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when would be the best times to consume carbohydrates on a diet. Right now finishing up bulking i take them n mourning pre and post workout... But my workouts are around 8:00. I understand take in carbs when you need them but I would like to make sure this would be optimal. I split my macros for the most part eg: carbs +protien, fats+protien. On a diet would it be optimal to take in all carbs mourning +pre post workout. OR until 3. or all pre post workout. A lil stupid of me to ask but I havent been below 8% bodyfat because i basically starved myself on diets and caved in. next month ima do it right.
I would incorp a carb cutoff to begin with you want to slowly and gradually lower your carbs if you drop them suddenly then you'll sacrifice to much muscle. ALso make sure your getting healthy fats (EFA's). They will help ya cut fat, keep your energry up, and keep your Kcal intake high so you dont whither away.
Well, when do u workout??? I would agree with ya. i would limit the carbs in PreWO but incorporate them into PostWO.
btw I take in carbs around 3 times a day ... mourning pre and post worout. Maybe i will just lower the carbs at these areaa.
Well how many carbs r u taking in each day and what are they consisting of? HOw fiberous are they? How many grams of fiber r u getting a day? I would say take the carbs after not before, instead use some kind of energy drink.
ok lets get past the newb issue my man.... I eat very healthy, I take in all fiborous carbohydrates eccept post workout of course,(detrose ,malto, whey combo) Im just asking when would be best times to take in carbohydrates if I have a PM workout. I am very informative on nutrition my man. Im not cutting yet but I plan on cutting in approx 1 month prior to maintaining (this week ends bulk). I plan on a 40-30-30 split with my nutrition plan . I just wanna know best nutrient timing from one of my knowledgable MC brothers. I was pointing out I cut calories too drastically when i used to diet and I caved in. This bulk has brought me to ~200 from 170-175 in about 1 month. ~ 10 % bodyfat at this given moment.
OK, well first off what i do and have had success with this is when i cut carsb i increase my healthy fats to keep the kcals up so i dont sacrifice muscle.

The best time to take in carbs is PWO and i would say incorporate a carbsutoff time like 3PM b/c your body begins to slow down in the afternoon making you more suceptible to metabolize the carbs to fat. BUT your body will need the carbs PWO to rebuild since youve torn it down so def take them PWO.

Do you do cardio first thing in the morning? If so then immeadiately after your done with the cardio. If not then eat carbs when u wake up.
no to knock you my brother but on a hypo calorie diet nothing will be stored as fat unless i have 2-3 meals a day consisting of twinkies ;-)... but i like your idea. Ill eat my carbs all before 3 pm and save ~30-40 grams for post workout. I always have lots of healthyfats. (fish, virgin olive,hemp,flax,ect) sounds good and thanks for he help.... I ill cut 300 cals a week until 3000 then incorperate cardio until i have 2 hiit sessions and maybe 3 45 min long sessions a week. How does that sound?
in all honesty how are these low carb bagels, low carb wheat bread and oat bran... lots of fiber in all of em but I do not know the GI index on the tasty tlil things