Cycling question


New member
I know you are supposed to cycle off and stay off for awhile before using again. My question is what happens if you don't? Some people at my gym and I were debating about whether or not cycling off was necessary. The guy in question was in about 12 weeks of a test. e. cycle and was wanting to start a more advanced cycle consisting of test. e. at 500mg/wk, EQ @ 600mg/wk, D-bol for the first 4 weeks, and IGF-1, but has never stopped doing the test. e. Will this cause harm to him or just limit the gains he makes?
ow long does he plan on staying on? ive done cycles by the year and never had any issues while on long and never had any issues when coming off eventualy, but now many years layer i want another baby with my wife and well were still trying so take that for whats its worth