American brand HGH


MuscleChemistry member
I think ELi Lilly is, but what others are out there, that are made in America?
no idea bro, never realy used hgh so i wouldnt know but ill bump this for ya
i didnt know that that brand was american or mabey there is overseas knockoffs, with two zz's pfizzer. the website is copy righted to united states so
Genotropin (Pfizer) / Humatrope (Eli Lilly) / Norditropin (NovoNordisk) / Nutropin, Protropin (Genentech) / Saizen, Serostim (Serono)...There may be some others, but I don't recall off the top of my head?!
Genotropin (Pfizer) / Humatrope (Eli Lilly) / Norditropin (NovoNordisk) / Nutropin, Protropin (Genentech) / Saizen, Serostim (Serono)...There may be some others, but I don't recall off the top of my head?!

thank you