Half and full body workouts???


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Alright guys, so I like to cycle my workouts as well as everything else
I am currently doing a weight cutting lifestyle as far as diet,workout, and gear go so I have been doing a lot of half bodies to let everything chill while I shed some water and fat
Splits have usually been
Chest 4 sets 15 reps
Back 3 sets of 12
Shoulders 3 sets 15; 1 set 25
Bi's 4 sets of 10
Tris 4 sets of 10
Calves 3 sets of 10 (feet straight, in , out)
Sled press 6 sets of 15 with 6 sets of calf raises (calves right after press)
I will usually do another chest and back or will do a little circuit in the middle like bi's tri's bi's (for exhaustion and mental push)

Anyone have any good splits? With specific exercise performed?
Best advice you'll ever get.

If you are On cycle, do an Upper/Lower or Push/Pull/Legs split

If you are not on cycle, do a full body workout 3 times a week, coupled with cardoi on your off days.

Splits were invented for steroid use, it's just plain and simple fact. If you are off cycle, doing splits is honestly a waste of time, physiologically. You can do whatever you want, but if you're honestly wanting to make progress and treat your body right, then this advice is golden.

So there is the answer to your question. Feel free to ask me anything if you have further questions.

btw i'm not just some broscience guy. I have a degree in this, and I understand the physiological response to exercise and the requirements for muscle hypertrophy on and off cycle.
I'm about to switch to a push pull split myself the shit has jumped on me hard and I need more hits.
If on gear, its a great decision. Your body can take much more on gear, and you can push yourself a lot on an upper/lower or push/pull/legs routine.
Thanks, yeah that's why I do it exactly that way when on or off. Plus it's a chance to lose weight, and give your heart a break too. No matter if the weight is muscle or fat, being heavier then you are supposed to be is taxing on your heart, not always shown in B/P or Pulse, but if you get a Cardiac Cath it reveals all