Ending my Cycle...


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Man thats a lot of test dude....Good news is it wasnt very long and maybe you didnt shut anything down....

I personally would suggest IGF to anyone post.MC's works awesome. I dont know if you remember my mishap, but IGF had my balls back in 3 days.
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Whoa, I just noticed myself--400 mg PER DAY??? That has got to be a typo, right? Please say it's a typo. If not, it is no wonder you had so much trouble with pre-gyno. Even at 1 gm of test in a week, you have to be careful about gyno because it is a strong androgen. You should have been on Femera or some other anti-e from the start. You would have shut down hard and fast if you took that much.
Man if thats right, 400/day, then no damn wonder you were posting questions about loosing your mind before. Also, if you've done this for only 4 weeks you better hold on cause its gonna get alot worse even if you stop now. Thats some scary shit, you outta be finding a way to shut down your present and future test levels ASAP. It would have been easier just to cut out your liver and toss it on the grill.

The Nolva isn't causing your zits its more likely to be the present 5600-8400mgs. peaking out!
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WOW. ALREADY? well ummm hey, that means you have some left overs right? 15lbs in 4 weeks, thats it? Maybe you should send it to me and let me check that stuff out for you, something has got to be wrong. PM me for my address LOL.
Southern Comfor said:
WOW. ALREADY? well ummm hey, that means you have some left overs right? 15lbs in 4 weeks, thats it? Maybe you should send it to me and let me check that stuff out for you, something has got to be wrong. PM me for my address LOL.
now now So-Co...of course i get first dibs on all of his left overs...lol
besides you still need to get that permision slip signed to participate...jk...LOL
comeon guys 400 ED thats only 3 g wk......thats not bad, lol. Bro hcg isn't nesecarry at this point youprobably barely efected your natural levels keep up the fem for 2-3 more wks and taper down the nolv by 10 every wk from 40 and that will be good enough. Hell I probably wouldn't even bother with the nolv myself but I guess better sare than sorry right?
Have you done winnie before? It makes most folks get painful joints (hands, knees, shoulders, elbows) so it can be pretty tough. You might try simply cutting out the winnie to get rid of the joint ache. But if it is the muscles, then that is another issue.

You should be able to treat the pre-gyno stuff with anti-e's. So, of you do both of those, you might be able to continue the cycle.

But I would also agree that in four weeks, you probably wouldn't be shut down so PST should be no big deal.
the test was probably the culprit causing the acne, consider running the winny for another week or so and starting IGF-1... Winny won't have you shut down and you can bounce back rather quickly. Also get yourself on some Pantothenic Acid a couple of grams a day to help the acne... I think you can take 4 or 5 grams a day until it starts to get better and then drop it to 1 gram as maintenance
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2 words for you to rid the acne, benzoyl peroxide 3% cream and wash, B5 2-3 grams daily to start out with then 1.5 grams, and EFA's and you clear right up.