ULTIMATE BULKING PLAN (critique ONLY to help perfect)


New member
First off before i post this bulk you will have to abide by the rules!
#1 This will be he leanest biggest bulk so be prepared to gain slight amounts of fat

#2 You must follow every instruction

#3 Anyone against slight amounts of cardio on a bulk dont read this post

#4 Be prepared to gain so mass you scrawny fucks (my incentive speach)

on the the bulk...... #1 cardio will be done every off day in the mourning on empty stomach for 30-45 min.

#2 Cals WILL BE SET AT 22XBW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(adjust up)
40% pro 30% carb 30% fats
#3 Do not mix Carbohydrates and fats(3 meals of each carb+protein, and fat+protein.

#4 Protien will be set at ~2x bodyweight

#5 The 45 minutes you are in the gym will be the most painfull and intense times of your pathetic lives!!!

#6 fats will be broken down into 33% mono,poly,sat

#7 USE FITDAY to make sure everything is in order

#8 take plenty of efas such as (fish oil,flax,hemp,nuts,avacado,ect) this will make up a bug majority of your fats

#9 your 3 carb meals will be breakfast, preworkout, and post workout

#10 fat meals will be 3 hours away from any carb meals.

#11 The bloat will set in but dont fret after a few weeks it wont hurt to touch ;)

#12 ANY PROBLEMS WATSOEVER WITH EATING I understand how it is boys... SUCK IT UP PUSSYS or take some of MC's good ole IGF :surprised <======8

#13 ALL CARBS WILL BE LOW GI (oats,oatbran,sweet potatoe,some brown rice,veggies.) (exept PWO)

#14 any questions and or comments post away my bros and be prepared to pack on some mass! :thumbsup:
I'd also add that you need the necesary supps, whey protein, protein blend, Multi, Glutamine, Creatine.
is this the perfect plan for average body builder?... has one man alone pushed the envelope and made huge lean mass possible?.... whats next in our journey to be big? :p
Dont foget bout the basics, get 8 hours of sleep, dont over train, take your fiber (30-40 grams daily), drink your 2 gallons of water daily, etc.