Question for all of the experienced users...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Ok, I've never used HGH before, but certainly plan on it this summer. Now I've been reading a lot about it recently and just figured I'd ask you all a question. Out of all the different types, what's your personal preference? EXample, blue tops, green tops....

I haven't decided yet how I'm going to run it or what I'm going to use, but I'm just curious as to what you guys use
only have tried blues (hypothetically) and hypothetically I would run 2 a day 5 days a week ;)
what do u have access to bro, just the generic types in blue, black, green yellow, or do u have access to name brand as well?
I had great results with the blues and greens. I don't know that there is really that much difference between them as far as how I feel really though I know they're slightly different chemically.