Newb with ??'s


New member
Helllo, i'm new to this board and bodybuilding in geneal i just had few questions on my long road to having a little muscle i can show-off.
i weigh 176 and 5'11.

i've been hitting the gym for about 4-5months about 3 times a week for about 45 to an hour workout and seen little result
i usualy try to work out most muscle groups in this 45 min, should I, or should focus on 1 or 2 muscles groups??

Also to let you know, i can't even bench my own chest seems to be my weakest area everwhere esle seems to be almost equal to other ppl my weight.

Would d-bol 20-30mg help me out? (i'm on a budget)

I'm not looking to get massively huge, just need to put a decent amount of meat on that is well-defined.

What would be a good workout plan for me?

thanks in advance.
yes, 1-2 muscle groups per workout is good, it gives you a chance to really focus on them without being in the gym for 5 hours and raising cortisol.

Personally I dont like D-bol, it just makes me bloat really bad. I would stick with injectables such as a test only cycle, or maybe test/deca, test/eq...
it might not be your chest that isn't strong, just your triceps. i have the same problem, i have bad grip strength and a shoulder injury and my right tricep has suffered because of it. i know i could bench alot more than i do but my wrists and arms can't do it. you should try pre- exhausting your chest by doing some fly's then hitting the bench, your chest will grow larger and stronger faster. imo
I couldnt agree more as pre-exhuasting is a good idea when you have injurys or it seems as though ur other body parts are bieng invlved to much, for instance my front delts get crazy pumped before my chest does when i do certain chest exercises so i will pre-exhuast on occasion when i want to start of with that chest exercise that tends to hit my delts first

as for your dbol yes it will pack on some meat bro and alot of water and your not going to get that well defined look as you mentioned from dbol but rather a smooth dull look

how old are you bro? and do you eat enough food to grow?
Presser said:
how old are you bro? and do you eat enough food to grow?

Yep, lets look at your diet. How many times do you eat? You should be hitting at least 6 meals a day with ratios of about 40-40-20% pro carbs fat.
For your bodyweight set your protien intake around 300g, I grew like a weed when i weighed as much as you, adjust your carbs and fats accordingly to what brew said.
yep sounds to me that we just need to get your diet and training right. Honestly, at this point I think you'll be disappointed with doing a d-bol only cycle. You might gain 5-10 lbs while on but if you don't know how to support the weight then you'll lose it all after coming off.

Diet is definitely the hardest part of trying to get bigger. Training is fine once you get the right program set up and also when you figure out how to train intensely.

Tell us about your diet and training program that you use.
i'm 20 by the way
Well i pretty sure my chest is my weakness and not my tris but i will try the flys before benching.

My diet consists of a 2-3 bowls of cereal w/ cup of milk and orange juice for breakfast at 6:00 in morning
then at 9:00am on my break at work i usually drink a 1/2 pint milk and poptart

then at 11:00am lunch i eat whatever home cooked meal was for supper the nite before usualy meat or pasta type food w/ a banana, few cookies, granola bar, 2 16oz cup of water

5:00pm dinner home cooked meal usually meat and vegtable, bread and a tall glass of milk with refill usualy

9:00pm -12:00 some kind of snack usually, sometimes fruit w' milk or juice

all during the day at work i drink water also, i'd say about 32 to 48 oz water .

My training usually consists of starting benchpress 3 sets of 10 with different weight each on flat, then incline, then decline press, and usually every 2 sets i do try to 50 crunches.

then i usually go into curls which i try to switch it up from workout to workout to preacher, to bent bar, to the sit down and rest t on you leg one.

