Creation or Evolution, which side do you choose?


New member
I choose creation simply because it makes sense to me in a logical way. Evolution is a myth. No transitional fossils exist showing man from ape. The ones that did , the piltdown man , peking man and java man were all found to be hoaxes. So called scientists making stuff up and mixing things together. The piltdown man was a human skull with an orangutan jaw bone and chimpanzee teeth. Now this stood in a museum for 50 years before it was debunked as a fraud. One individual involved in this was also involved in acquiring the peking man. The peking mans whereabouts are unknown and disappeared. The Java man was proven to be a gibbon which is an ape. Science is filled with fraud and liars. Anyway which side do you choose and why?
Hate to break the news to all you religious folks. But there is no God, you've been lied to and when you die there is no Heaven. When you die the lights go out and you're worm food. Nothing more nothing less.

Have a nice day.

BTW the odds are way better that Aliens put us here than "God"... There is no omnipotent creature that knows all and can see all. Just like there is no Easter Bunny, Santa Clause or the Tooth Ferry.
Personally I find it hard to believe that elements spontaneously combined and formed consciousness. I'm an overly skeptical person, but that just doesn't have the slightest supporting fact to even put it in the running for me.
Hydrogen and oxygen combine all the time, but I've never had a glass of water tell me to back off
Personally I find it hard to believe that elements spontaneously combined and formed consciousness. I'm an overly skeptical person, but that just doesn't have the slightest supporting fact to even put it in the running for me.
Hydrogen and oxygen combine all the time, but I've never had a glass of water tell me to back off

Me either but I've also never seen some asshole rise from the dead and turn water into wine? Oh that hole parting of the Red Sea has me rethinking everything???
Hate to break the news to all you religious folks. But there is no God, you've been lied to and when you die there is no Heaven. When you die the lights go out and you're worm food. Nothing more nothing less.

Have a nice day.

BTW the odds are way better that Aliens put us here than "God"... There is no omnipotent creature that knows all and can see all. Just like there is no Easter Bunny, Santa Clause or the Tooth Ferry.

I believe in Creation! And if its Aliens we think of as GOD, then so be it,lol. Im down with the Ancient Astronaut Theory, however I firmly believe the lights just dont go out, theres more. The conservation of energy i believe states that ENERGY can not be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed from one thing to another, thats not debatable thats a simple fact, so with that being said i believe we ascend, transform or whatever ya want to call it. But No it is my OPINION that we are MUCH more then just worm food when we die and the lights only go out in this body, but our energy aka spirit moves on.
Creation, and I think Joe Rogan's theory is pretty fucking amazing. Is this a pick a fight thread? lol
Me either but I've also never seen some asshole rise from the dead and turn water into wine? Oh that hole parting of the Red Sea has me rethinking everything???

I think this is a first for me ever on a forum to say almost 15 years.

Ch3No2...I love ya man, I do, I love having you here, but this offends me. Please don't say such things...I for one am a very firm believer in God. It's very disrespectful to us who believe in him. I don't see eye to eye with your non belief, but I won't mock you or disrespect have your reasons. I hope one day you experience and understand. That is what it took for me. And I am as skeptical as they come. You will never know that God is all you need, until God is all that you have left.

With that being said and done, I won't hold your statement or beliefs against you ever :)
LOL..Presser is probably shaking his head right now.... For years MC, you were not allowed to post about politics or religion or you'd be banned. I like the ability to have the discussions. Everyone here always comes to terms with each other eventually even when we disagree...That wont happen on any other forum IMO.
I think this is a first for me ever on a forum to say almost 15 years.

Ch3No2...I love ya man, I do, I love having you here, but this offends me. Please don't say such things...I for one am a very firm believer in God. It's very disrespectful to us who believe in him. I don't see eye to eye with your non belief, but I won't mock you or disrespect have your reasons. I hope one day you experience and understand. That is what it took for me. And I am as skeptical as they come. You will never know that God is all you need, until God is all that you have left.

With that being said and done, I won't hold your statement or beliefs against you ever :)

Sorry brother but my right to free speech and your right to practice religion are protect by the same amendment to the constitution. I have every right in the world to speak my mind and and tell you how I feel. I do not get offended when or if you tell me you think I'm full of shit and God is real, so dont get offended when I think people that believe in some make believe mythical man in the sky is not real.

My right to free speech is sacred to me. I will not watch what I say, I will not however go out of my way to insult you. I'm not that kind of person. This thread was created to cause contraversy. I've seen this kind of thread pop up over the years from car forums, to gun forums and yes even here in bodybuilding forums. The OP was asking a question, I gave an answer. You just happened to not like it. For that I am not sorry.
I'll bite...i don't believe in the tooth fairy, easter bunny, santa claus, or even, yes, god. Religion is an awesome business model. Wish I thought of it. I would be a trillionaire. Scare people into giving you money or else you will be tortured for eternity. Unfortunately, we can't really show you any proof of what we are preaching out.

I believe that we are all animals on this rock. Not much different than the furry creatures running through the forests. Just more evolved and on top of the food chain. That is why I treat all creatures on this planet with the same level of care and respect that I give my neighbor.

Trap set, engage.
Sorry brother but my right to free speech and your right to practice religion are protect by the same amendment to the constitution. I have every right in the world to speak my mind and and tell you how I feel. I do not get offended when or if you tell me you think I'm full of shit and God is real, so dont get offended when I think people that believe in some make believe mythical man in the sky is not real.

My right to free speech is sacred to me. I will not watch what I say, I will not however go out of my way to insult you. I'm not that kind of person. This thread was created to cause contraversy. I've seen this kind of thread pop up over the years from car forums, to gun forums and yes even here in bodybuilding forums. The OP was asking a question, I gave an answer. You just happened to not like it. For that I am not sorry.

You aren't seeing what I am saying. Trust me, it is your right to free speech. I would never invade that. I get it, trust me I do. But it is disrespectful to me and the other's here who believe in God. I did not say you are full of shit or you are a dumb ass for not believing or anything negative. I simply said I don't agree...

I showed you a level of respect for which you deserve as a member and family here at MC. That is all. I don't mind you disagree with me one bit..but mocking the God that I worship is not respectful. I stand up for what I believe in. I want you to as well, but there is a level of decency in doing so.

Freedom of speech exists, agreed, but respect for the people you care about is different. I can tell my mother to fuck off..but I would never as I respect her. This is what I am saying.
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Wesley I hear you, but I am going to voice my opinion when asked. If it offends you then I suggest you get thicker skin. But like I said I will never go out of my way to piss you off.