stack eq and prop?


how should eq and prop be stacked, can it be injected with the same needle in the same spot or should it be split up, and when should it be taken, its 50mg eq and 100mg prop and what can one expect from this type of a stack
your gains mostly depend on your diet which should be very good before using AAS, secondly it depends on your cycle history.

i'm assuming this is your first cycle because of your questions. yes they can (and should) inject prop and eq together with the same needle in the same spot. the prop needs to be injected everyday or every other day. the eq can be done twice a week. i would do this: 100mg prop and 50mg eq injected every other day (eod). this will give you approximately 400mg of prop and 200mg of eq every week. you will get some good solid gains in strength and muscle mss from this.

assuming your diet is good (it better be if you are using AAS or you are wasting your money!) you can expect a good amount of muscle gain with very little water gain. you did not say how much you have but the eq needs to be used for about 12+ weeks to see good results. the prop is very fast acting and you should start seeing an increase in strength about 2 or 3 weeks after starting. i also noticed you said nothing about PCT (post cycle therapy) after a cycle your natural testosterone will be shut down and you need to restart it. i like to do it by using HCG and Nolvadex. one week before endng your cycle inject 1000iu/day of HCG for 5 days. then after you end your cycle inject HCG for another 5 days straight (1000iu/day) along with taking 40mg nolvdex. after taking HCG and nolvadex for 5 days stop th hcg (you should have used it all by now) and just take nolva for another 2 weeks at 20mg everyday. this is what i do and it works every time. also make sure you have enough nolvadex with you before you start your cycle incase you get gyno. you can take 20mg/day of nolva if you start seeing the symptoms of gyno. good luck with your cycle!