then i usually go to dumbell shoulder press 3 sets

then there is one exercise which i do not know what it is called but its on a straight bar and i pull it up to my chin- 3 sets of 10

then i usually go back my chest and do 3 sets of flys

after that i switch it up with some other different exercises

the reason i chose the denkall d-bol is because it is free to me and right now money is a little tight.
i was going to come off this cycle with an injectable which my friend is taking right now, which i'll let you know it is later when i find out.
after the d-bol cycle thou i plan on trying something better that would make me more defined.
bro you defnatly wont grow eating like that i am surprised ur not actualy shrinking to be honest no joke intended bro, your diet is horrible and I am not trying to bash you bro or anything like that just trying to help but thats one of the worse diets i have ever sen for someone trying to pack on muscle and u will waste the gear bro if u decide to use it with a diet like this

you should get atleast 1.5 grams of protien per pound of ur body weight, with you though even just 1 gram per pound wil show signifigant gains for you, seems u like milk wich is great in my opinion , but maybe try to replace it with a protien shake, i know u said money is tight and that is rough been there bro and I know it takes more money then normal to grocery shop for a bodybuilder or anyone trying to pack on clean lean muscle mass , shop around bro, you can find loads of chicken cheap at one of those bulk stores but you realy realy have to eat a whole lot more and I would bet you wouldnt even need gear , atleast for a couple years if you began to eat properly!!! You will be amazed bro at the gains you will make in just eating properly, remember food is anabolic!

I will leave you with a key phrase we use alot around here bro:

I am kinda shrinking fat wise but i used to be a little chunky so i'm kinda afraid of eatting a lot of food. i was about 200lbs with flab w/ no muscle, and that was only like 6-8months ago.
i do have the gnc weight gainer powder now thou that a friend didn't end up using so i'll try to start packing that in with my milk.
Like i said thou, i don't want to be huge, just noticed a little and fast if possible. Cover up all winter then come out looking good in the spring if you know what i mean.
I really apreicate all the help everyone is giving me this forum is great, very very very helpful.
no problem on the help bro as for you being woried about eating alot of food and getting fat...well it all depends on what that food is bro, use high protien diet, moderat carbs and low fats and you will be fine, me myself i like to use low carbs and moderate fat with high protien as i dont believe the fat is what does the harm but more so the carbs, but then also it depends on the type of carbs, theres alot to it bro, read up around here and do a few searches on our site using the key word diet and u will get loads of info some i am sure will suit ur needs
eat alot of whole foods and suppliment that with a few protien shakes during the day. Its hard somethimes to eat enough protien. your carbs should consist of low-glycemic sources such as brown rice, plain oatmeal and whole wheat breads. protienwise I would select chicken breast and tuna and samon along with some lean cuts of beef. you still need to be getting atleast 50grams of fat in your diet inorder for your body to manufacture the required growth hormones you need to get big. eat atleast 6 small meals a day and make sure that you consume some carbs with your protien as the cards will elicit a insulin rise which will help drive the protien into the muscle. Right before and after training I would eat something high glycemic. If your on a budget, table sugar in some water will send your insulin level through the roof in order to drive the protein into your muscles and prevent catabolism.
Forget steroids.

The problem is your diet and training right now.

Pop tarts and cereal?

Try Steak and Eggs.

Read up on proper dieting. There is tons of advice on this board in that section. You need to eat clean and healthy with lots of protein.

You mentioned you train 45 min - 1 hour and try to hit everything?

Focus on a few muscle groups each workout and only workout a certain area once a week to allow them to recover. Here's a sample week:

Monday: Chest, Triceps, Shoulders

Tuesday: 45 Minutes Cardio

Wednesday: Back, Biceps, Forearms, Abs

Thursday, 45 Minutes Cardio

Friday: Legs, Legs Legs!

Saturday: Off

Sunday: Light Cardio if you want or Off if you feel you need it.

That will give each of your muscles plenty of rest and allow you to lift heavy and really target them when you work them.

Get your diet and training down. Just soak up all the info this board has to offer. Stick around a while :)

Oh, but get the idea that this will be fast out of your head.... It's not gonna happen fast. The Key is being CONSISTENT over a longe period of time. Then you'll get to where you want to be.
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Big bump on Zylo's comments.

Eat big and train hard for about a year then come back and talk. You have no muscle base right now and would be waste your time and money.