Can someone lend me a hand?


New member
ok guys im 16 years old and....yes i have man boobs and a stomach and yes (very shameful) Stretch marks.....i need a workout plan that in two months (when i get to see my g/f again cause she moved away) i will be fit and in shape because i wasnt like fit when she left but since she did i got man boobs and stretch marks but my dermatologist can give me something for those all im asking is your guys help to get in shape and fit for her ya know and plus i wanna do it for myself..ill tell you what i have to work with and you guys if you want can help me out...

Weight Bench
Weights that equal 100pnds total
two dumbbells that equal 16 each
ankle weights (only one set cause others busted)
ab wheel

thats pretty much it i need something you guys please help me
Things like height, weight, approximate fat percentage would have been more usefull information upon which to give a diagnosis.
For now you need to run, swim, or bicycle combined with 5 to 10 x 200 yards at least 3 times a week, calisthenics at least 3 times a week. Unless you are very weak a 100 lb barbell is not going to be much to work with as far as legs and back are concerned which are the easiest muscles to build to increase overall metabolic rate to burn the fat.
join the Y and take a basic 3 times a week complete body program of 3 sets of 5 to 8 reps.
join the wrestling team.
gosh you make it sound so easy to join the Y man...i can run theres no where to swim and my bike is broke so all i can do is run anyone else got useful info to help me out?
Your diet is the problem.
Eat protein for every meal, eat 6 times daily, and stop eating starches and sugars. Eat fibre (ie./ fibrous vegetables ) with every meal.
Protein powders only after workouts, otherwise eat meat&alternatives.
Keep fats low, ~75 grams, and carbs low ~75. And protein minimally 200 grams.

You should know that if you eat shit, you will look like it.
If you eat well and don't even exercise, you will still have a relatively low bf%...
eggs, lots of eggs
cottage cheese
lots of tuna
peanut butter and bananas yummy
olive oil
flax oil
fish, lots of fish

just a start
ok i hope thats a list of things i should eat and if you dont mind is it ok for Eggs to be over easy and for tuna to have Mayonaisse?
have ur eggs however u like em. shit i drink at least ten raw every day. just mix/blend em in my shakes, u cant even tell.

and yes u will get is shape, its a fact, take in less calories than u burn and u have to lose weight.
well what about the ab wheel and the weights do you want me to just let them sit here?
about how many blocks should i run everyday?
how many times a day?
Just eat right, and run 6 days a week for a half an hour on an empty stomach.
If you can, do weights 3 times a week for 45 minutes high intensity (circuit training).
After weights sessions you can have an extra 50 grams carbs.
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thanks man can i eat after i run? or no? im gonna run at night...i cant get very intense with 100 pnds of weight..and two 16 pnd dumbells
You should lift what you can bro...but the cardio is what is really going to burn some fat.

If you are serious about staying getting and staying in shape you should invest in some workout equipment or a gym membership.

Doesn't your high school have a weight room? Once school starts, if it hasn't already, see if you can get into the weight room after school or before school. That's what I used to do...
Also little have to remember that there is no easy way to get and stay in shape...It required hard work, and dedication. If you stick with a good program, and stick with a good diet in time you will eventually get into shape. Don't expect results over night or even in the first week or so. They will come...stick with it!!!
Just do lots of sprints in the morning and go on a low-carb high protein and good fat diet. Maybe a lil ephedrine and you'll be ripped in 1/1/2 easily! That is it. Just eat vegetables some but stay away from real carby foods. Run, run, run!!!! There is nothing else.

LOST OF SEX>>>>>>>>>HIGH PROTEIN>>>>>>>>>GOOD CARBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND WEIGHTS AND YOUR GOOD TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol well if not sex then sprints are good!!!!! But I say have a redbull and some open legs and the cardio is on!!!:D