rear delts

that seems to be the best way to hit them although it does bring the rhomboid into it I think it's the best way I've found
watch Blood and Guts Dorian Yates has a weird way of hitting his rear delts-looks like shoulder shrugs only he's bent forward quite a ways
i get the rope attachment on the pulley about face level and pull back pullingthe rope apart most people call them facepulls if you concentrate you can feel it pretty good. and reverse pec decks are also one of my fave.
Gbart said:
i get the rope attachment on the pulley about face level and pull back pullingthe rope apart most people call them facepulls if you concentrate you can feel it pretty good. and reverse pec decks are also one of my fave.

im with gbart, thats my favorite rear delt exersice. I do that one all the time and it works wonders for me.
nothing. my rear delts grow fine w/o any direct work.

now if only legs, arms, and chest worked the same way.