New Online Magazine "MuscleChemistry Monthly"


Staff member
We are bringing back our online magazine. For those who did not catch our early editions last year your in for a treat with our bringing it back! For now the articles will reside on the site here under their own Catagory, however in the future we hope to bring it back to a dedicated server for this only as it once was!

Also in the works is a small paper Much like the "Anabolic Insider" many of you have seen before. This venture will take some time but will be well worth it in no time!
the paper will be more like an entertainements peice with as much info as possible as well, and ofcourse adds,lmao I still have not worked out the cost totaly for this but it is something i am definatly going to get done
Is this going to be an online thing or something in a downloadable format like PDF? Either way, if you need help with the design, feel free to PM me.
online bro, it will be directly built into our board as forums for now but later when we get more server space will make it that way