Melting Point


New member
The best way too tell if the powder you have is genuine is by melting point.
For people with lots of money too spend you can buy a melting point apparatus (about 1000$) I can let you know where too buy one.
If your not into spending all that money all you need are a few items and a keen eye.

Here is a getho but simple way which works very well. I was able too figure out which products where which in an order of 5 unlabled 100g powder bag. NO JOKE

  • Capillary tubes ( Get the ones with a sealed end.
  • Thermometer which goes too 200deg C (ebay is the best place)
  • Large Test Tube (ebay) (make sure the opening is large enough too fit the themometer and capillary tube in at the same time)
  • Peanut oil or any vegtable oil (super market)
  • Propane torch (hardware supply)

Take a capillary tube and add a little powder in it by stabing it into the powder. Now tap the closed end of the tube on a hard surface, too compact the powder. There should be about 3 mm of nicely packed powder in the bottom on the capillary tube.
Fill a couple of them as you might want too re-do the experiment too get an accurate mp.

Use a thin metal wire and attach the capillary tube too the thermometer so both ends are flush.

Fill the test tube 2/3 of the way with peanut oil (the reason you don't fill it too the top is that oil expands when hot)

Now here is the tricky part. I have a stand too hold both. Basiclly you want too have the thermometer/capillary tube in the test tube/oil.
You can't have it touching the bottom or sides as this will reduce accuracy of the melting point. You want it is the middle.
I'm sure who ever attemps this will be crafty enough too figure it out.

Now heat the oil with the propane torch too get close too the melting point of the powder then stop and let the temp stabilize.
Then heat SLOWLY (IE: a degree / 30second)

Note the melting point and repeat at least 2 times. This is how you get a good melting point.
The powder should melt between the range of 1-2 degrees; 3 degrees might be acceptable if your technic is pour.

If you find that the powder melts over sevral (4-5) degrees even with SLOW heating your powder is most probably cut.

Any questions or improvments are welcome