First REAL cycle


New member
This year I'm looking at taking my first cycle of gear. I'm 21yr - 5'11 @225lbs @10% b/f. I've done 4 P.H cycles, 3 of which being M1T & 4AD cycles and had no problem with those (before you say it guys, I understand P.Hs and Anabolics steroids don't even compare to one another.) I'd like some opinions on what I should take for my first time. I'd like to gain a quality 10 - 15lbs with minimal bloat and if at all possible improve my conditioning. I've talked to acouple guys that I bounce with that have incredible conditioning (their skin looks like it's barely holding all the muscle underneath it!) and they told me they were on gear but wouldn't tell me exactly what they were on. I would like to have similar conditioning while putting on lean mass. I'm not positive if this is possible with juice (Bulking while cutting) - that's why I'm on here asking - and I'm don't know if I'd have to do one cycle for mass then another cycle later in the year for cutting down. So I'm looking for some answers guys. If anyone can let me know what you think and give me some suggestions it would be much appreciated.

I'll leave this up to the more experienced bro's on this board, but I just want to say that this is exactly the kind of post we like to see on the boards :)

Not trying to steal the thread or move it away from the point but I'm just curious what kind of results you got off the M1T, how you cycled it and did you get any sides?
your tailor the cycle to your goals at the time, wether that be mass or cut. For this time, I recomend test eth and eq. If you want to throw in an oral, var or winny would work well for lean mass.
Brew...why the test eth over test cyp? Does cyp cause more water retention? I ask because I'm a newbie too. Planning on starting my first cycle...not wanting to bloat up where my face looks like a frying pan, but I am doing cyp, EQ, and d-bol to kickstart it.
Enanthate and cypionate are fairly identical esters, half-life wise. It would take an experienced person to tell the difference between the two while "on". Typically cutting cycles or cycles designed to minimize bloat use Test Propionate. Depending on how comfortable you are pinning, I'd agree with Brew but use Prop instead.
Prop is great but for a newbie ED injects may be too much. And yes, i would go ED with Prop and not EOD. I like the cycle that Brew laid out, from everything i have heard adding var would be great to the EQ and Test E.
Also there diet has alot to do with how they look, it isnt always just abou the gear but what they put in their mouth also.
What did i tell ya Test enthanate and Eq! For those who don't know CHaps Is my brother:cool: That's the same stack i'd do first, with a anti-estrogen like femara throughout if you want to keep bloat down.
Well it never hurts to get a second opinion but I am guessing your his older brother, and you know what they say. Respect your elders, lol. JK bro, sound advice given and dont forget about PCT.
kcbuilder said:
Brew...why the test eth over test cyp? Does cyp cause more water retention? I ask because I'm a newbie too. Planning on starting my first cycle...not wanting to bloat up where my face looks like a frying pan, but I am doing cyp, EQ, and d-bol to kickstart it.

there damn near the same thing, I've used themn both and couldn't tell much difference. I just eth because its less of a pain to home brew at higher conc. Diet, proper anti's, lots of things can keep that marshmellow face away. If that a concern for you, watch your sodium and use a good anti like dex or fem, dbol is notorious for the puffy checks.
Hey the funny this about it is that slip3147 is my younger 18yr old brother, and he did tell me to start with Test enthanate and Eq.

Thanks guys for the quick response and on the great info :eek:)

I'd prefer not to pin everyday only because it's my first cycle. I'm sure after acouple cycles I'll feel more comfortable with more frequent injections. So the final verdict is Test Eth and Eq, and as far as choosing between Var & Winny. Can anyone help me out with the differences between the two? I'd like to know what I should expect to see from each if I were to add it to the Test Eth & Eq cycle. One other thing, what size of pin would work best with the test & Eq?

Thanks again bros

21 or 22 gauge needle, winnie will harden you up and add quality to your gains, anavar will also harden you up and boost your strength. :cool:
I pefer 23 g needles for below the waist, above go with 5/8 in 25g
Both have a hardening effect. Var will give you a little more in the lbs department, but winny will help pull out the definition better. I personaly would do the var, throw it in for the first 6-8 wks of you cycle 20-30mg ED should do nicely.
What about cycle length? I've told my brother 12weeks, would be a good number but do you guys think 16weeks is pushing it? Just wondering ecause the EQ with kick in later on, and after all you make your best gains on your first cycle, might as well milk the shit outta it.
...are these bro's around any more.....i wnat to hear an update on the still around chaps...
i did 10 weeks of deca only... didn't have a single problem, put on 20 lbs of solid hard muscle (155lbs to 175lbs, 5' 6" 21 yrs)..went from doing 70 lb dumbbells on flat bench to 120's for sets.. my gym didn't have any bigger dumbbells, i never tried a max weight.. Deca all by itself was amazing and it's not too expensive..go for it if this is your first...try test after if you like the deca (as in a second cycle) ...start off getting a taste for things...if you get too big too fast (from test) you may tear something if proper precautions are not taken. deca is a very slow builder, with NO WATER RETENTION!! good luck
diablo31 said:
i did 10 weeks of deca only... didn't have a single problem, put on 20 lbs of solid hard muscle (155lbs to 175lbs, 5' 6" 21 yrs)..went from doing 70 lb dumbbells on flat bench to 120's for sets.. my gym didn't have any bigger dumbbells, i never tried a max weight.. Deca all by itself was amazing and it's not too expensive..go for it if this is your first...try test after if you like the deca (as in a second cycle) ...start off getting a taste for things...if you get too big too fast (from test) you may tear something if proper precautions are not taken. deca is a very slow builder, with NO WATER RETENTION!! good luck
did you just say no water retention with deca LOL most people includin myself look like the staypuft marshmellow man on can tear somethin on any gear..its basically the fact that your muslce is gettin stronger and the tendons are laggin behind...its a matter of trainin smart and not just throwin around huge weight cuz you "feel the juice"
Agreed on this IP, You can tear with any gear, have seen bro, in my hometown gym in pain several time while working out and it's not pleasant at all...
irishpride said:
did you just say no water retention with deca LOL most people includin myself look like the staypuft marshmellow man on can tear somethin on any gear..its basically the fact that your muslce is gettin stronger and the tendons are laggin behind...its a matter of trainin smart and not just throwin around huge weight cuz you "feel the juice"

Not everyone is affected by juice the same way. I know I get zero sides on M1T while everyone else whines about a whole host of things... Some people just don't get sides bro' Some people look like the staypuffed marshmellow man and others like diablo31 stay lean and cut. No steroid affects everyone the same way. Some guys are more prone to getting gyno. Sucks for them. That's why people need to try things for themselves and there is no "Perfect Cycle" since everyone is affected differently.

Some steroids build muscle and mass faster than others so it only makes sense that you run a higher risk of injury by using those compounds. That's not really something you can argue. Using a slower muscle builder is less risky for injury since your tendons will not be as lagged behind.

My 2 cents.
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