first time quad inject


New member
This is the first time I have injected in my quad and its pretty friggin sore.My injection was last night around 6:30 pm. I injected 375mg. of deca and 375mg. enan with a 3ml. total. Is that too many mls. for your quads? This is also the first time Ive used an UG. made anabolic, so the ba. content may be a little higher than what I'm used to. Either way,I look like a cripple walking around,even worse you should see me try and walk up and down :surprised
what size pin did you use. i have never shot my quads eather. ive got to do 100mg prop tonight and both sides of my ass are still sore from the last couple days. im not lookin foreward to it
I didnt even use a 25g. this time. I used a little 25g. It took almost a minute to get it all in.
I have 18, 23, 25,. I usualy use 25 for water base and 23 for oil. Although I have used 20g before for glutes.
i remember being in mexico and buying the preloads with the 18. them things leave a hole after you pull it out
well, just got done with my very first quad inject. it went pretty good. i went an inch in with a 1.5 22g pin. the only pain is when you first break through the skin. i pushed it in really slowly. i drew back and slowly eased in the 100mg prop.

the only thing that made me nervous was when i was done pushing the gear in some blood pushed back into the tip of the needle. i pulled out easy and it was good. just a lil drop of blood.
as i sit here i can kind of feel a little pain shooting down my leg. not bad though.
im sure this will prolly be sore tomorrow because its my first time in the quad
awesome, im so excited ive got another place to hit
3cc's for the FIRST shot? Yea, its gonna be hurt a little. I would have started with 2 max but it will certainly get easier. quads are so much easier than doing the hokey pokey and trying to hit the glutes.
It feels alot better today,theres some tenderness in the area still.But at least when I tighten my muscle it dosnt feel like I got hit with a bat. The weird thing is,I could feel the oil making its way down my leg.For example,later that night I could feel pain starting to make its way into my knee,like it was getting into the joint.As of now though, I dont feel anymore pain in my knee.All said and done,I would have to say it wasnt that bad.I thought that I was going to be sore like that for a while.
holy shit, my quad is so god damn sore. i woke up at like 6 in the mornin cause my leg was aching. it didnt feel that bad last night. but its really sore today
Just pay attention to the site for an abcess or an infection. It is common to be sore after your very first injection to a new muscle group. I remember the first time I injected into my quad (I used a 22g and put in 2ml) I couldn't barely bend my leg for a couple of days. The oil sits inside the muscle and causes it to cramp up the more times you inject the area the less pain you will experiance due to the muscle fibers being stretched out. I can now put 3ml into my shoulder with no pain or discomfort.
you should break it down a little
i was always told never to do more than 1cc per injection
to keep the best chemical effect without wasting it
so if you were going to do 3cc then thats 3 shots
its alot more effective and probably less painful
I have done 3cc's in my quad but again you have to work up to that amount. Always rotate injection sites on a regular bases so you don't develop an abundance of scar tissue. Remember if you are trying for site growth you can not use anything that is ester attached to it. Better off using winny for that.
i did my first quad inject 3 days ago and it is killing me. is it normal for the injection site to be a little bit red and swolen?? i was very clean so i doubt it was an sbcess. m someone let me know if thius is normal
You guys are funny, I'm laughing w/ you... I feel your pain though.

My first few quad injects went fine. It wasn't until mid-cycle 1st cycle that they started to knot-up, swell, etc.

I have told every lie from I hurt myself squatting to playing rough two-hand ball to banding my knee on the coffee table in a drunken state.

Now if I hit quads, they are the only muscle in my body that wont feel the pain post-inject. My prob is that I hit them so many times I have horrible scar tissue in ech one.

Be careful, they were one of my favorites because you can see what you're doing but I have hit more veins and nerves in those damn quads than ANYWHERE else.
jth250 said:
i did my first quad inject 3 days ago and it is killing me. is it normal for the injection site to be a little bit red and swolen?? i was very clean so i doubt it was an sbcess. m someone let me know if thius is normal

I didn't see this. Just keep an eye on it.

I've had mine red and hot for a week and went back to normal right when it was time to hit 'em again.
Make sure you RUB the injection site for about a minute immediately after. (But a napking or something over it since it will bleed a bit.) This helps a whole lot by getting the gear moved around.

Also, if you have crystals forming in the gear, you might warm it. The crystals are one thing that will hurt.

3 cc is not too much for you quad, but you need to have a big enough meat on your leg for this.

A 23g pin is fine, but a 25g will work if you are very patient.
With all new injection sites, the tissue has to get used to the compounds being in there. My quads were like that in the beginning as well. To inject 3 ml right at the beginning for your first quad shot, that really will hurt like hell. Quads are sensitive because they have so many nerves so you have to build up to larger shots with them. Funny, but I've always been told by my doc to just put some pressure on the injection site right after injecting, but never rub or massage it.