Cramping up in the middle of the night sucks...


Man, I tell ya...

I did a nice cardio session post workout in the late morining. About 40 minutes then a cooldown. That day at work I was fine, I feel I replenished well but I guess not good enough.

You know how the usual cramp in the middle of the night is the calfs? Well this time I tell you, it was like my high, innermost hamstrings on both sides.

What sucked the most was not knowing how to properly stretch it immediately. It took a lot of trial and error, mostly error. It's pretty easy to flex your hamstrings without trying. When fully cramped, no good. Took about 30 minutes to get back to sleep.

Anyone else get any muscle group other than the calfs regularly? Even not regularly, EVER?
it does suck... every once in a while i get hit in the delt with one, it travels into my tricep and fucking kills

In the last year I have experienced the most agonizing intense cramps of my life (in quads, hams inner thighs etc) When I smoke legs, back etc I will wake up after about 2 hours and it is living HELL. I think Im going to die . I stay hydrated. I started using salt. I had a good break up until about 2 weeks ago and its on again. I was told it is androgen level. If any one has input please help!
I use glutimine, omegas but not everfescent AAs. So I think it is parabolan. The only 2 times I used it cramps came.
I occassionally get them in my hams to the point I want to die. I have woken up screaming, grabbing my hams, and breaking into a sweat. Taking some salt immediately a lot of time works to get rid of it. Unfortunately, most people don't keep a salt shaker handy.
it helps to lift your leg up and point your toes towards your leg while you are laying on your back. It stretches the hams and stops the cramping. I had that happen a couple of times pretty severly and it was one of the worst pains that I've experienced.
I have been getting mine in the calves...Left one in specific. I feel like my muscle is being torn off.
The calfs are bad. I remember the 1st time I got it I didn't know what to do, I just started punching it as hard as I could. It helped usually. Then I realized I needed to stretch it. The clafs are east to stretch, even when in bed. Just try to point your big toe to your mouth, lol.
Try this routine that I do for my definately eliminated the hamstrings cramps...THAT IS THE WORST PAIN I HAVE EVER FELT!!!!

Stand in a straddle position. While keeping your knees slightly bent and toes pointed outward, bend for from the WAIST bringing your hands towards the floor. Keep your back flat. Stretch until you feel tension in your hamstrings. Hold 15-20 seconds and repeat twice.

Same as above however, slowly bend from the waist bringing your chest to your left leg. Hold 15-20 seconds.

Same as above, however slowly bend from the waist bringing your chest to your right leg. Hold 15-20 seconds.

Sit up tall in a butterfly position. Press your knees toward the floor with your elbows. Stretch until you feel tension in the groin. Hold stretch for 15 seconds. Repeat twice.

Lie on your back. Slowly pull one knee to the chest while keeping the other leg slightly bent. Pull until you feel a good stretch. Hold 15 seconds and repeat twice.

LYING HAMSTRING STRETCH - (this stretch really isolates the hamstring)
While lying on your back, slowly raise one leg to a 90 degree angle while keeping the other leg slightly bent. Your raised leg should be as straight as possible. To intensify the stretch, flex your toes toward your head. You will feel a stretch in your calves. Hold stretch for 15-20 seconds and repeat twice.
*You may want to use a towel to intensify the stretch as well*

Sit in a straddled position (V-sit). Bend forward from the hips, keeping your back as straight as possible. Your parter will apply pressure slowly placing their hands on your lower-mid back. Bend as far as possible holding the stretch for 15-20 seconds. Repeat twice.

Lie on your back with both knees pulled to your chest. Your partner places their hands on the bottom of your feet and applies pressure downward towards your chest. Perform for 20 seconds and repeat.

Lie on the floor. While the left leg is straight, your partner will take your leg and raise it to a 90 degree angle keeping your raised leg as straight as possible. Stretch for 20 seconds. Relax...then raise leg again while you push against your parter. Relax and stretch again for 20 seconds. You will get a good stretch in the hamstring. Repeat with the other leg.

Lie on the floor with the soles of your feet together. Partner applies pressure to your knees downward. Stretch and repeat twice. You will feel the stretch in your groin area.