now, you're not talking about anything specific, in terms of drugs? Just in general?

The most important thing is to listen to your body.
test ....Although I am very tempted to throw in some EQ, but I have already started a gh cycle so I am hoping to stay lean for the summer, and not bloat up, and since its my first.

jaywooly said:
EQ shouldn't make you bloat up. If anything, you'd be harder and more vascular.
yep...I'm just not sure if I want to throw anything else into the mix...I was also thinking of going with just the EQ.

On my first I started at a lowly 200mg/week and saw good gains. I was 21 yo 5'9" and 180lbs. I tend to think along the same lines as you, start low and work up. any will think that 200/week is too low, all I can tell you is that it worked for me.