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What type of calorie numbers should i be lookging for while doing a cutter consisting of 100mg fina eod and 100mg prop eod? Weight now is 180, 12% bf 26 yrs old and 5'7" tall. going to run the fina and prop for 5 weeks eod then 5 weeks ed then add some winny to the end while on the ed. what do you fellas think?
probably around the 1500-2000cals in that range should do it...but mostly high protein and Healthy Fats....
SO this is a ten week cutter? My guess is that this is too long if you end up doing it right. My body usually adapts to the restricted diet pretty fast. So most of my losses are in the first month. In fact, I usually don't go for more than two weeks anymore.

And I don't know if you need to double the dose for the second five weeks.

Be sure to add some TEA to the mix. Studies show it allows the body to keep losing weight. And Clen and t3 are the usual suspects in a cutter. And cardio. Keep your protein HIGH. I would go for five weeks and see where you are.
i think you need to add the winny to the beginning of the cycle, their s no real benefit in adding it at the end bro, synergisticly the winny in the beginning with the fina and the prop is simply amazing especialy in doing what your looking to do in cut up
I was going to hit it for 10 weeks and use what I have left laying around, i have never done anything to cut, have just used d-bol, heptylate, testex, testoviron, and suspension in the past so im this is something like an experiment for me, with the fina prop and winnie. any cratiques would be appreciated believe me!
i would definitely add the winny in at the beginning like press said. I have used the winny at the end and really didn't have that good of results compared to adding it in at the beginning