No Results Pissing Me Off!!!!


New member
Ive had weight lifting for a month in school.... My bench on my maxout is still 215 !!!!!!! ITS FUCKING SUCKS... I weigh like 130-150 depending on what im wearing and if ive ate ect. But still in a month of working out in weight lifting at school and how hard I train at school I see other people gaining results but I am not. Ive been taking a 25g protein shake 3 times a day along with a multivitamin and a zinc vitamin. I take 1 each vitamin in the morning when I wake up wth the protein shake. Then I em again at night with another protein shake and the other shake is when I get home after I workout or if its saturday or sunday I drink just drink anytime. BUT I CANT GAIN ANY SIZE OR STRENGTH!!!! If anything I feel like ive gotten weaker since Ive had weight lifting..
Sometimes to get passed this you need to raise the weight and push through it for a few days. You will be doing less sets, but this has helped some people. --I'll get back with ya if I can find some links for you.
First I would say that maxing out at 215 is pretty damn good at your age and weight. Second, are you lifting at school then again when you get home? Be careful of overtraining. This could hinder your size/strength gains. Last I would ask if you are changing up your routine/exercises? You mentioned bench so I'm not sure what you do for chest, but switch it up. Maybe go to incline for a while or switch to dumbells. Also, maybe post your current diet, that could be the problem too.
Besides the shakes, what is your calorie intake? I know you are still at home, but you really need to eat a lot besides the shakes to gain. If you want to weigh 180 for example, you need to be eating the number of calories that a 180 lb guy is going to eat for maintenance. Of course, you have to do it bit by bit, set your goal for say, 160-165, and then when you reach that weight, do it again for 180 lbs. You also need to get enough rest, since it is when you are resting that you grow, not when you are working out. Sometimes you plain need to take a break by stopping training for a week for recuperation or train with light weight.
Well im lets see the protein shakes and the 2 protein bars im eating a day puts me to like 150g of protein from them alone. But other than that I try to eat lunch at school when I get home I try to find whatever food I can to eat but never can find anything and havent been eating many peanut butter sandwiches so my calories have went down a lot. I do light weight exercises at home. Pushups to failure and then handstand pushups to failure. Then 25 lbs to failure on bench , 25lbs on butterflys to failure , 25lbs on tricep extension to failure , 25 on leg extension to failure. That is my whole workout every day besides weight lifting at school which gets switched up every day we lift from bench to incline and pad bench.

How many calories a day do you think I should be eating??? Because lets see im probably eating about 1500 calories a day maybe 2000

Also Ive been triyng to get this set as my new pic so cmon somebody do it
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if your school has dumbells hit the dumbells for a few weeks this increases my strength like crazy i cant do barbell anymore due to shoulder injurys just switch it up alot bro. keep changin things when you get stuck learn what works for you best. have lots of patients you are young and 215 is pretty damn strong for that weight. Am i remembering wrong or didnt your old max used to be like 175 or somethin if so then your gaining somewhere if not sorry im assuming things. just have patients get your cals protein and sleep good.
You should probably be eating more close to 2500-3000, definitely NOT only 1500. First, you have to eat at least enough to maintain what you have, then you have to eat in addition to that to be able to grow beyond that weight.
Looks like an administrator has to change your avatar pic. You could ask MMX2 or Jaywooly.
MMX2 told me he was going to change it like 3 weeks ago but never did , Also my bench before was 155 because I got burnt out before lifting. But benching and shoulder shrugs are my 2 strongest lifts that we do in there , we dont do dead lifts tho. But I do all of those more than I squat , more than I hang clean , and everything. I shoulder shruged 315 for 3 sets of 8 on monday
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Thank you Ill trying to bring in about 2800 atleast then cause I want to get to around 180 by the end of my graduation year which is in 2008. I need to gain around 40-50lbs of muscle in order to do that. Im going to start playing all the sports I can , going to try to get my gym membership and start boxing also still havent been able to.
you mentioned that your taking weight traning at school. what could be happening here is you have been lifting for a while and most likely the kids in you class do not. just starting you will make good gains but after a while they slow right down
if i were you i would be pretty damn happy with a 215lb bench at your age
Yeah patient with your gains and eat a little more calories. You'll see results over time. Also you mentioned working out at home everyday + weight training at school, however many days that is, seems like overtraining to me.
Eat like a prisoner having his/her last meal. If you can gain 1lb of lean mass every week I would say that is good.
Bro, honestly, you are 5x bigger now that I was in High School! I think you are doing fine! My only advice would be too try incline dumbells for a few weeks and up the carbs and protein. Dont get frustrated, it will all work out.
bro, judging by your pic, your metabolism is way fast. You need to eat as many calories as you can choke down. Also, what does your workout schedule look like?
jth250 said:
you mentioned that your taking weight traning at school. what could be happening here is you have been lifting for a while and most likely the kids in you class do not. just starting you will make good gains but after a while they slow right down
if i were you i would be pretty damn happy with a 215lb bench at your age

So would I! When I was 15, I was lucky to be benching 100--really!
Southern Comfor said:
Bro, honestly, you are 5x bigger now that I was in High School!

That's another one I have to second. I was only 130 lbs in high school as a senior, probably 120-125 at 15. I wish had I looked like you when I was that age. Things would have been a LOT different.