My left delt it KILLING ME!

I think I posted this before. I injected into my left delt thurs with 1cc of Test and .5cc of Eq and today it is in killer pain. Im thinking that there are a few possible problems.
1.) Im injecting through TOO much scar tissue (only hitting left delt once per 1.5 weeks)
2.) This British Dragon Test E is a mix of pure alcohol and shreded glass.
3.) I messed up and did an inject in a delt in the AM and lifted shoulders less than an hr. later
Well, which one is it? Its knotted all to hell, you can see it without feeling it. I can almost feel around the muscle and it not hurt but as soon as I get anywhere close to the outer delt it hurts like hell. Its not on top of my shoulders its on my outer arm (where a lot of people get tatoos).
If you didn't feel a bit of popping as you pushed through, then you aren't going through scar tissue. There is often some pain after injecting in the delts, and lifting right after would certainly aggravate it so my vote is number 3. I get some pain with normal test cyp so if British Dragon has more BA in it for a higher ratio of test, then you'll get some pain for sure.
I never feel any pain whatsoever when injecting into my delts so i would also guess that you are moving the needle around when sticking yourself. Remember to keep a steady hand.
Well BD is def not full of alchol and shredded glass bud so we know thats not the problem. Your the first person to have an issue with the test enth. I would say lifting after isnt the best time SC. I actually stick myself after b/c it makes the stick go thru much easier.
Could be hitting a nerve too man. I usually hit my glutes, a few times I went a bit low with an oil base-my ass was killing me for like a week later, actually a bit swollen after a few days. I had to avoid leg press all together and walked around like an elderly person or a cowboy if you will.
the only thing that hurt me like that was denkal's T-4. that shit was brutal. i put 2cc of t-4 and 1 of cyp in a pin and i literaly couldnt walk for like 2 weeks
I dropped 1.5ccs in my right calve today at 8am, by 3pm I could hardly walk. My left shoulder is still a little sore. Its got to be this gear! I dont know why its killing me the way it is. It feels worst than prop, and twice as fast! Usually prop begins to hurt about 24 hrs later, this stuff is starting to ache in less than 10. WHATS THE DEAL?
I agree it may be the gear. Have you tried baking w/ low heat? That helped an unbearable Profina mix I got a while ago.

And, if it hurt my shoulder that bad, I'd never even think about puting it in my calves. You can get away with not moving your delt too much, I hope you don't have a job where you have to move around a lot, lol.
Yeah, Im screwd, Ive been sitting at the computer for about 2.5 hours. I JUST got up to go take a piss and figured while I was in the bathroom Id try to hit it up with some Icy-Hott.... well, I walked stiff legged to the bathroom( my calve is locked up ). Get in the bathroom standing on one leg. Rub it down with Icy-Hot, its sore to the touch. Stand up, take a piss, forgot to wash my hands now my dick feels like a ice covered fire stick! Damn, Icy hot on you dick BURNS! Did I mention that my clave hurts too? Tommorrow is going to be intresting. Lets take a vote, try doing legs tommorrow? Or have a "leg off week"?
I had to skip a weeks worth of workouts for one quad inject I did one time. BiggerStronger could back me up with this one. KNotted-up was an understatement.

If you need to take the time I would. Why limp around and get a half-assed workout?
Now that you mention you have pain elsewhere from the same stuff, I have to agree with Jaywooly that it is the gear--must be coming out of solution too fast and crystallizing in the muscle. Baking it might help.

I'd skip the workout if you can't hardly walk. If you did get crystallization, it'll take about a week to feel decent again depending on how much you took.