BB? DB ? Both?


New member
Really going over my new split that I am planning on doing once my "power lifting" regimen is over with and was wondering whether I should stay with a dumbell routine like I was doing before or switch to barbells. Then I figured, 'Heck, why not both?'

Do you guys think that there is enough difference in the movement and areas of stimulation/stress to justify doing both a barbell and dumbell movement? I will only be doing it for my certain lifts : i.e - bench press, shoulder press, rows, curls. Worth it or would I be wasting my energy and just stick with one?

I just recently (about 6 months ago) started doing DB excercises for Chest. I mix it up. A few weeks DB and then a few weeks BB. For chest I only use BB or DB. For bis and other muscle groups I sometimes mix DB and BB in any one workout. I try to stay away from the same routine in order to shock my muscles. I have tried finding one style that works for me and so far mixing things up seems to be what works best for me. Now I don't train for power lifting so other bros that do may be able to provide some more accutate feedback when it comes to power lifting.
Mace is right, you want to always mix it up Iron hit the muscles at different angles and different exercises...This forces them to adapt and grow. I sometimes will do bench then follow it up with a set of dumbbells to failure after each set...

Does wonders!!! Mix it up :)
with dbs you get more range of motion and a deeper stretch. It help your stability, and is easier on the joints. IMHO I think BB put more stress on the muscle.
I agree with carlsky. I like to mix it up though so I can get benefits from both.
I like to train with just barbell movements until I quit gaining, then I switch to just dumbells and spark new growth. I keep doing the dumbell once again until I quit gaining and then revert back to the barbell. If you switch too often you will be unable to tell if you are progressing. JMO.
I tried that. I went from benching 340 for 5, switched to dumbells for a month or so, but I could only do 275 for lik4! I say you do both at the same time. If you are hitting plateus try negatives, forced reps, decrease time between sets,etc....
Yeah, Carlsky, I do the same thing. After I come back to an exercise I am weaker than when I left off, however, in a short time I am as strong as I was and am able to break through the previous platea. Whatever works for you.