Dianabol Question


New member
Little advise needed here....

Im 31 6' 3"...219 lbs...ive done a one cycle before a couple years ago..anyway i recently acquired some dbol and some deca qv300..im not looking to go crazy and get huge or anything..im looking to pump up a little for a cruise im going on at the end of september...i was wondering can any postive results with minimal water retention be acheived by taking 15 mg of the dianablo spaced out throughout the day(kinda like using it as a supplement say)? Also, has anyone heard of or used LiquiDex 30ml? would combining that help with the water retention? ive only been on the d bol for 2 days and havent yet touched the deca ..im reluctant to use it as i prefer a functioning penis.
It would be even better if you had some test in there (keeps ol' winkie functioning like he's supposed to), and if you are worried about water retention, you can always use femara. Also, not everyone gets deca-dick so just go for it.
THANKS FOR THE REPLY...is femara something i can buy in liquid FORM LEGIT ONLINE or do i need to go through other channels? What about just sticking with the d-bol at very low dosage for a mild anabolic effect..thats all i mreally looking to do?
Honestly bro, if you are just looking to go with low amounts of androgenic qualities, there are some legal supps that seem to be working wonders. ALRI's Ultra HOTter is showing major gains in free test levels on consistant blood charts.

Test is best, bro!
OH, whethere or not someone puts on alot fo size doing anything be it supps or aas that is entirely dictated by DIET.

It appears to me from your goals that there is no need to run any of that if all your looking to do is get ready for a cruise.