SEX: Before or After Workouts??


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Should You Have Sex Before Or After A Workout?
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Should you have sex before or after workout? This is a million dollar question that is very often asked by people who are curious of body building. Most of the people who are involved in sports, body sculpting or other fitness program forms wonder whether having sex before working out may hinder the muscle mass performance or development. There has been a lot of locker room talk about this tissue but it does not help because there are myths and differing opinions which in some instances are not backed by facts.

The Controversy

There is some controversy that exists as to whether sex before or after sex increase, or decrease performance or has no effect. There are arguments both in support as well as against any of these propositions. While some people will say that you can do sex anytime you feel like and it does not matter whether it is before or after workout, others are of the opinion that it causes depletion of the testosterone levels and should be done in moderation. To understand the benefits as well as drawbacks before after workout, we should delve deeper in to human sex drive before we go further and analyze how it affects the performance of workout.

The Human Sex Drive

Sex is natural and the desire to have sex is also natural. Sex is largely an activity of the brain but there are hormones that influence and determine the desire as well as satisfaction of sex. Some other hormones control the reaching or orgasm and ejaculation. While animals have sex only for purposes of procreation, human beings do it for pleasure. Libido is the natural urge or desire to have sex.

A person with high libido is able to become sexually aroused, and to engage in sex as and when he needs to. The libido of a person is regulated by testosterone amounts which pulse through the blood stream. Low testosterone levels in males may cause lack of sexual desire. If the levels of these hormones in your body are high, you will think, dream, and engage in sex when you feel like (assuming that you have a female who is also ready to have sex).

How Does Sex Impact Your Workouts?

One of the greatest fears amongst athletes and body builders is that having sex before working out hinders performance. This fear is based on the belief that sex will decrease the levels of testosterone hormone. This belief makes many athletes to avoid sex for several weeks or days. The allegations that sex will cloud the mind, reduce the time of reaction, and effect the program of workout has been going on for quite sometime. However, recent studies have revealed that this allegation is simply a myth.

Findings From the Sports Science Study

One of the studies to determine how sex before or after workout may affect performance is the FSN Sports Science. This study was purposely conducted to conclusively determine whether or not sex actually decreased the levels of testosterone or had effect on workout programs. Sports Science producers sough the help of Chris Byrd, a heavyweight boxing champion who was asked to engage in sex for one full week. After that one week, his performance was tested. The levels of testosterone, strength of the legs, and punching power were also recorded. Byrd was then allowed to have as many sexual encounters with his wife as possible and requested to return for performance testing after sex.

Sex Before Workout May Improve Performance – The Study Reveals

According to the results, the cardio remained constant before and just after sex. Surprisingly, the strength of legs and punch power improved after sex. The levels of testosterone also increased by 20% after Byrd had engaged in sex. Based on the results and findings of this study, it can be concluded that the performance of an athlete may be enhanced be sex before workout. If you engage in sex before intense workout or other strenuous performance, you can increase the levels of testosterone hormone, and you can at least maintain the same performance or even do better.

Evaluating the Effects of Exercises on Sex

Based on the Sports Science study findings, sex before workout may actually increase the performance and muscle mass development because it causes increment of testosterone hormone levels. There is need to evaluate another important factor that many people want to know; what effect do exercises have on sex? Studies have showed that exercise can improve sex pleasure and power because of their effect of increasing flexibility, stamina and strength. The intense workouts will also keep you in good shape that members of the opposite sex desire in a sexual partner.

The Benefits of Sex Before Workout

Those who believe that sex before workout is beneficial puts the benefits as:

  • • Increased levels of testosterone hormone
  • • Increase in performance
  • • The general body strength may increase

The Drawbacks of Sex Before Workout

Although sex before workout has some benefits as it is argued by some people and based on the findings from the sport Science study, some men tend to feel physically weak while others may get week after ejaculation during sex. However, many men will regain full strength within one to two hours after the last ejaculation during sex. If you rush to the gym immediately after sex, you may feel physically

The Benefits of Sex After Workout

Those who believe that sex after workout is beneficial argue that:

  • • The pleasure of the sexual act will enable your body to heal faster and get raid of those aches and pains from the workout.

  • • Engaging in sex after workout causes sexual satisfaction and relaxation that enables one to reap the maximum benefits of workout.

The Drawbacks of Sex After Workout

Although sex after workout may beneficial to some extent, it has the drawback that it is a swift action that may cause sweating. The sweating may cause blockage of the skin pores and that may lead to development of other conditions such as acne breakouts.

I've tried both. Honestly I never seen a difference. Except after sex my thought process is slow. But my sets were the same pushed heavy weights. No difference in performance. And honestly on leg day, sex helps warm the legs up. No need to hit the bike or stair mill. For warm up.
Me and my wife was talking about this last week before I went to the gym. I told her if I had sex before my workout that I would release old testosterone and produce new testosterone when I was at the gym working out. And she fell for it. Lol
I read that having sex lowers your test levels afterwards. I don't think it matters unless you are working out right after sex and you are relying on natural test and gh levels and are not on gear.
Me and my wife was talking about this last week before I went to the gym. I told her if I had sex before my workout that I would release old testosterone and produce new testosterone when I was at the gym working out. And she fell for it. Lol

I tell my wife my semen is synergistic with her anavar and is great for skin and body fat reduction.
before and after expect on leg day...i cant fuk on leg day...i gaurentee i get crazy cramps..ive not had sex on leg day for years..unless its 7am..then fuk yeah..