Why Iron Is Better Than Women


New member

10. Iron never has a headache.

9. Iron doesn't care if it's 3AM, it's ready to go when you are.

8. Iron doesn't mind your protein gas.

7. Iron doesn't care if you call it "bitch" when you're pushing up that last rep

6. Iron never asks if it looks fat.

5. Iron doesn't care if you try out a different gym

4. You always know exactly where you stand with Iron. You don't have to worry that you might hurt Iron's feelings.

3. The only thing Iron wants for your anniversary is for you to go and use it. Not that Iron cares if you remember your anniversary.

2. Iron will never cheat on you.

1. Iron doesn't want a ring. It already knows you're committed.
Reasons Iron Is Similar To A GF

1. Iron is cold

2. Sometimes that bitch is just too heavy.

3. You have to wipe up after you're finished

4. Iron needs your attention many times per week or else you lose gains.

5. Iron is sexy without any clothes on.

I dunno, that's all I could think of.
Crank said:
Reasons Iron Is Similar To A GF

1. Iron is cold

2. Sometimes that bitch is just too heavy.

3. You have to wipe up after you're finished

4. Iron needs your attention many times per week or else you lose gains.

5. Iron is sexy without any clothes on.

I dunno, that's all I could think of.

6. When it comes down hard, you can get hurt.