anyone know about nandroplex?


New member
what do you guys know about this?

nandroplex 20ml 400mg/ml
100mg nandr. decanoate
100mg nandr.undecylenate
100mg nandr.cypionate
100mg nandr. phenylprop
It's norandrolone with 4 different esters, you could call it the sus of norandrolone, I think it's be a waste just like sus. You'll never have stable blood levels, cause the esters will be releasing the hormone at different times.
personally I am not a big fan of any steroid that contains prop or a short acting ester mixed with long acting esters. If you are only shooting up twice a week. Thats 200mgs a week of wasted prop imo. But to each his own. I am sure though if that stuff is real its gonna sell pretty well.