5-htp and post cycle depression


New member
Hopefully this will help some of you get thru that rough shitty feeling that we sometimes get when the cycle is over.

I recently aborted my cycle about 3 wks early due to the signs of a nasty case of depression. It hard for me to say for sure if it was the winny or the tren, but I beleive winstrol to be the culprate. Anyway, I when I realized it was time to stop I dropped the long esters I was on and I hit the clomid 150 Ed for 5 days and 100 for 7 and now I'm on 50 Ed for a while. This helped somewhat, But I started taking 5-htp the following wk when I hadn't seen enough improvement and decided to stop the tren and winny. 2 100mg doses through the day, I felt much better in the morning, I didn't dread going thru the day. Mood was greatly enhanced so was my energy level as I had become real letharic and didn't really give s shit about much. This week I have upped it to 3 100mg dose about 5 hr apart and I feel that this is the dose to take, even more noticable effect on mood, temper etc..

I have little faith in most OTC products, but I beleive this stuff to be worth its weight in gold, and highly recommend it. It will always be included in my PCT from now on.
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Thats good to hear. I was inquiring about 5-htp on another board and no one had any experience. I had read that it helped raise mood levels, and helped you sleep better. I'm gonna add that to my PCT arsenal as well.
5-htp has helped me out 10 fold!! 300mg every night for 2 weeks and now im on 100mg every night and feel great!!
DPS Nutrition....you may want to look into phosphatyline serine. Its supposed to decrease cortisol levels by 30%. People that I've talked to that are taking up to 800mg a day say it elevates their mood extremely. I can imagine that a 5htp at 300mg and PS at 300mg would be a good mood stack!