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I'm talking elite level, like competing at the Olympia, i've heard quite often that 2g's of Test is like standard for these guys.
I dunno bro...I wouldn't believe most of what you hear, because none of the pro's will ever come out and tell anyone on our level what they are using or what they have used.

I would imagine though that it would run anywhere from 0 to 5000mg of total steroids...plus GH or IGF...lol
Chaps said:
I'm talking elite level, like competing at the Olympia, i've heard quite often that 2g's of Test is like standard for these guys.

Damn, that must mean I am a pro!!!! That is my standard as well but again I have been in the know since most of you were born.
Have spoken to a number of pros over in the U.K. and they were quite open about their cycles, they all took in the 3-4g a week range for bulking and around 2 g when dieting, I don't know how much of this was true but they would have had no reason to lie as it was during informal chats. I have been to their seminars and they would not discuss any details. Met Dorian once but he refused to discuss anything about it at all.
I have a buddy that is a competitive bodybuilder and alot of the guys he has talked to in the NPC and what not are using on average 2g's of test, that of course doesn't speak for all national level/pro bodybuilders though.
They're probably on like 50grams of creatine per day. :dizzy:

I'm sure they do massive amounts of gear compared to your average or even above average user.
I'm sure some of them use mega doses but there are also many that are genetically gifted, there is a guy over here who won junior Mr.World aged 19 weighing in at 230 lbs shredded at 5 ft 8 and he never went on doses over 1g, then again I know guys on 4g + and could not even win a local contest.
i think the real question should be what is a pro's real diet? if given the chance to know every pro's diets or cycles i would choose diets. well maybe both but its obvious you get more gains from lots of food rather than lots of gear.
I think Lee Priest has the right idea, EAT, EAT and EAT some more. I really do believe that he's not on a whole lotta gear, he seems like a really honest guy. I was just curious about a pro's stack. I think one of the things that seperates a pro from the general population is the amount of androgen receptors he or she has. More receptors means more hormones where u want them and less chance of sides. Now if a drug was produced to INCREASE androgen receptors then things could get freaky.
Eating and genetics plays a huge role in these guys. Take Ronnie for instance, he could be on 2g of test or more, but it wouldn't do much for him if he didn't have the diet and the genetics to go along with it because that guy is gigantic!
Genes play a HUGE role. I could take all the juice in the world, lift and eat right and never come close to looking like a competitor.........bitchy genes.
You ever notice how black buys seem to ALWAYS have the best genetics? I've heard something about this and I don't want to offend anyone here, but apparently back in the days of slavery the biggest and strongest african americans were made to have children together to have form the strongest slaves. It is a possiblility that these genes have been passed down. Ya genetics are a big part but i don't think they play as big of a role as most use as an accuse as in "ya but I have horrible genetics". I realized that when i was looking at the website anabolicbeast.com, and saw the transformation pictures of Author L. Rea and how he talked about even with shitty genetics it's possible to become freaky big. He himself started out at 126lbs! Then you get to see him at 265lbs! HE looked like a bone rack when he started.
yeah but that can be descieving because when i used to wrestle i'd get down to 135 and look pretty close to he does in those pics of him when he cage fought. now can i honestly saw i have put on about 70lbs in that time...yes. if i counted the fact that i was trying to stay small for wrestling which is exactly what he ws doing for fighting. genetics are king, thats really what it comes down to. but that doesn't mean everyone cant be a fucking beast though. there is no doubt in my mind everyone who wants it bad enough can be norml height (5'7-6'0) and 250 pretty lean. you eat your way up to that for YEARS. and bust your ass every workout. will you have the shape and cuts of ronnie or even dexter jackson? no, but how many fucking people do??? 2 people on earth look like them, ronnie and dexter. shit i would kill myself if i was doing everyhing i could to look like someone i never will. comparing yourself to pro's, or anyone for that matter is just dumb. it wont get you anywhere. but compared to 99% of the dumbshits in any gym you will look awesome. even at a lean 215 on a normal frame you look great. 250 lean (10-12%bf) is HUGE compared to the average joe who is a buck 80 and reps 225 on bench.
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Agreed I try not to compare myself to others. But someone who looks like they very well shouldn't have been the size they are but busted their ass is Milos Sarcev, just look at the size of his joints and what not, he just doesn't look like he was meant to be that big. Not that any of us were MEANT to be a lean 260 or so, lol.
Chaps said:
Not that any of us were MEANT to be a lean 260 or so, lol.
i think the potential is there in many people but they either do not have the desire or do not have the drive to be there. you have to give up a lot of things in pursuit of being that size and i dont think many are willing/able to make those sacrifices. i for one am not.
I gotta agre with flex, i wouldlove to see the diet plans from some of the elite for bulking but exp for dieting down.
i know a few guys who communicate with some of these guys regularly. one guy is a a national level (teen) competitor who Hany takes care of. one guy knows both milos, L. Rea, and Rick Collins, and one guy knows nicholls well also. i have never talked with any of these guys, or much about them with these people i know though.